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September 2011
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Climate Change Information Survey

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Dear FCI Members & Friends,



Climate change and sea level rise will present new challenges to the water industry in the future, and Florida utilities in particular face unique issues of both quality and quantity of surface and ground water.  Interpretation of global climate change models for regional/local water resource planning was one of the five highest ranked issues in the 2008 Water Industry Climate Change Research Needs Workshop [AWWA Research Foundation, 2008], and a recent USGS publication addressing Climate Change and Water Resources Management from a Federal perspective emphasized that "... geographically focused discussion on research needs and priorities might be useful to help agencies steer and target efforts that would address regionally relevant knowledge gaps" [Brekke et al., 2009].

The UF Water Institute is committed to increasing the relevance and application of the best available climate science and technology to the public water supply sector. We are pleased to partner with the Florida Climate Institute and the UF-IFAS Center for Public Issues Education on a new NOAA grant that that will focus on increasing the relevance and use of climate variability, climate change and sea level rise data and models for Florida Water Utilities. The project will build a collaborative working group that partners a multidisciplinary team of faculty from UF and FSU with six major public water supply utilities and three Water Management Districts in Florida. Workshops will bring researchers, water suppliers, resource managers, planners and decision makers across Florida together to assess and evaluate the applicability of currently available climate data and models from multiple perspectives.

To read more about this project, click here.





Wendy Graham

FCI Steering Committee Member

FCI Events



Oct 6, 2011 | FCI Seminar | University of Florida - Gainesville, FL:

Location: UF Campus - 209 Emerson Alumni Hall   

Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm  

Speaker: Katharine Hayhoe, Research Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University 

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live via Polycom to FSU-COAPS



Oct 14, 2011 | FCI Seminar | Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL:

Location: FSU Department of Scientific Computing - room DSL 499   

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm 

Speaker: Tom Knutson, Research Meteorologist, GFDL Climate Change, Variability, and Prediction Group  

Title: Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change 

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live to UF's Frazier Rogers Hall, in room 122.


Nov 14, 2011 | Florida Climate Institute Annual Event | Gainesville, FL:

The Annual Event will highlight climate-related research and education in the Institute. It will provide you opportunities to showcase your research on climate-related issues, participate in an educational workshop, network with other scientists in related fields, and get the latest information on collaborative research opportunities. Please see the agenda for additional information.  


Submit your posters abstracts, no later than Friday, September 30, 2011 



Nov 14-15, 2011 | Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop | Gainesville, FL:

In cooperation with the Florida Atlantic University, the Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop, a State University System-wide workshop, will be held on November 14-15, 2011.  

This workshop will offer participating scientists from Florida based Universities & Agencies the opportunity to discuss collaboration on state wide research, teaching and extension projects.  

The event will feature guest speakers, a poster session, and a reception. Please, see the agenda for more information.   


Submit your posters abstracts, no later than Friday, September 30, 2011.    

Other Events



Sep 22, 2011 | 2:00-4:00pm EDT | Smart Planning for a Green Future Live Webinar | Session #3: Sustainability and Energy Planning for Communities  

Communities across the country have been surveyed for their sustainability projects and strategies. Learn from the experience of others in or relevant to Florida communities. Also benefit from strategic guidance on how to plan for and implement clean, green communities. Access powerful-new-resources for local- support.

See details and reserve your place now at:


Further details about the web-events and services of the initiative, go to www.EnergySmartPlanning.org 



Oct 3-6, 2011 | 36th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop | Fort Worth, TX

This annual workshop, coordinated by NOAA brings together leading national climate scientists.

Students in related fields are encouraged to participate.     

For more information about the workshop, visit here. The registration deadline is September 23, 2011.



Oct 4-6, 2011 (tentative dates) | 2:00-4:00pm EDT | Smart Planning for a Green Future Live Webinar | Session # 4: Transportation Alternatives for Energy Efficiency   

Many options exist for making communities more energy efficient though transportation choices ... from land use planning and development practices to public transportation and operational systems to alternative fuel vehicles and a whole lot more. Find out what your community can do to tap significant efficiencies (and related benefits) for now and the long haul.

See details and reserve your place now at: www.energysmartplanning.org./Webinars.html   

Further details about the web-events and services of the initiative, go to www.EnergySmartPlanning.org 



Oct 24-28, 2011 | Climate research in Service to Society | Denver, CO   

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) will host a major Open Science Conference (OSC) .

The conference aims to attract the world's experts to provide a unique synthesis of current research findings on climate variability and change, to identify the most urgent scientific issues and research challenges, and to ascertain how the WCRP can best facilitate research and develop partnerships critical for progress in the future.     

