The Vine

A monthly publication of All Pilgrims Christian Church - Seattle, WA 

August, 2011 
In This Issue
End of Summer?
Remembering Bob Brock
General Assembly Report
News from Community Lunch

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Sunday Schedule: 

10:30 AM - Worship

11:45 AM - Fellowship

  500 Broadway E

 Seattle, WA 98102


 Mailing Address:
 509 10th Ave E

Seattle, WA 98102



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Our Vision

We are a welcoming people, following Christ's example by journeying to:


...encounter the Holy, faithfully,

...and do justice.

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Greetings from Rev. Greg Turk


As August arrives, I find myself looking to and beyond September.  While August is a time to run outside and keep on going until you hit ocean, empty on the gas gauge (or bank account), or tire of hiking mountain terrain or the full social calendar, September is the time when we, like salmon, make our way back.  While they swim up the rivers they were born in, we return to swim the currents of the school year and work and whatever else as Fall nears.  Three others in my household (2 students and a teacher who don't allow the "sch" word yet) remind me, "Not too quick with that Summer Relaxtalk," as we are in the thick of summer in Seattle.  Days of sunshine cross the board of the five-day forecast.  The deep greens and blue of trees and plants and water, complimented with the white of snow on surrounding mountains, all while being warmed by the sun.  August is a time to enjoy and not look too far ahead.  Just be and soak it in.


However... I'm not having success in doing that.  I'm trying, but looking forward to September at All Pilgrims is too exciting to not flip to the coming chapter and see what is ahead.  Here are a few things.

  • September is a time when we enjoy a Sunday Homecoming at All Pilgrims, and, like salmon, we all return from our summer activity.  This September, Homecoming is Sunday, September 11th.
  •  In September we'll have another New Member Sunday as there is a group of folks preparing to join.  This comes on the heels of our Spring New Member Sunday, where we enjoyed welcoming 15 new members!
  • We'll have a baptism Sunday with at least one baptism and an opportunity to revisit our own.

Planning for these activities - the swell of folks at worship, new members, baptism, as well as all the new visitors that will be with us, we find a continuing momentum and growth that expands our life, mission and impact.  God is doing great things and we are caught up in the middle of it.


While enjoying time in the sun, time to rest and relax, I invite you to join in a couple of simple activities.


1. Consider the movement that is afoot at All Pilgrims and how essential you are to it as God joins us on this journey to do and be of great and meaningful ministry.


2. Consider the world needs All Pilgrims to grow in vision, spiritual life, impact and number, that we may provide what God is doing to even more people.


3. Consider the joy and purpose that comes from our being co-partners in this expanding, transformative effort.


4. Let us return this September with our own excitement and commitment that claims, "God ofHands Raised heaven and earth, I'm in!"


To our journey in Christ,



Remembering Bob Brock 

August 16, 1931 - June 20, 2011 


Bob Brock, retired Regional Minister for the Northwest Regional Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) died under the loving care of his family and staff at Providence Mt. St. Vincent in West Seattle.

He was the son of Edgar and Echo Brock of Salem, Oregon and married for 60 years to his loving and devoted wife, Berlena Dougherty of Baker, Oregon.  He's survived by four children, Beverly (Paul) Fletcher, Stephen Brock, Thomas (Maryse) Brock, Timothy (Cecilia) Brock, and six grandchildren: Brian and Katy Anderson, Parker Brock, Hannah Madans, and Angelique and Aaron Brock.  A sister, Florence Wolfe, resides in Sun City, California.


Bob served churches in Oregon, Idaho, Indiana and Ohio before being called to First Christian Church on Broadway in Seattle in 1972.  Beginning in 1979, he served 17 years as Regional Minister to Disciple churches in Washington, Northern Idaho and Alaska until his retirement in 1996.  In addition, Bob was active in the ecumenical movement and a witness for peace and social justice throughout his ministry.

Family members held a private graveside service at Forest Lawn in West Seattle on June 28, 2011.  A public memorial celebrating Bob's life will take place August 20, 2011 at 12 noon at All Pilgrims Christian Church, 500 Broadway E., Seattle, with a reception following.  Remembrances may be made to the Robert Brock Scholarship Fund at Northwest Christian University, 828 E. 11th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97401 or to All Pilgrims Christian Church, 509 10th Ave. E., Seattle, Washington 98102 in memory of Robert Brock.

