Updated Special Event Announcement for Tuesday  June 29th 2010

  Friends of North Village Library
Invite You
To Hear
 Guest Speaker Pam Ferguson

North Shoal Creek Neighbor
Please Note Updated Time
Come Celebrate Pam Ferguson's 10th Publication Release!
Friends of North Shoal Creek
 Friends of North Village Branch Library

Sorry for any confusion!  Correction to time: 5:00-8:00pm

I hope that you can join the Friends of North Village Library for a special date that we have all been looking forward to.  Meet our Kerrybrook neighbor Pam Ferguson, as we celebrate the June 22nd release of her 10th publication by Random House, Sunshine Picklelime.

She will be the featured guest speaker and will provide an enlightening evening.   Whether you aspire to write or ilustrate children's books or other genre's, or if you would just like to meet this  marvelous neighbor and world traveler,  she will talk about her experiences and provide practical advice on getting published.

Pam Ferguson's 10th book Sunshine Picklelime  published by Random House in June 2010, is prophetic.

Main character and bird whisperer PJ Picklelime hides a lost yellow warbler in her wildly bushy curls until an oil spill off a local beach prompts her to crop those curls when a rallying cry goes out  for hair to fill mop-up booms - as in the recent  call by San Francisco based organization Matter of Trust for hair to be sent to Gulf warehouses. Pam is using the launch to promote www.MatterofTrust.org's community activism.

Stop by for refreshments and Congratulate Pam!!

See you there!
Friends of North Shoal Creek

Friends of North Village Library

Coming Events
June 29th  North Village Library
located at 2505 Steck
Correction:    5:00pm-8:00pm
Guest Speaker for Friends of NVL

July 1 -  Reading and Book Signing at BookWoman 5501 N Lamar at 7 pm

Aug 15 - Reading and Book Signing at BookPeople  603 N. Lamar at 2 pm

Matters of Trust.Org

Hair Booms!
New Orleans - Lisa Gautier, President of Matter of Trust holding hair/fur/fleece boom with orange mesh
ALABAMA - Gooey sticky oil on boom
Contact Us
Friends of North Village Library
Tomas Rodriguez, Founder
AUSTIN, Texas 78757
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Friends of North Shoal Creek
Mary Arnett
AUSTIN, Texas 78757
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