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November 2011
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Southeastern US: Forests recognized as Important in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation  

by Timothy Martin, FCI Steering Committee Member


Facebook IconSoutheastern U.S. forests have the potential to play an important role in greenhouse gas mitigation. Because they occupy 60% of the land area and are highly productive, southern forests are a significant portion of the U.S. carbon budget, containing 36% of the stored forest carbon in the continental U.S. Forests in the region annually sequester carbon equivalent to 13% of regional greenhouse gas emissions, and have the potential to sequester more through reforestation, afforestation, and improved forest management. A team of SE US forest scientists and climatologists recently received a 5-year, $20 million grant to create, synthesize, and disseminate the knowledge necessary to better manage forests to (1) increase their ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; and (2) adapt forest management approaches and the planting of improved tree varieties to decrease risks from climate change. This project, dubbed "PINEMAP" (Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation Project) is one of three Coordinated Agriculture Projects (CAP) recently awarded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to encourage agriculture and forestry producers to increase carbon sequestration and adapt practices to reduce the impact of climate variation and climate change. The Florida Climate Institute played a critical role in the conceptualization and eventual funding of this project. The built-in interdisciplinarity of FCI allowed me to make important contacts with climate scientists, and to learn about climate change research approaches in other crop systems. The involvement of FCI in the project was a concrete demonstration to NIFA of the University of Florida's commitment to climate change research. Finally, during the complex and intense period of proposal preparation, FCI staff provided very helpful logistical support. FCI played an important role in taking forest-climate research to a higher level in the region. I encourage you to become more involved to see what FCI can do for your discipline.

Upcoming FCI Events


Nov 14 | Florida Climate Institute Annual Event | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

The Florida Climate Institute's 2011 Annual Event will highlight climate-related research and education in the Institute at both FSU and UF. This annual event provides an opportunity to showcase your research on climate-related issues, participate in an educational workshop, network with other scientists in related fields, and get the latest information on collaborative research opportunities. Please see the agenda for more information.  

This event is followed by the Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop evening poster reception and keynote presentations starting at 5pm.



Nov 14-15 | Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

Climate variability and change pose significant economic and environmental risks to Florida. This workshop focuses on identifying current State University climate change expertise, research and curricula; enhancing cooperation with State and Federal agencies to bring science into climate change-related decision making; and developing a climate change information system and portal that will connect State University System (SUS) assets with these agencies, private industries, and other groups to facilitate communication.

The event will feature guest speakers, a poster session, and a networking reception. Please, see the agenda for more information.      

Hot Topics


Climate change: Man-made cyclones | Nov 3 Source: Journal Nature; Author: RL Sriver


Climate change escape routes - by sea and by land are similar | Nov 3 Source: Journal Science; Author: Mike Burrow 


Skeptic finds he now agrees global warming is real | Oct 31 Source: Associate Press


First Florida energy summit attracted high interest from industry | Oct 28 Source: FDACS


NASA: New climate-monitoring satellite lifts off | Oct 28 Source: NASA


Urban 'heat island' effect is only a small contributor to global warming | Oct 20 Source: Stanford University


UF and Monsanto collaborate on modelling environmental impacts on corn production | Oct 20 Source: AgProfessional


EPA awards $6.6 million to Universities for black carbon research | Oct 18 Source: EPA


NOAA climate societal interaction project launched | Oct 14 Source: University of Arizona


Perry officials censored climate change report | Oct 13 Source: various, The Guardian, Mother Jones  



Can the World feed itself without ruining the Planet? | Oct 12 Source: Journal Nature, The Nature Conservancy 

Publications and Reports

Allen, L. H.,  Jr., S. Archibeque, S. Del Grosso, J. Derner, F. Dijkstra, A. Franzluebbers, L. Kurkalova, B. McCarl, S. Ogle, W. Parton, J. Peterson, G. P. Robertson, M. Schoeneberger, T. West, J. Williams, 2011: Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes in agriculture: Challenges and opportunities. 106 pp. 

