
I usually contact you with a gift of heroes' stories. This time, it's a quick request
instead: If you're on Facebook, please sign in at the new Facebook Giraffe Heroes Page.

The goal is to have 1,000 people Liking that Facebook page by Sunday, May 6--my birthday. It would be the perfect present. The counter there is now at 675, so there's a way to go in just the next 3 days.

Here's the url: http://www.facebook.com/giraffeheroes  
Please go there, hit the Like button under the banner of Giraffes' faces
(the button is down to the right of the banner.)
Facebook is well set up for extended conversations. I'll still do this one-way email to you and you can always email me back. But for an open conversation where everyone can chime in, Facebook is the place. Let's get it started!   

~Ann Medlock, Founder~Giraffe Heroes Project