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October 2011
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Climate Information Survey
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Funding Opportunities
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Climate Information Survey

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Legal Aspects of Climate Change

by Robin Craig, FCI Steering Committee Member


Climate change poses a number of challenges for researchers in all fields, including those of us in law.

There is, of course, the major challenges of trying to create, legally, approaches to climate change mitigation at both the national and international scales.

Should we pursue a cap-and-trade program, a carbon tax, some combination of the two, or some other approach entirely?

The mechanisms we create to implement any of these approaches will have to have a basis in new laws, with supporting governance mechanisms. However, climate change's challenges for law and governance go far beyond the cap-and-trade/carbon tax debate.

For example, many of the laws governing the allocation and use of natural resources (water, timber, oil, gas) are grounded in assumptions that the future world will continue to behave like the past world did, while pollution and species laws pursue restoration goals that may not be possible in a climate change world.

On the business front, courts are already deciding whether and how insurance policies apply to climate events and risks. Policymakers at all levels are also increasingly acknowledging that land use planning, water allocation, and national energy strategies need to both acknowledge climate change and be harmonized with each other to adjust to climate change impacts.

The Florida Climate Institute offers a forum where experts in all disciplines can work with each other to try to address these new challenges in ways that make sense from all perspectives, and that's one reason why I enjoy participating in the project.

Upcoming FCI Events


Oct 14 | FCI Seminar | Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL

Title:  Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change 

Location: FSU Department of Scientific Computing - room DSL 499   

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm 

Speaker: Dr. Thomas Knutson, Research Meteorologist, GFDL Climate Change, Variability, and Prediction Group  

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live to UF's Frazier Rogers Hall, in room 122.



Oct 31 | FCI Brown Bag Seminar | Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL
Location: FSU-COAPS, Seminar Room

Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live to UF's Frazier Rogers Hall, in room 122  


Time: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Speakers: Dr. Ming Ye and Dr. Joseph Donoghue

Title: Modeling the Effects of Near-Term Sea-Level Rise on Barrier Islands




Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Speaker: Dr. Wenrui Huang 

Title: TBA 








Nov 14 | 2011 FCI Annual Event | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

The Florida Climate Institute's 2011 Annual Event will highlight climate-related research and education in the Institute at both FSU and UF. This annual event provides an opportunity to showcase your research on climate-related issues, participate in an educational workshop, network with other scientists in related fields, and get the latest information on collaborative research opportunities. Please see the agenda for more information. 

This event is followed by the Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop evening poster reception and keynote presentations starting at 5pm. 

Submit your posters abstracts, no later than Friday, October 14. 



Nov 14-15 | Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

This State University System workshop will offer participating scientists from Florida based universities, agencies, and industries the opportunity to discuss collaboration on state wide research, teaching and extension projects. This event will help foster communication between scientists working with climate issues in Florida, help identify important research and education needs, and present the findings from 4 scientific teams in 4 critical areas:

  • Biodiversity and Land Use
  • Climate Scenarios for Florida
  • Education, Training, and Outreach on Climate Change
  • Water Management and Coastal Adaptation
The event will feature keynote speakers, a poster reception, and 2 expert panels. Please, see the agenda for more information.

Submit your posters abstracts, no later than Friday, October 14.

Hot Topics







Welcome Back, La Nia | Sep 29 Source: Brian Kahn, The Earth Institute, Columbia University


Florida Ag Commissioner Talks Energy Policy at UF | Sep 26 

Source: Ocala Star Banner


Deep Oceans May Mask Global Warming for Years at a Time | Sep 19  Source: Journal Climate Change, NSF


Regional Partnership to Develop a Cooperative Conservation Blueprint for Florida | Sept 15 Source: FWC     


Support the Climate Information Survey Today!


The Florida Climate Institute and the Southeast Climate Consortium are conducting research that will inform regional and National climate assessment activities. This assessment is a Federal mandate. Please assist us and participate in this short survey. Please follow the link.

For additional information or question contact Norman Breuer at [email protected].

More Events


Oct 13-15 | AgMIP Global Workshop | San Antonio, TX ... more


Oct 17 | AgMIP DSSAT Foundation Open Forum | San Antonio, TX ... more


Oct 22-29 | DISCCRS VI Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium | Colorado Springs CO ... more  


Oct 24-25 | Sustainable You Conference | Tallahassee, FL... more  


Oct 24-28 | 2011 World Climate Research Conference - Open Science Conference | Denver, CO ... more 


Oct 26-28 | Florida Energy Summit | Orlando, FL ... more


Oct 30-Nov 4 | 3rd Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change | Santa Fe, NM ... more


Nov 1-4 | Adaptation and Protection of Biodiversity in a Changing World | Tallahassee, FL ... more


Nov 2-4 | SECC Meeting | Tallahassee, FL ... more  


Nov 8-10 | "Is Florida's Climate Changing?" - 2011 Florida Extension Agent Training Summit | Crystal River, FL  ... more


More upcoming events here

Publications and Reports


 Gardiner, S., 2011: A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Trategy of Climate Change. Oxford University press, 512 pp.

Stefanova, L, T. Krishnamurti: Kinetic energy exchanges between the time scales of ENSO and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, 2011. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, in Press. 

Funding Opportunities


Partners of the Americas' Climate Change Fellows Program | Travel and Workshop Grant to Columbia | Application Deadline: Oct 14 ... more

NSF Division of Environmental Biology - Fundamental Research Grant | $72,000 pa | Deadline: Priliminary Proposals: Jan 2, 2012; Full Proposals: Aug 2, 2012  .... more

2012 Climate Corp working with US Businesses | Monthly Stipend  | Application forms are available on-line: Nov 1; Application deadline: Jan 11, 2012 ... more

More funding opportunities here
Employment Opportunities


Assistant Professor of Regional Climate Change | Land Air and Water Res - UC Davis | Davis, CA 
Scientific Programmer in Climate Modeling | Yale University | New Haven, CT 
More employment opportunities here.
For feedback, comments or suggestions, please
contact us at: [email protected]