For more information, please see the website.    



Nov 1-4, 2011 | 38th Annual Natural Areas Conference | Tallahassee, FL

The 38th Annual Natural Areas Conference, "Adaptation and Protection of Biodiversity in a Changing World", will explore a range of topics concerning natural areas management and planning in the face of climate change. 

For further information, program details and registration, visit here.     


Nov 21-23, 2011 | Regional Climate Services Workshop 2011 | University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium and the Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht in Germany, are calling for abstracts in anticipation of the PCIC-hosted Regional Climate Services Workshop.

"Exploring Regional Climate Services: Meeting Stakeholder Needs for Practical Climate Information" will consider the ways in which climate information is communicated to stakeholders, what kind of information stakeholders need, how regional culture influences the flow of information, and the role that regional climate services play in mediating the flow of information.    

Visit PCIC's Regional Climate Services Workshop 2011 page for more information, which includes an online form for submitting your abstract or registering as a participant in the workshop.



Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2011 | Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference | Washington, DC

The Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference is the fifth annual conference focused on understanding the nature of individual and organizational behavior and decision making, and using that knowledge to accelerate our transition to an energy-efficient and low carbon economy. It will build on the overwhelming success of previous BECC conferences, at which more than 650 participants discussed successful policy and program strategies, shared important research findings, and built dynamic new networks and collaborations.

For more information visit the following links: November 29: Workshop and Reception; November 30 - December 2: Conference.



Dec 5-9, 2011 | AGU Special Session on Climate Change and Public Health | San Francisco, CA

"Climate Change and Public Health: Transforming Projections into Decisions": this special session at the AGU is focused on identifying key climate change concerns that impact both the individual and the world, in terms of health, disease, water, food, politics, security, and stability and aims to build a community of expertise optimized to impact policy and decision making. Contributions are sought from broad and diverse perspective, for example: Earth/space science, public health, policy/political science, engineering, environmental science, communication/public education, ecology/epidemiology, planning and risk assessment, complex systems, healthcare, economics, and biology/bioethics.  

For more in formation, please visit the website  



Jan 22-26, 2012 | AMS 92nd Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA   

The American Meteorological Society is announcing the 92nd Annual Meeting.

The central theme of the 2012 AMS Annual Meeting will be technology and its profound impacts on research, operations, the business of our environmental sciences, and the public. These advancements in environmental awareness and knowledge have greatly lowered the human suffering and loss of life in the United States and around the world from the deadly and costly effects of extreme weather and ecological disasters. This meeting will focus on past, current, and future advances that should be of wide interest and value to AMS members. Also to be considered by members in discussion of these topics should be the link between the advancement of complex technologies and our improving confidence in the end parameters and their linkage across scales and processes, such as are represented in hurricane prediction.

For more information visit the AMS website.



Feb 15-16, 2012 | 3rd UF Water Institute Symposium | Gainesville, FL 

The University of Florida and Progress Energy partner to host the 3rd UF Water Institute Symposium, at the J. Wayne Reitz Union (University of Florida Campus).
The Symposium will focus on Complex Challenges and Integrated Solutions for Nutrient Management in Watersheds. It will bring together scientists, engineers, academics, non-governmental organizations, policy makers, water managers, industry and utility representatives, lawyers, students, and the public to explore emerging issues related to nutrient sources, dynamics, management, and policy from multiple perspectives.
Dates of interest:

Abstract submission deadline: October 10, 2011

On-line registration opens: November 8, 2011

On-line registration deadline: January 31, 2012

For more information, please visit the website.   

Survey and Opportunities


FCI undertakes survey into climate information requirements in Florida

The Florida Climate Institute and the Southeast Climate Consortium are conducting research that will inform regional and National climate assessment activities. This assessment is a Federal mandate.

If you are representing a Florida Business, regional organizations, are part of a university or industry association, we would appreciate your participation in this short survey.

Please follow the link.

For additional information or question contact Norman Breuer at [email protected].



EPA calls for software ideas to develop Apps for the environment 

The EPA Apps for the Environment Challenge is a contest for software developers to create new applications to enable the public to use EPA's environmental and human health data to help communities and individuals benefit from using, understanding, and applying EPA's data to their environmental and/or health issues.



