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IAHU Viewpoint
Volume 5 Issue 1                                      September 2012 

Our message this year "Becoming a better surfer, riding the wave of change" is becoming more and more a reality! Let me list what is happening to help you in your practice:

  1. We have representation on the Governor's Exchange Task Force. The idea here is to recommend the best option for our clients and thus for us in whatever comes out of the Governor's decision. We have three options at this point: 1) a state based exchange 2) a partnership with the federal government 3) a federal exchange. Most people in Idaho feel that IF we are forced to have an exchange; having a state based exchange will give us more options.
  2. Nationally, NAHU is in constant contact with HHS to shape whatever rules come out relating to exchanges. NAHU has been able to shape rules and regulations in such a way that they are bad but not as bad as they could have been without our help.
  3. Locally, we are putting together informational sheets to give to your clients to let them know how the new law will affect them. These should be available in the next few weeks.
  4. IAHU has become a member of the Idaho Health Exchange Alliance where we are working with businesses, carriers, agents and individuals to get the word out to our legislature about the position of most Idahoans on the exchange. Please go to the coalition web site and sign up as a partner. Get your clients (businesses and individuals) to do the same. The coalition will have pre-completed letters for us to send to the Governor and the legislature in the next few weeks so that they will know where we stand.
  5. We have an election that will choose almost � of the Idaho House and Senate. Get involved with the candidates that agree with you on the issues. Make phone calls for them, drop off handouts to your neighborhood, and have them to your home to talk to your friends and neighbors or whatever you feel you can do. This will help put you in a place that you will become the advisor on health insurance issues for them.

It there was EVER a time to get off your rear ends and get involved, IT IS NOW. We have to get everyone we know on the same band wagon. IF we want any say on this issue and where our businesses will be in the next few years, WE HAVE TO ACT NOW.






Tom Shores
IAHU President