Diamond Light World Newsletter
  September 2009
Dear valued subscriber
Welcome to all the new newsletter subscribers this month! 
As  I have been clearing up the various subscriber mailing lists this month, it may happen that a couple of mails have slipped through the 'net' so to speak.  If you have received this message in error, please accept our apologies and simply use the safe unsubscribe link at the end if this newsletter. You will not then receive any further emails from us.

I don't know about all of you out there, but it seems to me as if the energies around at the moment are almost forcing change at a very rapid rate - both personal and collective. Many people I have spoken with have been through some pretty intense upheaval in one way or another over the past few weeks following on from the series of eclipses and the solstice through June-August.
It is almost as if we are being pushed into making the necessary changes in our lives that will bring us into a new space that is ultimately serving our growth and evolution. The intensity of the feeling is such that my Diamond Light Code transmission (for paying up subscribers only) for September was created with the theme of "Courage"-  a word that has been repeating in my head since late August. It seems as if the only constant at the moment is change, and massive changes are needed to bring a completely fresh perspective into our world. As with everything, this begins first with us as individuals!
Courage is required to face our fears, make the necessary changes and to do the right things - and that is not always easy. With so much of the collective shadow churning up, fear is constantly staring us in the face, so the more we can do to transmute this and shift our own vibration, the better (see the free e-book available this month in the promotion section, which is invaluable for assisting to transmute fear).
One of the interesting things I have come across over the past 2 months is the number of women who have experienced a change in their menstrual cycles - many of whom have been drawn into stronger alignment with the moon phases. There is also a group of women I am ware of who experienced an amazing spontaneous synchronisation with each other while away on holiday. This was a reasonably large group of 10 women and all experienced a cycle shift and mentsrual onset within 2 days of being with each other (this was around 12 August). I, myself experienced a powerful shift and alignment at the full moon in August when my cycle was pulled forward by 8 days.
We hear about these things happening when women are in each other's company, but up until now that synchronisation has taken more than a few months to establish itself - what is happening now is different, and certainly more instantaneous. Almost 90% of the women across all ages (and pre-menopausal), that I have spoken to over the past 2 months have indicated that they have been through a change of some sort in their monthly cycles.
My feeling about this and so many of the things that are happening both to us and around us at the moment, is that we are almost being 'phase shifted' or re-tuned into stronger alignment with the planetary and cosmic cycles as we become more integrated as part of the greater whole. We are experiencing a change in the cosmic cycle as the evolutionary process accelerates and this is happening both energetically and very definitely physically. The menstrual cycles are a very obvious external indicator of a much deeper pulse of energetic change that is sweeping through the very fabric of our being.
We have received a great deal of information this year about the harmonisation of masculine and feminine energies and the awakening of the sacred heart. As the divine feminine moves back into her own power, she needs to hold the creative visions of our emerging new world whilst engaging the strength, spiritualization and action of the divine masculine in helping to bring it about.
We hold the balance of the planet in our hands - each and every one of us. It's up to us to transmute our own fear and anger as we recognise it and bring our own centre back into balance. It is an ongoing cycle. Recognise, transmute and hold the balance.

Our full newsletter is online this month, and we have a number of feature articles, give-aways and special promotions for you, including :
1. Betting on an Invisible Future
2. Project Camelot and an interview with James from Wingmakers
3. The Conscious Living Festival
4. Ryan's Song
5. Freedom From Fear (and a fabulous free e-book!)
6. Recommended Reading and Viewing 
To view the complete newsletter, please click on the link below :
Happy reading! 
Wishing you a month filled with courage, strength, transformation, balance and support from unexpected places!
Love and diamond blessings

Goloden Grid backgroundA Free Gift from Diamond Light World for Newsletter Subscribers

I have a special gift for all new subscribers of a free mp3 download to assist with a basic diamond balancing alignment. As a thank you to all existing subscribers for your ongoing support, I'd like to offer you the same gift via the link below : 
 This mp3 is actually a short 10 minute initial exercise as part of the Call to Presence home study program and is the first stepping stone in becoming familiar with the diamond energy field - many people have experienced profound responses from this audio alone.
Enjoy and may it assist in maintaining balance!

Don't forget to pick up your free e-book for transforming fear which is available online :