Voluntary Vet Care for South Pacific Animals February 2012
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What Our Volunteers Have To Say
"As a veterinary student, I can honestly say that my four-week stay at the Esther Honey Clinic on the lovely island of Rarotonga was one of the most educational and inspiring experiences that I've had."
 ~Ashley Babin


100 best
Esther Honey Foundation was named one of the world's best 100 volunteer vacations to enrich your life in the National Geographic's 100 Best Vacations series.

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Volunteers Needed

We couldn't carry out our vital work without our dedicated volunteers. The Esther Honey Foundation Animal Clinic provides the only veterinarian services and clinic for the whole of the Cook Islands. It is run entirely by volunteers - and we need more.  

  • We are still accepting applications for veterinarians, vet nurses and vet students who want to work at the EHF Clinic and on EHF VET TREKS� in 2012.
  • We need veterinarians with three or more years experience (including surgical experience) beginning in March and throughout 2012.
  • Join our brilliant clinic team in treating more than 3,000 animals annually who, without our combined efforts, would have no place to turn if they are injured, sick or starving.

If you can help, and are ready to join the more than 270 veterinarian volunteers and hundreds of additional EHF veterinary professionals from around the globe who have traveled to the Cook Islands to make a permanent improvement in the lives of thousands of animals and their communities, visit our volunteer page.  

Our Achievements
Many of you have volunteered with us in the past and continue to support our programs in so many ways. Thank you. Below is an update of the work we all achieved for the animals in 2011. 
  • Treated more than 3,000 animals at no charge. Homeless and owned animals received comparable care and no healthy animals were euthanized.
  • Sheltered and rehomed 277 dogs and cats. Served 16,768 meals to animals in our care.
  • Conducted four EHF VET TREKS� to remote outer islands to reach animals who would not receive care if not for the Esther Honey Foundation and our extraordinary volunteers.  
  • Launched an expanded major education program for Cook Islands children.

Since we established the Esther Honey Animal Clinic, 

  • Treated more than 32,000 animals.
  • Spayed/Neutered more than 12,800
  • Reduced the Rarotonga canine population from 6000 to 1666
  • Sterilized more than 70% of the remaining dogs on Rarotonga
  • Sterilized more than 70% of the remaining dogs on Mangaia
  • Conducted 109 EHF VET TREKS� to remote outer islands and villages; treating over 3,700 animals who would otherwise lack veterinary care.

Together, the difference that we are making for animals and their community can be permanent.