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Research spotline: Future sea level along the Florida coastline: How will ice sheets respond to global warming?  

By Dr. Andrea Dutton, FCI Member and UF Assistant Professor


Facebook IconMy research focuses on the past-not the future-to understand how ice sheets and sea level respond to changes in climate. The earth's history is a rich tableaux of information from which we can learn; and we are learning more about how to tap that archive to extract critical knowledge about how sea level has responded in the past to changes in climate in Florida and elsewhere. This arms us with invaluable empirical data that will be used to underpin and evaluate sea level projections that play a critical role in our preparations for future changes in climate and sea level. My colleague, Dr. Ben Horton from the University of Pennsylvania, will join us this week at UF to share his work looking at sea level changes on millennial timescales. His research has given us tremendous insight into the relation between climate change and sea level on the U.S. Atlantic coastline, and drives home the reminder that even if the past is different from the future, it is an invaluable archive that teaches us about our dynamic climate system

FCI Events   



April 5, 2012 │FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar 3:30pm - 4:30pm

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Dr. Benjamin Horton - Associate Professor, Pennsylvania University Department of Earth and Environmental Science  




Title: Millennial Scale Sea-Level Changes 

Location: UF, Smathers Library 1A

The seminar will be streamed and will be projected at FSU COAPS, in room 220



April 19, 2012 │FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Facebook IconDr. Kenny Broad - Director of the Leonard and Jane Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy and Professor in the Division of Marine Affairs and Policy at University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science


Title: Cultural and Cognitive Challenges to Using Climate Information  

Location: UF, Smathers Library 

The seminar will be streamed and will be projected at FSU COAPS, in room 220 

FCI Recent Presentations    



FCI Brown Bag Seminar - March 14, 2012 - Tallahassee, FL: Dr. Paul Ruscher - The Crisis in Climate Change Education - Florida and US Issues


FCI Brown Bag Seminar - March 14, 2012 - Tallahassee, FL: Dr. Vasu Misra - Understanding climate change in the southeast US from (recent) past, present and future.


FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar - March 29, 2012 - Gainesville, FL: Dr. Gerald Nelson - Should I be Worried about Climate Change? 




Breuer, N. E., Dinon, H., Boyles, R., & Wilkerson, G. (2011). Extension Agent Awareness of Climate and New Directions for Research in North Carolina. Journal of Service Climatology, 5(4), 1-20

Misra, V., Pantina, P., Chan, S. C., & DiNapoli, S. (2012).

Other Events


April 16-22, 2012 | 6th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change | Vietnam

April 22-26, 2012 | NatureServe's Annual Biodiversity without Boundaries Conference  | Portland, OR

May 7-16, 2012 | Teaching Climate Complexity | Online Workshop     

May 17-20, 2012 | Environmental Pollution and Public Health  | Shanghai, China   


May 23-25, 2012 | Programs that bring together Geoscience and Sustainability | Palo Alto, CA   


May 27 - June 1, 2012 | 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshops | Bari, Italy 


June 2 - 6, 2012 | Teaching Environmental Geology Workshop | Bozeman, MT


June 21-22, 2012Risk and Response: Seal Level Rise Summit, the Future of Florida and the Coasts│Boca Raton, FL     


More upcoming events here

Employment Opportunity 

Global Climate Change Specialist | Rural Development and Natural Resources Branch (RDNR) of the Development Resources and Disaster Assistance Division (DRDA), Office of Capacity Building and Development (OCBD), Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (FAS/OCBD/DRDA/RDNR) | Washington, DC   
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