Miss You
August, 2010 
A Monthly Publication of All Pilgrims Christian Church
In This Issue
So Much Happening!
Council Retreat
Men's Prayer Group
Events, Events, Events!
Thank You, Opal!
 HomecomingHomecoming Sunday is September 19 with Worship at 10:30 AM.  Homecoming


Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend as we kickoff another year with many new events and opportunities.

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All Are Welcome!

Miss You 

Sunday Schedule: 

 10:30 AM

11:45 AM
Coffee Hour


500 Broadway East
Seattle, WA 98102


Miss You


  All Pilgrims' Call


Hearkening to Christ's example, we confirm this to be our call:

To be a center of hope,

  A community of joy and gladness,
A family of high compassion,

And a home for healing and growth.


- All Pilgrims'
Ancient Ritual
Ancient steps for today: Evening prayer group, meeting on Wednesdays, begins on August 11 at 6:30 PM.  All are welcome!
 Prayer Group
Quick Links
Guest Preacher
We will welcome a guest preacher on Sunday, August 8th.  Brandon Gilvin will join us from Disciples Week of Compassion.
To learn more about Brandon, you can read his bio here.
College of Spirituality
Fall Quarter offerings include:
  • The Book of Acts
  • Christian Spirituality and Prayer
  • Introduction to All Pilgrims 

College of Spirituality

(see article for more information) 

Vera Hess, a long time church member of First Christian Church passed away on July 21st.


She has missed church these past 8+ years and couldn't attend since being in an adult family home.


Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.

August, 2010

So much is happening at All Pilgrims.  In this issue of The Vine, you'll read about Prayer Group opportunities, the Men's Group Ministry, Homecoming Sunday, our annual All Church Picnic, an upcoming workshop on job searching, and...the newly formed College of Spirituality.
 Miss You 
There are a great many wonderful things happening at All Pilgrims, and there is more soon to come.  Responding to the congregation's call to be a place of deep spiritual formation, as well as responding to the deep stirrings within people who are calling for connecting points to intentionally further their spiritual growth, new opportunities are on the rise. 


1. Men's Morning Prayer: As of last Monday, a Men's Morning Prayer Group is gathering at the church to pray together and support one another.  These gatherings are Mondays at 6:30 am in the Weld Room.  Michael Small is the convener and contact.  Please read more about this group, here.  


2.PGroup Evening Prayer Group:  An evening prayer group is to meet on Wednesday evenings at the church, beginning August 11 at 6:30 pm.  This gathering will be consistent in form, drawing from different traditions and Water Dropstyles to provide a centering and listening environment while also making room for sharing, support and expression.  All are welcome. 


3. Covenanting to Journey Together:  At my Installation, we participated in signing an All Pilgrim's Covenant.  Covenantal language is common in the Hebrew Bible.  In ancient Hebrew there was a clear understanding and distinction between contract language and covenantal language.  Contracts imply that if I do this, then you will do that.  If I pay rent, then, and only then, you will permit a month stay.  No rent, contract broken, no stay. The relationship is over until another contract is established.Journeying  God chooses to covenant, not contract with the Hebrew people.  They pay rent, then they don't, and God still provides place.  Covenant is a commitment to one another beyond "If - then's."  Our covenanting as faithful and imperfect people permits us, on a yearly basis, to commit to God and one another on our journey.  The Covenant will be presented a couple of times in September, including Homecoming Sunday, for us to join our names.


4. College of Spirituality:College  With all of the depth and wisdom among us, along with all the heartfelt seeking of the Holy and spiritual growth, wouldn't it be great to bring it all together in a welcoming, nourishing, educational environment? 


Beginning in September, All Pilgrims will provide a deep learning environment to explore and experience next steps on our journey.  The name "College" is less about credits and diplomas and more about shaping a structure and rhythm.  On a quarterly basis, courses, classes and other Arches with Waterofferings will occur - Fall, Advent, Lent/Easter, and Pentecost.  Within each quarter offerings will typically be six to eight weeks long.  Some will be offered during evenings while others will be on Sunday morning.  The intent is to have a consistent set of diverse offerings, in content and scheduling, with limited life spans, so people may engage in deep and varied experiences of learning and spiritual practice.


The Fall Quarter offerings are:


A. The Book of Acts - Act 2: Clark Wills, leader.  The second of three studies of the book of Acts.


B. Christian Spirituality and Prayer: Justin Umbright, leader.  For over the past two thousand years, the Christian Community has engaged in various spiritual prayer practices in order to commune with the ever-present God.  This class will begin to explore some important people who have influenced Christian tradition, and we will begin to develop our own spiritual prayer practices to use in our daily lives.  This will be achieved through weekly at-home readings, weekly meditation, discussions and experiential prayer exercises.

C. Joining in the Journey - Introduction to All Pilgrims: Greg Turk, leader.
Please watch for more specific information, announcing days, times, and registration opportunities.


Intentionally stepping to weekly worship, daily prayer, Scripture and sacred reading provides us with a rhythm of openness to the Spirit that furthers our spiritual journey and all it rewards.  Let us connect in this way!
Miss YouCouncil Retreat, August 20-21 

In 2009, we began a practice of intentional spiritual care and community building among members of the Coordinating Council.  Part of that practice was a retreat that allowed us to worship together, tell our stories and forge bonds of brother and sisterhood that supported our work together.  In 2010, our new officers and committee chairs will continue this practice in preparation for the year ahead. 


Our plan is to meet Aug. 20 and 21 at the Whidbey Institute to listen to each other and to God for wisdom and direction that will shape our priorities and actions.  Whidbey Institute offers a relaxed setting with comfortable meeting space in a turn-of-the-century farmhouse, a labyrinth, a chapel and beautiful grounds.


