How's this for a daunting issue? )
Massive solar projects planned across public land July 23, 2008


We just ran across a disturbing article from Fortune Magazine on CNNMoney.com on the rush to build solar power projects that could cover hundreds of thousands of acres of public land.

Companies are applying to the Bureau of Land Management to lease rights of way on federal land in Nevada, California, and Arizona for construction of massive solar power arrays.

The land rush is mainly in the Mojave Desert, "where the federal government controls immense stretches of some of the world's best solar real estate right next to the nation's biggest electricity markets."

For those of us who have simply been thinking solar is a good thing, it's no fun at all to contemplate the impact these projects could have one some of the wildest, most ecologically sensitive, most beautiful lands remaining in this country.

There won't be any easy answers, it seems.

Read the article, and take a look at the photos and the map....

Thanks, members and supporters, for your interest in these issues.

-Janine and Chris

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