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Live Your Joy!

August 15, 2011
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(Past joy musings feed the soul.)

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This week's video joy assignment is one that I would like to do over, but I doubt I'll be getting to Grandfather Mountain again any time soon. I'm blaming the altitude for my blathering.

The trip to North Carolina was wonderful and I have lots of stories, but the mountain has meaning, and is filled with metaphors.

My tale for today: You might find yourself on a path that is more treacherous than expected, tangled woods and big boulders to trek over. It is challenging but exhilarating. (You might even pause early on to make a video). 

You keep journeying on and realize that you are indeed climbing a mountain. You have an opportunity to turn back but you know that is not what you want to do. 

As the climb gets steeper, you are grateful for those who have traveled before you. It may appear that your feet are the first to be on the trail, but the blue dots painted on trees and rocks tell you otherwise. 

The ladders and cables that go up the cliff faces are scary yet they offer a vague sense of security. Hang on, keep going, you can do this.

You want to get to the top, and you also know that going back the way you came is not the right thing. A different path is ahead, you just have to keep going.

You are also grateful for the companion with you on the tricky path. A calm voice to talk you through the fear. A steady guide. When you reach the top, you may be covered in sweat and feel a little emotional, but you did it. The view is spectacular.

I will use the mountain metaphor a lot in my upcoming teachings. What we thought was a little hike ended up being ... a bit more.

There were times when fear entered me and I had to shift my energy and my mindset. What helped was gratitude for the trail markers and someone to coach me. 

Whatever mountain you are climbing right now, take a breath and don't let the fear take over. Practice gratitude and talk to someone. You'll get to the top. Trust me. And the view really is spectacular.

 Mountain Ladder

Words to Ponder:
If you're going through hell, keep going.
~Winston Churchill

Color WheelWhat brings me Joy lately....


  • YOU!
  • Lionel Ketchian, founder of the Happiness Club concept, Fairfield, CT, will be running my article "Unhappy People Make Stupid Choices" in the international Happiness Club newsletter
  • Being invited to speak at a nice variety of events and conferences this fall
  • Learning 
  • Loving
  • Laughing
  • Living
  • Leftovers

What brings YOU joy??
We're making a JOY BOOK!
Send in your stories for a compilation book to come out end of the year. Anything goes. One liners, essays, and anything in between. Send in NOW! And yes, you can submit more than once! THANKS for spreading the joy.


You are sending in great stuff!  Short shots, essays, poems. Loving it all. THANK YOU! Keep 'em coming!


Also - everyone who has sent in something, or will send in something, send in a short two or three line bio of yourself. Silly or serious, mention how you happened upon your own joy journey and whatever else you want to share.  Muchas thankas!
Color WheelQuote Junkie


"Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don't miss it. "

Leo Buscaglia



Color WheelHAPPYHAPPYJOYJOY Birthday Wishes to ...


 (Send in your birthday. At the end of each month, a name is drawn and receives snail mail surprise!)

JULY BDAY WINNER...............JODI Stromberg! 

Color WheelSage Advice

 "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." 
- Eleanor Roosevelt


Color WheelWord Nerd



willowwacks \WIL-oh-waks\, noun:

A wooded, uninhabited area.


Spending some time in the willowwacks is good for the soul.



Color WheelKelly's column

Kelly's Serendipity newspaper column: Unhappy people make stupid choices 

Color WheelKelly Recommends

Order Books Online:

-When LIfe Stinks, It's Time to Wash the Gym Clothes

-365 Days of Joy


  NOTE- new and improved website coming SOON!
Color WheelHappiness Club

(H CLUBBERS: After the September meeting, let's head to the Tiki Bar at Cliffrbreakers and put our toes in the sand and enjoy the last bits of summer!)First Thursday of each monthNorth Suburban Library, 6340 N. Second St., Loves Park6:30 - 8:00 pmAll are welcome. Free. Fun. Folly. Practical tips that can change your life! 

One minute Video of H Club


Guest Speakers:

Sept 1 - Gloriann Dawson - Joy of Volunteering

Oct 6 - Jodell Gabriel - Aromatherapy and other Relaxation Techniques

Nov 3 - Tom Zuba - Happy on Your Own Terms

Dec 1 - Year End Sharing and Celebration


 + Awesome things are already planned for 2012! 


AND Don't Forget:


Third Saturday at 9 am

2222 E State Room 208 Rockford

Leaders: Marty & Jodell Gabriel


See you August 20!


Color WheelJOY Assignment


Kelly Epperson Grandfather Mountain
Kelly Epperson Grandfather Mountain


 Your real joy assignment: When you are feeling a little scared, keep going. Keep looking for a sign to see that you are going the right way. They're there. Tell the fear to shut up. Instead say: I am awesome and I am climbing a frickin' mountain.


Color Wheel 


Live joyfully,




  My gorgeous, love-filled, good luck condo is for sale. For details, contact me.




Kelly Epperson, a former IRS agent, is now an agent of joy, living the life of her dreams and teaching others to do the same. Author of When Life Stinks, It's Time to Wash the Gym Clothes and 365 Days of Joy - How to be Happy Every Single Day, Kelly presents keynotes, programs, and workshops to a wide variety of corporate, private, and philanthropic groups, and works with individual clients. She writes a weekly newspaper column, a weekly "Live Your Joy" ezine, and blogs on , and is a mentor to women (and men) who want to step up and live life -full and deep and wide.


Would You Like Kelly to Inspire and Teach at Your Next Event?

Kelly is available for keynote speaking engagements for corporations, associations, public seminars and events, and industry-specific trainings. Contact [email protected] or call toll free 888-637-3563.





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