We ask the congregation to pray for members of the Council leading up to and during the retreat, that we might be guided and renewed by the Spirit, and prepared for  effective service and stewardship.


Kathleen Hosfeld, Moderator

Men's GroupMPrayerThere has been a lot of talk about having a men's group or a men's ministry at our church.  Men are often actively looking to connect themselves to God and peers in a Men's Ministry.  Sometimes these connections can be difficult for men to make; the reason I find for this is that many men deal with some sort of isolation, e.g. - from work, home or family.  It is common in our society that women have more close friends than men.  While women may have six close friends, the average man has one whom he can tell everything to, if that.  This is one of the major reasons men die sooner, commit suicide at four times the rate of women, become depressed, or suffer illness and are more likely to turn to substance abuse versus women living in the same situation.
So the questions arise: How do we respond to this need with the ministry of Jesus?  Can a Men's Ministry enable a man to better understand his calling in life and how to achieve it?  Can a Men's Ministry challenge a man to grow deeper in intellect, emotion, and spirit?  The answer to this question is a resounding YES!  Because we know one thing for sure -- God will use the heart and life of anyone who chooses to make themself available, to help others heal as we help ourselves.  The Bible says, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."; this is the great commission spoken by Jesus Himself.  Such discipleship includes a path to self-care and healing as we seek to be transformers of the world.
This is why I believe starting a men's group is so important.  This church added value into my life and I know it adds value to many people that walk through our doors, so lets share it! - Not just on Sunday! Let us be Christ's example and share what our church has to offer.
When?- Monday mornings at 6:30 am
What? - Coffee, donuts, fellowship and prayer
Where? - All Pilgrims' Kitchen and Weld Room
Contact Michael Small for questions - 206-909-2490
All Church Picnic - August 15
It's that time of year again!  Last year's church picnic was a complete success and the response was so great both fromMiss You our congregation and the people on the street that we need to do it again; Sunday, August 15 after Worship.
The Picnic will be out on the front lawn of the church, unless (shhhhhh) it rains. We will then move the festivities into Stuart Hal.  The Kitchen will be open and the stove and oven on, so you can keep things warm during service.
This is a potluck event so please bring the following, according to the first letter of your last name.
A-K: Salad
L-O: Main Dish
P-Z: Dessert
Please remember that everyone is invited, even if you aren't able to or forget to bring your food.
Those who want to bring portable BBQs are encouraged. 
Any questions, please contact Michael Small by email or phone
: 206-909-2490.  
Two Free Public Concerts - Cornucopia Band
APCC member, Al Rustad's Cornucopia Concert Band will Miss Yoube giving two free concerts, open to the public.
  • Sunday, August st, 7-8:30 PM at Mercerdale Park, Mercer Island
  • Thursday, August 12th, 6:30-8:00 PM at Madison Park, Seattle.  At the end of Madison Street, by LakeWashington.
APCC regular, Michael Beach will be singing at the August 1st concert.
Marilyn McAdoo, soprano soloist at Trinity Parish Episcopal church, will sing at both concerts.
Charting Your Course Through the Job Search Sea
Need to find a job?  Need to change jobs?  Need to freshen up your current job search?Job Search

Don't be discouraged.  Despite the unemployment figures, people are still finding jobs.

You can too!

Bruce P. Sprague, of Roadmap Resumes, is offering a job search workshop.  You'll learn the use of a good resume as well as many other techniques for an effective job search, how to best use those methods, and how you can stand out in a competitive job market.

When: Saturday, September 18, 2010, 1:00 pm
Where: All Pilgrims Christian Church, of course.

More complete details, as well as registration information, will be available after August 15 on Bruce's website:
APCC Goes White-Water Rafting
Have you ever been white-water rafting?  Have you wondered what it would feel like to go through the rapids? Have you wondered what it would be like to be in a raft full of APCC folks, screaming your hearts out?  Now's your opportunity.
On September 11th APCC will sponsor a white-water rafting trip down the Tieton River.  The Tieton is a quick-moving river with class III and IV rapids, which keeps the excitement going.  It is the only river in the Cascades that is rafted in September when the weather and river temperatures are warmer.
Before the rafting trip haveMiss Youlunch at the all-you-can-eat BBQ by the river.  A rafting guide, equipment (including wet suits) and lunch are provided for $65 per person.   The Tieton River is located about 2.5 - 3 hours southeast of Seattle.  Carpools will be arranged.  Be at the set-up location prior to 1:00 PM.  If you are interested please contact John Sabol or Paul McDevitt at (206) 860-1267 or johnpaul@cablespeed.com
Opal Liljegren

For the last three years, Opal Liljegren has been engaged in a labor of love for All Pilgrims, that has found her spending time every week cataloging and organizing our historical records.


Opal was commissioned by then-Pastor Ann Eidson to catalog records from Pilgrim Congregational up to the merger of the congregation with First Christian in 2003.  Clark Beck brought a similar collection of records from First Christian at the time the church moved to All Pilgrims.


Opal, who worked with the Historic Preservation Office of King County, used guidelines from the Disciples of Christ, The Episcopal Church and the indexing system of the Covenant Church to categorize these historical documents.


Opal credits several people with helping her in a monumental task: David Phelps, Kathy Wells, Jen Wheeler, and her husband John.


On behalf of the Coordinating Council, I want to thank Opal for her service to our congregation, and for the care and excellence she has brought to the project.  If you see Opal at church, please let her know your gratitude for all she has done to complete this work.


Kathleen Hosfeld, Moderator

All Pilgrims Christian Church


500 Broadway East 
Seattle, WA 98102