Please sign the family's guestbook at



A note from Berlena...

"Thank you to all who have expressed concern, thoughts and prayers through my husband's 6 year journey with Alzheimers.  Your cards, calls, contributions and hugs have been so helpful to me these past days after his passing the day after Father's Day.  You, as my Church family, are invited to join my own family Saturday, August 20 at 12:00 noon, to celebrate his life with a reception following."


Report from General Sharon Nichols

Justin Umbright and I attended the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Assembly, July 9th - 13th in Nashville, Tennessee.  Yes, it was over 100 degrees some of that time, but that was outside.  Inside the Convention Center it felt like it was over 40 degrees cooler!  I guess it was because the building managers were protecting the people on the stage who were under very hot, bright lights.  For the rest of us 6,000, we chilled.  During breaks, we rushed outside to thaw out.


Seriously, despite the temperatures sometimes being a problem, the atmosphere of the meetings was remarkably calm, even when people spoke passionately.  We did not vote on divisive issues, but instead heard peoples' stories and did role playing to

General Assembly

Rev. Sandy Messick

(DOC NW Regional Minister),

Rev. Nina Merkle Nestlerode

(former Interim Pastor at APCC), Justin Umbright,

STM Dean Mark Markuly

learn more about the complexity relating to "war and peace" and "immigration" issues.  The leadership had us all pray together and learn from each other so we would be better informed and not so ready to shout at others whom we loved.


An exciting luncheon that Justin and I attended was sponsored by the Disciples Seminary Foundation (DSF).  During the presentations of the meal, they announced that in addition to Claremont and Pacific Schools of Religon, now School of Theology and Ministry (STM) has been added to the DSF family.  Being a part of DSF means that in the future, Disciples of Christ seminirians who attend STM are eligible to receive a 40% tuition scholarship through DSF.  We were so pleased to celebrate this occasion with the STM Dean Mark Markuly as well

General Assembly

Sharon Nichols, Pastor Nina, Justin Umbright,

STM Dean Mark Markuly, Pastor Glenn Nestlerode

as our Northwest Regional Minister Rev. Sandy Messick, and All Pilgrims Christian Church former Interim Pastor, Rev. Nina Merkle Nestlerode and her partner, Rev. Glenn Nestlerode.  Not pictured but definitely present and supportive was Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt (retired Northwest DOC minister).  Marvin represented many of the DOC and UCC ministers and lay people who spent a great deal of time and effort helping shape the MDiv curriculum at STM.


Justin and I would like to thank All Pilgrims Christian Church for supporting our seminary experience and providing resources for us to attend the DOC General Assembly.



Sharon Nichols


News from Community Lunch on Capitol Hill

The number of guests at the Community Supper continues to grow, now averaging over 100 at each meal, including volunteers.  We served five suppers in June, and four in July and the food was excellent!  Thanks to Dave Anstine for setting up a great rotation of cooks in the kitchen, and to Bob Eschenbach for working so hard organizing all the volunteers.  We can always use more help, so if you would like to volunteer contact Bob at


Community Lunch has received a grant from the Seattle's Human Services Department to implement a computer-based benefits program for guests.  When we start the program this fall, guests at both the lunches and the supper will be able to go online with the help of our staff to make sure they are receiving all appropriate benefits such as food stamps and general assistance.  In the past this has been a very complicated, multi-step process and we believe this will greatly help our guests by simplifying the procedure.


 Community Lunch Logo


SAVE THE DATE!Our annual Fall Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, November 6th at 5pm at All Pilgrim Christian Church.  The event is free, and features live jazz piano by Nick Allison, a great meal, wine and a dessert dash. Join us for the fun as we honor all our great volunteers.


Please take a minute to complete a brief survey about our recent fundraisers.  Follow the link at to help make them even better, even if you did not attend.

All Pilgrims Christian Church

 500 Broadway East 
 Seattle, WA 98102
