Established in 1981                                                                                SPRING   2 0 0 9
> Tips to Reduce Your Cat's Carbon Pawprint
> Weight Control for Cats
> Chattering Behavior
> Latest on Topical Flea/Parasite Control

Earth Day sidebar

Look for Earth Day signs on selected items in our store and enjoy special discounts on: World's Best and Swheat Scoop cat litters, selected cardboard scratchers, a variety of toys made from recycled and natural materials, organic catnip and more.

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MaxMobile 3rd
Saturday of Every Month

Seattle Humane Society's mobile adoption unit, the MaxMobile, is in our parking lot on the third Saturday of every month filled with cats needing loving homes. It's a great way to view several cats at once. To view dates and times >>

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Retail Products

Pets and the Planet: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Pet CarePets Planet
by Carol Frischmann, (Wiley Publishing 2009) This book gives you information to help you understand & contemplate sustainability as a pet owner and provides options for making educated choices for your pets and the environment. ($16.99)  less 15% off 4/22-4/30.

Tiki Cat canned foods  are made from the highest quality human grade ingredients with no by products. These brightly colored cans contain
Tiki Cat
recognizable ingredients such as ahi tuna, calamari, miniature tiger prawns, and sardines. Not sure which flavor to sample first? Try the convenient sampler variety pack - ($10.20 per pack of 12), also sold in individual cans ($.85ea).

Scratch Lounge Once your cats have experienced this fun item, they will run to it for their Scratch Loungescratching needs! The unique comforting (and furniture-saving!) design  makes it a scratcher and bed all in one. It will last 100 times longer than other similar scratchers and is made of 100% recycled material. Not actual new, but a very popular, eco-friendly item. ($24.95) less 20% off 4/22-4/30.

Cats Exclusive Reusable Chico Bags
 Chico Bag  are now available next to our check-out desk in both purple and green. Made out of durable and washable polyester, these reusable bags, will hold up to 25 lbs. and fold up into cute little integrated stuff sacks with a hook - making them oooh so handy. ($5.99 ea.) less 20% off 4/22-4/30.

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Cats Exclusive is a proud community sponsor of
Saturday, May 2
Shoreline Center
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Show off your favorite furry family member, enter their photo contest, or just go and enjoy the festivities.
All proceeds benefit the Purrfect Pals cat shelter in Arlington.
For more info >>

There are few things more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.

                 - Tay Hohoff    
Dennis Wackerbarth, DVM, Medical Director
Faythe Vaughan, DVM
Christine Wilford, DVM
Sarah Brandon, DVM
Kate Schubert,  DVM
Richard Lester, DVM
Jennifer Fligiel, DVM
Rob Echentile, DVM
Lora Schuldt, DVM

Earth Day
Tips to Reduce Your Cat's Carbon Pawprint
Most of us are looking for ways to do the "green thing" and save our planet. There are things we can do to help our feline friends become better environmental stewards. Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 by taking an audit of your cat's use of resources, and make whatever improvements you can. 

> Use eco-friendly litter if possible.
Natural products made from corn, wheat, recycled paper, or pine, are the best environmental choice. The issue with most clay-based litter is that the clay must be strip-mined from the ground, which is problematic for the environment. But, if your cat won't use anything but clay litter, (as many won't), you can still help the cause by wrapping litter in newspaper instead of plastic when you dispose of it, since plastic bags don't break down and keep anything inside them from decomposing. 

> Give your cat all-natural toys. There are lots of eco-friendly cat toys available today with parts made out of sisal, corrugated cardboard, wicker, wool, hemp, feathers, etc. You can also make your own cat toys out of old socks, cardboard boxes, crumbled pieces of newspaper, or recycled grocery bags.

> Use natural home and garden products. Remember, what is best for you is also best for pets. Toxic ingredients and harsh chemicals are dangerous for pets and harmful to the environment.
To view information on pets and pesticides >>

> Consider feeding your cat food and treats made with natural or organic ingredients. But beware, many of the so-called "natural" and "organic" feline diets on the market contain ingredients like blueberries, beets, and yams, that do not provide any nutritional value for cats and in some cases can even be harmful. As carnivores (meat eaters) cats lack the enzymes to process non-meat ingredients. For organic fans we have expanded our Paul Newmans Own Organics and By Nature Organic canned foods to include more flavors.

> Bring in your own reusable bags to reduce waste for transporting medications or supplies. Invest in one of Cats Exclusive's new sturdy Chico Bags and keep one handy in your purse or hooked on to your cat's carrier for doctor visits. Of course, any other reusable bags will work too.

