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Dave Veale                                               July 5, 2012


My long time friend and colleague, Marilyn Orr, has embarked on another exciting venture. She will be a published author soon and we're all looking forward to having her book in hand!
Marilyn Orr
Marilyn Orr

Marilyn tackles the important topic of resilience. She based her book on a combination of her life experiences along with her expertise in psychology, counseling and executive coaching. I've had a sneak peek and her book is an interesting, informative read.

Marilyn shared her experience of becoming an author and how being an extrovert affected her ability to write. Read more about her writing experience and soon-to-be-published book, How absorbent are your shocks?

I recently had the honour of becoming a member of the Wallace McCain Institute's  (WMI) 2012 Entrepreneur Leadership Program. I learned a ton about being an entrepreneur - and about myself - through the selection process and will be sharing my thoughts in the next issue of Fresh Ideas. In the meantime please check out my interview with Pierre Martell, an exceptional entrepreneur and WMI alumnus, below.

Share and grow, 

Dave Veale 
Certified Executive Coach (CEC) 
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
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Telegraph Journal Business Columnist 

Founder of  Vision Coaching

(506) 847-4199 

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Highlights from Leadership Unleashed column ~ Interviews with Leaders as featured in the
Telegraph Journal 
Leadership Unleashed Header
There's No Such Thing as
Growing Too Fast.

Pierre Martell just keeps racking up the awards. With a unique blend of creativity and a relentless drive to succeed, it's not at all surprising that this rising entrepreneur is garnering a fair bit of attention.

 Pierre Martell

Martell, president and founder of Moncton-based Martell Home Builders, won the Deloitte Corporate Social Responsibility Award last year. He was also named BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award winner for New Brunswick.


And there's more, Martell (@martellhomes) just made Redgate's list of New Brunswick's "Twitter Hitters" as one of the most influential users of Twitter providing useful information for his large group of followers (he's logged over 5,000 tweets and has nearly 13,000 followers).


There is a good reason for this large following - he is branding his company like no other in his industry. Martell Home Builders boasts 100 per cent transparency in their home building experience and are presently building homes, using a very unique process, in Moncton, Miramichi, Sussex and soon Fredericton.


Read more interviews with leaders at