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December 2011
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Two Day Climate Event Draws Experts from State and Nation

by James Jones and Eric Chassignet, FCI Director and Co-Director


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Dear FCI members and friends,

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the Florida Climate Institute Annual Event and the State University System Climate Task Force Event on November 14-15 in Gainesville. Over the 2 days, there were 17 presentations, 175 attendees, and 64 posters contributing the success of the events. Our hope is that all involved were able to benefit from the wide range of climate science represented, appreciate the diversity of perspectives, and better understand the need for bridging the gap between science, policy, and our citizens.
We will continue to build on these events through our website development, future projects, reports, and seminars, and our committment to providing the best climate science available.

We wish all a safe and Happy Holiday Season! 

Hot Topics


Durban Climate Change Conference | Nov-Dec Source: Reuters



Florida Climate Change Study Released | Dec 2 Source: WCTV, Florida Climate Change Task Force

NASA's Grace Helps Monitor U.S. Drought | Nov 30 Source: NASA  


Climate Sensitivity to CO2 more Limited than Extreme Projections | Nov 24 Source: Oregon State University; Author: A Smittner


COP17: Over 300 Business Leaders Call For Urgent Action in Climate Change | Nov 23 Source: The Climate Group


Congress Kills Request for National Climate Service | Nov 20 Source: Washington Post


Climate Change begins to affect South Florida | Nov 19 Source: Sun Sentinel; Author: David Fleshler



Berry, L., Bloetscher, F., Hern�ndez Hammer, N., Koch-Rose, M., Mitsova-Boneva, D., Restrepo, J., Root, T., Teegavarapu, R., 2011: Florida Water Management and Adaptation in the Face of Climate Change, Florida Climate Change Task Force. [Available online at http://floridaclimate.org/whitepapers/]


Boykoff, M.T., 2011: Who speaks for the Climate?: Making Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 240 pp.


Holl, Sally, 2011, National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center Project Accomplishments:Highlights. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011-3135, 4 pp.


IPCC, 2011: Summary for Policymakers. In: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation [Field, C. B., Barros, V., Stocker, T.F., Qin, D., Dokken, D., Ebi, K.L., Mastrandrea, M. D., Mach, K. J., Plattner, G.-K., Allen, S., Tignor, M. and P. M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York,


Kelly, D., D. Letson, F. Nelson, D. Nolan and D. Sol�s, 2011: Evolution of Subjective Hurricane Risk Perceptions: A Bayesian Approach. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2011.10.004.  


Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf, C., Smith, N. & Hmielowski, J.D. (2011) Climate change in the American Mind: Public support for climate & energy policies in November 2011. Yale University and George Mason University. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate Change Communication. http://environment.yale.edu/climate/files/PolicySupportNovember2011.pdf 


Misra, V., E. Carlson, R. K. Craig, D. Enfield, B. Kirtman, W. Landing, S.-K. Lee, D. Letson, F. Marks, J. Obeysekera, M. Powell, S.-l. Shin, 2011: Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View, Florida Climate Change Task Force. [Available online at http://floridaclimate.org/whitepapers/]


World Meteorological Organization, 2011: Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Continue Climbing [http://www.wmo.int/pages/mediacentre/press_releases/pr_934_en.html]  



Jeff Chanton, Mark Isaac, Antron Mahoney and Andy Opel. What does "sustainability" really mean and how are the 3 pillars (Economy, Society and Environment) interconnected? Panel Discussion organized by the Florida Climate Institute, FSU Sustainable Campus Initiative, the City of Tallahassee "Sustainability and You. November 3, 2011. Tallahassee, FL.    


Jochum M. The New Community Earth System Model - An Overview of the Recent Improvements with a focus on diapycnal mixing. December 2, 2011. Tallahassee, FL. 

More Events


Jan 10-12, 2012 | Climate Change Vulnerability Training | St Petersburg, FL   


Jan 12, 2012 | National Science Foundation Day | University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL   


Jan 22-26, 2012 | AMS 92nd Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA  


Feb 15-16, 2012 | 3rd UF Water Institute Symposium | Gainesville, FL


Feb 29-Mar 1, 2012 | Climate Leadership Conference | Fort Lauderdale, FL


Mar 13-15, 2012 | NOAA's 10th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW) | Miami, FL


More upcoming events here

Funding Opportunities


NIFA Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants | up to $130,000 | Deadline for letter of intent is: Nov 8 and Application Deadline: Jan 19, 2012

NSF Sustainability research networks competition (SRN) | up to $12 Million for 4-5 years Deadline: Preliminary Proposal: Dec 1; Full Proposal: Apr 1, 2012

NSF Division of environmental biology - Fundamental research grant | $72,000 pa | Deadline: Priliminary Proposals: Jan 2, 2012; Full Proposals: Aug 2, 2012   

More more funding opportunities here
Employment Opportunities

PhD Scholarships (10) in Natural Sciences and Engineering

| Technische University Berlin | Germany

PhD Scholarship in Crop Modeling and Climate Change | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Thompson Chair of Geological Sciences | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Postdoctoral Research Fellows in Atmospheric Chemistry - UCLA| Los Angeles, CA

More employment opportunities here.
For feedback, comments or suggestions contact us at: [email protected]