> Join our email list for eventual paperless vaccination reminders (if you haven't already). If you received this email directly you are. If not, email us at [email protected] and enter add to email  in the subject line.
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Cats Exclusive becomes  
An EnviroStar
We are excited to announce we were recently awarded Envirostar certification by King County's Hazardous Waste Management program. Last month, we received 4 star status and are likely to achieve 5 stars by the end of the summer - the highest status possible. We also became certified with Shoreline's Green Business Program. For more about Cats Exclusive's enviromental practices >>
 Pictured: Dr. Dennis  Wackerbarth (left) accepting certification plaque from Emmanuel Rivera (right)
representing King County's Hazardous Waste Management program.

Weight Control for Cats

Being overweight is a serious problem that affects as many as 60% of adult cats. Overweight cats risk diabetes, liver disease, joint, and skin problems. Obesity may complicate constipation, urinary tract disease and inflammatory disorders. If your cat is plump, we recommend an exam to rule out other health problems, so we can design a personal weight loss program.

How can I tell if my cat is too heavy? We use body condition scores to answer this question. The key points to see:

> Ribs are easy to feel but not see.

> A "waist" behind the ribcage, when seen from above.

> A "tuck" in the belly, seen from the side.

Purina Graphic
Why do cats become overweight?  The simple answer is that chubby cats eat too many calories, but why does this happen?

> Wild cats usually hunt several times during a day, eating small meals, but our cats often eat high calorie, high-carbohydrate, dry food "free choice." Free feeding dry food is the leading cause of overweight cats.

> Food-seeking, begging behavior is normal predatory/social behavior that doesn't necessarily mean the cat is truly hungry or needs food.

> Many cats  especially overweight ones are too sedentary. Also, indoor only cats are safe and comfy, but don't burn calories hunting, protecting territory or staying warm.

> Aging and being spayed or neutered slow metabolism.

What is the best way to feed overweight cats? Once your veterinarian has determined that your cat has no other health concerns, they will use a formula to calculate the number of calories your cat needs. Ideally this will be:

> Several meals each day in carefully measured amounts.

> Canned food, high in protein, restricted carbohydrates and fat.

How will I know my cat is losing weight safely? We will check your cat's weight every two weeks to measure weight loss, usually 1-2% of body weight per week. Weight checks are extremely important!

What other things will help my cat lose weight?

> A stimulating environment, with perches, scratching opportunities, and toys.

> Many human interactions in addition to feeding: playing, games, grooming.

> This website has some great suggestion.s for enriching your cat's environment: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/indoorcat.htm

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Indoor Chattering: Why do cats do that?

Cat in grass
Your beloved and domesticated, feline friend peers around the corner of the room, eyes dilated focusing on some distant object. You look over your shoulder trying to figure out what she's stalking. She goes into stealth mode and belly crawls across the floor to the bottom of the window. She puts her paws up on the sill, ever so slowly. Next comes her head, ears flat, showing just her eyes to the world outside. She makes the slowest, most complicated jump onto a seemingly inch wide piece of wood you have ever witnessed, then sits completely still. You finally see what she has found: a group of unsuspecting pigeons. The great huntress opens her mouth...and chatters?

Why do cats do that? Simply put, s/he is frustrated! She is unable to inflict her legendary feline pounce and deliver the meal to your doorstep for safe keeping. Does this mean that she would rather be outside enjoying her meal? Not necessarily. Most cats live longer and happier lives inside the safe confines of our homes. So, supply him or her with plenty of toys at night and windows for practicing hunting skills during the day, and sit back and enjoy the prowess!

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Latest on Topical Flea/Parasite Control

It's springtime and your indoor/outdoor cat may be venturing outside to enjoy some sunshine. So which product is best at controlling the parasites that might hitch a ride on your cat and ruin an otherwise fun-filled outing?

The common parasites that cats get in Washington State include fleas, tapeworms and roundworms. Fleas love shady, cool areas that cats like to frequent when the sun gets too hot. Many of us see the after-effects of a flea infestation but not the actual fleas on our cat(s). This is because cats are the world's best flea killers and often ingest fleas before we see them. Unfortunately, that makes them vulnerable to tapeworms (rice-like intestinal parasites) that are carried by fleas. Another parasite, roundworms, are carried by rodents, rabbits, and squirrels and are ingested during hunting.
Luckily, the best treatment for fleas and parasites is prevention. At Cats Exclusive, we recommend monthly topical application of REVOLUTION for all cats who go outside or live with a canine family member that does.

Unlike other products, Revolution protects against most flea stages and eliminates roundworms. And if we keep the fleas off, tapeworms are not going to be a problem. Revolution requires a veterinarian's prescription - but if your cat has been in to see one of our doctors within the past 12 months, you do not need an additional office visit to get one.

To view our fact sheet explaining why we prefer Revolution over Advantage for topical flea/parasite control >>

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19203 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133
(206) 546-CATS (2287)