Indiana University - Bloomington 

Access Today 
Volume 20, Issue 3
May 2012

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National ADA Symposium
May 30 - June 1


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People gather to look at a campground and picnic area.
TDEC Hosts NCA Training for State
Park Professionals Gather in Burns, Tennessee for NCA Training

Park and recreation professionals gathered at Montgomery Bell State Park in Burns, Tennessee for a 3-day NCA training on access to recreation facilities and outdoor developed areas.  The 30 professionals represented grants administrators from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and grantees from municipal park and recreation departments.  The training program was spearheaded by Gerald Parish, TDEC Director of Recreation Services.  Check out more photos from the training on our NCA facebook page.

DOJ Gives More Time for Existing Pools
Public Comment Leads to Extension for Existing Pools

On May 18, 2012, the US Department of Justice announced that it is adopting a final rule extending the compliance date for sections 242 and 1009 of the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design, as they relate to the provision of accessible entry and exit to existing swimming pools, wading pools, and spas (pools built before March 15, 2012). These provisions for existing pools of Title II and Title III entities will now take effect on January 31, 2013. 


The DOJ extension comes after several discussions with the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) earlier this year, a notice of proposed rulemaking and over 1,300 comments from the public.  In addition to the extension, DOJ has issued a new guidance document Questions and Answers: Accessibility Requirements for Existing Swimming Pools at Hotels and Other Public Accommodations and revised the document from earlier this year ADA Requirements: Accessible Pools - Means of Entry and Exit.

Job Announcements
Accessibility Coordinator, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is seeking an Accessibility Coordinator. Under the direction of the Director of Human Resources and Administration, serves as the Museums' Accessibility coordinator, coordinating the development and implementation of compliance with ADA issues, including access to the building and access to the galleries for the visitors to the Museums.  More information >

NPS Director Jarvis Makes Visit to IU
Director Jarvis with NCA Staff
From left: Dr. Sherril York, Jennifer Skulski, Kay Ellis, Jeff Townsend, Nan Smith, Michelle Cook, NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis,Brent Wells,  Alice Voigt, Ray Bloomer, Nikki Montembeault.
NPS Director Presents Lecture to IU Students, Faculty & Visitors 

Director of the National Park Service Jonathan Jarvis was on the Indiana University campus April 27 as the featured guest speaker for the 2012 Reynold E. Carlson Lecture.  His presentation, "National Parks and the Outdoors' Role in Public Health," focused on the importance of the outdoors to encourage spontaneous, unstructured activity.  "Simply taking a walk in the woods can bring down your blood pressure and stress level," said Jarvis.  "We need to be creating spaces for anyone to get exercise and let them know the opportunities are available." 


Director Jarvis also spoke of the long and robust relationship between the National Park Service and Indiana University, specifically citing the National Center on Accessibility and the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands.  When asked to give advice for practitioners dealing with accessibility issues at their parks and facilities, Director Jarvis replied, "They need to own it!  They need to recognize what improvements are needed for people with disabilities to participate and make it happen!"  The National Park Service owns 67,000 buildings and is one of the largest holders of federal assets, second only to the Department of Defense.


View the video of NPS Director Jarvis' presentation.

Accessibility Management
NCA Training Set for Denver, July 16-20

A comprehensive accessibility management program is the key to success for park and recreation agencies. The NCA training course "Accessibility Management in Parks, Recreation and Tourism" is scheduled for July 16-20 in Denver. This NCA training course is designed to give accessibility coordinators in parks and recreation a broad perspective and foundation for implementing an accessibility management program. This course is ideal for professionals with newly appointed responsibilities and for those looking to brush up on the latest information for accessibility compliance. Sessions will include discussions of the characteristics and needs of people with disabilities, legislative mandates and litigation, accessibility standards and common errors, the application of universal design to park and recreation environments, program access, considerations for conducting accessibility assessments, visitor use and marketing, and comprehensive planning. Examples and best practices in accessibility management will be presented throughout the sessions. A field exercise will give participants an opportunity to practice conducting an accessibility assessment along with discussing considerations for prioritization of physical and programmatic barrier removal.  Course info>


The National Center on Accessibility is a center of Indiana University's Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies within the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation.  Since 1992, NCA has played a critical role in increasing awareness of inclusion of people with disabilities in parks, recreation and tourism while advancing the spirit and intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Act and other disability legislation.  Through research, technical assistance and training, NCA builds a continuum of comprehensive services for park and recreation practitioners, focusing on universal design and practical solutions that create inclusive recreation opportunities for people of all abilities.  NCA is funded in part by the National Park Service.


National Center on Accessibility | 501 North Morton Street, Suite 109, Bloomington, IN 47404-3732 | Voice: (812) 856-4422 | TTY: (812) 856-4421 | Fax: (812) 856-4480 | Copyright � 2012 The Trustees of Indiana University