Special Edition
Brokering Employment Connections
A Call for Partners -- and Job-Seeking Veterans

Unemployment is a critical issue for the Illinois veteran community. The biggest problem that we at the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs (IDVA) hear from employers is that they cannot find the veterans they seek. We're looking to change that - and we need your help!


Join us as we "build the pipeline" of veterans to connect with the many employers who approach us for help.


Partners Needed!

Are you an organization with job-seeking veterans? Partner with us. IDVA is looking for partner organizations with detailed knowledge on their members or clientele (work history, educational background, etc.) to assist in identifying veterans suited for particular job opportunities. To sign up as a partner organization, please contact IDVA Assistant Director Rodrigo Garcia at [email protected] or (312) 814-2744.


Calling All Veteran Job-Seekers: Sign up Now!

Job-seeking veterans -- whether unemployed, underemployed, or just seeking a change -- should enroll in the Illinois' new, free jobs site, Illinois Job Link (IJL). IJL is an Internet-based job search tool that features current job openings and includes both statewide and nationwide job banks. By enrolling in IJL, veterans will be able to navigate job opportunities; may qualify for assistance from IDES's veteran employment representatives; and will be included in the main database used to search for qualified veterans as IDVA and IDES work directly with major employers seeking to hire veterans.


For advanced job notifications for veterans, skill certification and training programs, and access to other services, sign up for a "Plus Account" today, it's free! For additional information on setting up an account, FAQ's, and IJL resources, please visit IDES's website.



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