Apply to Be A Partners of the Americas Climate Change Fellow

Partners of the Americas' Climate Change Fellows Program builds on decades of sustained programs that connect people, institutions and communities to serve and to change lives across the hemisphere. Throughout 2011 and 2012, professionals from the United States and Colombia will participate in fellowships that harness the power of citizen diplomacy and link it to long-term engagement around climate change issues that affect multiple communities. Fellows will become part of an extensive network of Partners' volunteers, Partners' exchange alumni and collaborating institutions that boasts more than 45 years of people to people engagement across cultures and regions.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 14, 2011.

The Fellowship will take place sometime during February and March of 2012.

Partners will be holding an information conference call Monday, September 19th at 2PM EST to answer any questions you may have regarding the Fellowship and the Program.

Dial-in Number: (760) 569-9000

Access Code: 348389


If you have any questions please contact Katalina Mayorga at [email protected] or at 202-637-6201 or check out the website

Recent Publications


Mote, P.
, L. Brekke, P. B. Duffy, and E. Maurer, 2011: Guidelines for constructing climate scenarios. Eos Trans. AGU, 92(31), doi:10.1029/2011EO310001.



Furtado, J.C., Di Lorenzo, E., Schneider, N. and Bond, N.A, 2011: North Pacific decadal variability and climate change in the IPCC AR4 models. Journal of Climate, 24, 3049-3067, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3584.1.  




Field, C. Climate Change Science in a Skeptical Era. FCI Seminar. September 9, 2011. Gainesville, Florida.  



Whung, P.-Y. Climate Smart Agriculture for Development - Adaptation Practices and Needs. FCI Seminar. September 7, 2011. Gainesville, Florida.  



Florida Local Environmental Resource Agencies: 

The Annual FLERA Conference was held in July 2011. The conference presentations are now available on the FLERA website.

For more information, please visit the website.  

Funding Opportunities



NOAA FY12 Gulf of Mexico Bay-Watershed Education and Training

ProgramFunding Opportunity Number:


The National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Region is seeking proposals for the Gulf B-WET program. This program is  

an environmental education program that promotes locally relevant,

experiential learning in levels K-12. Funded projects provide  

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) for  

students, related professional development for teachers, and help  

to support regional education and environmental priorities in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Eligibility: K-12 public and independent schools and school  

systems; institutions of higher learning; non-profit and  

community-based organizations; local, state, and interstate

governmental agencies; tribal governments in the Gulf States.

Application deadline is 5pm EST on October 14, 2011.  



NSF's Environmental Sustainability Program

Funding Opportunity Number: PD-12-7643

The National Science Foundation's Environmental Sustainability  

program supports research promoting sustainably engineered  

systems that can support human activities, while sustaining the  

needs of natural systems. The four research areas in this program  are: (1) Industrial Ecology; (2) Green Engineering; (3) Ecological  

Engineering; (4) Earth Systems Engineering. Climate change  

adaptation is listed as an area of interest within the Earth Systems Engineering research area. All proposed research should be based

in engineering principles, while integrating aspects of environmental sustainability. Proposals should also include involvement of at least one graduate student in engineering research, as well as  

undergraduate students. Incorporating social, behavioral, and  

economic sciences into proposals is welcomed.  

Eligibility: Unrestricted

Application deadline is 5pm proposer's local time on February 17, 2012.



Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC)

Program Solicitation: NSF 11-551

Offered through NSF, as well as the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), this grant is focused on understanding and predicting interactions between water systems and climate change, land use, built environment, and ecosystem function and services through place-based research and integrative models. Topics of interest include: (1) Development of theoretical frameworks / models that can predict the impact of climate change, land use, and human activity on water systems while incorporating the linkages between atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic, etc. processes; (2) Determining potential changes in water budgets and quality in response to climate change, land use, and human activity; (3) Determining how built water systems and governance systems can become more resilient and sustainable.  

Eligibility: Universities and colleges, non-profit/non-academic organizations, for-profit organizations, other federal agencies, and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (specific instructions exist for USDA-NIFA proposals)

Full proposal deadline is 5pm (proposer's local time) on October 19, 2011.

More more information, please click here.       

Employment Opportunity 



Senior Climate Impact Scientist:

The University of Edinburgh is currently recruiting a Senior Climate Impact Scientist. The job-holder will undertake research within a group that is using computer models to explore uncertainty in systems affected by climate change. The job-holder will have two related objectives. The first is to research approaches that generate simulated weather data from climate projections for use in impact models for a variety of sectors (land, forest, etc). The second objective is to explore the importance of climate uncertainty in models of impact and adaptation, relative to other uncertainty, and how this varies across the different sectors.

Please see the position description here.   

Mike Mineter[email protected] is the point of contact.