Committee on the Assessment of the National Weather Service's Modernization Program, 2011: The national weather service modernization and associated restructuring: A retrospective assessment. 150 pp.

Committee on Economic and Environmental Impacts of Increasing Biofuels Production; National Research Council, 2011:  Renewable fuel standard: Potential economic and environmental effects of U.S. biofuel policy. The National Academies Press, 650 pp.

Florida Atlantic University, 2011: Southeast Florida's resilient water resources. 16 pp.

Moncel, R., P. Joffe, K. McCall, and K. Levin, World Resources Institute, 2011: Building the climate change regime. Survey and analysis of approaches. 87 pp.
Pancholy, N., M. Thomas, D. Sol�s, and N. Stratis, 2011: The impact of biofuels on the propensity of land-use conversion among non-industrial private forest landowners in Florida. Forest Policy and Economics,13(7): 570-574.

Stefanova, L., V. Misra, S. C. Chan, M. Griffin, J. J. O'Brien, and T. J. Smith III, 2011: A proxy for high-resolution regional reanalysis for the Southeast United States: assessment of precipitation variability in dynamically downscaled reanalyses. Climate Dynamics, (accepted).


Ye M. and Donoghue J. Numerical Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis for Effects of Near-Term Sea-Level Rise on Barrier Islands. FCI Seminar. October 31, 2011. Tallahassee, FL.  


Huang W. Integrated Hydrodynamic and Ecological Models for Assessment of Climate-Change Impacts on Apalachicola Bay Ecosystem. FCI Seminar. October 31, 2011. Tallahassee, FL.  

More Events


Nov 18 | Center for Remote Sensing: S Grunwald - Remote Sensing Supporting Digital Soil Modeling | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL 


Nov 30 | SECC - FCI Working Group Meeting | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL  


Dec 5-9 | AGU Special Session on Climate Change and Public Health | San Francisco, CA   


Jan 10-12, 2012 | Climate Change Vulnerability Training | St Petersburg, FL   


Jan 12, 2012 | National Science Foundation Day | University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL   


Jan 22-26, 2012 | AMS 92nd Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA  


Feb 15-16, 2012 | 3rd UF Water Institute Symposium | Gainesville, FL


Feb 29-Mar 1, 2012 | Climate Leadership Conference | Fort Lauderdale, FL


Mar 13-15, 2012 | NOAA's 10th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW) | Miami, FL


More upcoming events here

Funding Opportunities


2012 Postdocs applying climate expertise (PACE) fellowship now open | Joint Co-Funding with Partner Institute for up to 2 Years | Deadline: Jan 4, 2012 


NSF Sustainability research networks competition (SRN) | up to $12 Million for 4-5 years Deadline: Preliminary Proposal: Dec 1; Full Proposal: Apr 1, 2012

NSF Division of environmental biology - Fundamental research grant | $72,000 pa | Deadline: Priliminary Proposals: Jan 2, 2012; Full Proposals: Aug 2, 2012   

2012 Climate corp working with US businesses | Monthly Stipend  | Application forms are available on-line: Nov 1; Application deadline: Jan 11, 2012  

NIFA - Agriculture and natural resources science for climate variability and change | Total Program Budget $264 million | Closing Deadline: Dec 16  

More more funding opportunities here
Employment Opportunities


PhD Scholarship in crop modeling and climate change | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL


Thompson Chair of Geological Sciences | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL


Geoinformatics Senior Scientist | World Agroforestry Center | Nairobi, Kenya  


Research Manager - Freshwater Programmes | Earthwatch Institute | Oxford, UK


Environmental protection Specialist - 2 Positions | EPA | Durham, NC


Environmental Engineer | EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC


Director, assessment and watershed protection division | EPA | Washington, DC


Associate Director for health | EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC


Mechanical Engineer | EPA | Ann Arbor, MI


Physical Scientist (Environmental) / Material Engineer | EPA | Washington, DC


More employment opportunities here.

For feedback, comments or suggestions contact us at: [email protected]