Fantastic resources for families and educators...
The Home Baking Association offers many recipes, baking activities and resources to help families and educators create new baking memories and traditions. This month, our newsletter is full of great ideas to help you get started in the kitchen. Check out what we have to offer here, and don't forget to sign into Facebook for unique weekly offers as well!
Have fun and enjoy baking with the youths in your life.
Thank you,
The Home Baking Association
Final Announcement! Educator Award Contest WIN $1,000
Left to right Mary Sue Peterson, HBA First Vice-President, 2011 Winner Marla Prusa, FCS Educator, Howells, Nebraska; Tom Payne, President HBA
The Home Baking Association annually recognizes baking educators for outstanding baking lessons or activities. The top award of $1,000 and a trip to the October 2012 Home Baking Association Annual Meeting in La Jolla, California will be announced in June. All entrants will receive a complimentary baking resource. Entry deadline is March 31, 2012.
Mail entries to: Home Baking Association, 2931 SW Gainsboro Road, Topeka, KS 66614 or email to hbapatton@aol.com. Entry form and additional information can be found at www.homebaking.org. Video: 2011 Winner Announcement - Click Here
All-American Apple Pie
The All-American Pie lesson is the award winning result of the combined professional work of Mary J. Metzger and Carrie A. Bouwens, Lux Middle School, Lincoln, Nebraska, Family & Consumer Sciences classroom.
View this lesson & share with your family and students!
Bake and Take Month!
| Baking is a terrific opportunity to involve youth in baking and community service!
Bake and Take encourages participants to bake a product made from wheat and take it to a neighbor, friend or relative.
Classes, organizations and individuals can share their experience and be eligible for a random drawing for prizes.
Entries must be postmarked by Saturday, April 16.
More info here |
In Time for the Weekend

Join with the Kansas Wheat Commission and the Home Baking Association and celebrate Bake and Take Month!
These 100% Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies make a perfect gift to share with your friends or family this weekend!
Resources from The HBA
| We offer many resources for educators and homeschooling families.
Click on the following link to download our 2012 Resource Guide:
Click Here |
Create A Portable Kitchen!
Here's the blueprint for creating a portable kitchen for classrooms, clubs or camps. Armed with this material, you can be ready to help spread the joy of home baking with the students you serve.
A Baker's Dozen Labs
A Baker's Dozen Labs has been updated and includes 13 labs for FCS and Culinary middle through secondary level classes or for anyone teaching baking. With 224 pages of labs, worksheets, classroom tested recipes, baking glossary, computer science, food science, copy-ready resources and Baker's Glossary with 350+ terms. Labs reference the Baker's Dozen - Lessons for Better Baking DVD. Cost: $75.00
Order Web-site Order Form |