FCI LogoNews
May 2011
In This Issue
Welcome to our New Members!
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Recent Publications
Recent Presentations
Other News
Funding Opportunities
Employment Opportunity

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Dear FCI Members & Friends,


Climate research encompasses a wide range of disciplines and time scales.  Research at UF and FSU on this topic ranges from studies of the basic science of how interactions between the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and cryosphere drive climate change, to studies of how climate change impacts populations, politics and agriculture, to plans for adaptation and mitigation.  The breadth of the topic is also apparent from the time scales of research projects which include studies of: 1) the geologic past, which are critical for understanding how the earth has responded to previous climate events, to 2) modern timescales, needed to document current conditions, to 3) future modeling, necessary for understanding the potential impact of human activities and the possible success of mitigation strategies.  One of the primary goals of the Florida Climate Institute is to create synergies between researchers studying climate from all of these perspectives in order to enhance our research opportunities and outcomes.  We would like to encourage everyone to get involved and have a voice in the success of the institute.





Ellen Martin

FCI Steering Committee Member.

Welcome to our New Members!


We are pleased to welcome our new FCI Affiliate Members:


- Craig Diamond. FSU, Urban and Regional Planing. 

- Chiung-Shiuan Fu. UF, Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 

- Kuldip Chander. Building Engineering and Management - School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. 


Thank you for your support and participation!

FCI Events


The Environmental Minute: a new radio program 

This is a new radio program featuring environmental experts from the Florida State University. It started on monday, May 2. 

The program airs on Mondays and Wednesdays on WFSU 88.9 FM, at 10:04 am.

The radio program is sponsored by The Florida Climate Institute, The Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences, and the FSU Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science.    

Please follow us online live at http://www.wfsu.org/radio/index.php. The minutes are archived at http://www.wfsu.org/environmental/.



May 24-27, 2011

Location: Orlando, FL.

Note: CIMR (pronounced "simmer") will emphasize the challenges of applying climate information and predictions at local and regional levels, for regions and locations from around the world.  


Climate Information for Managing Risks Symposium

Other Events

May 16-27, 2011:
New York, NY

Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health at Columbia University 


May 17-21, 2011:

Location: Moscow, Russian Federation. 

Climate Changes in Polar and Subpolar Regions 

The conference will cover topics on various aspects of climate change in polar and subpolar regions. 


May 19-21, 2011:

Location: Agadir, Morocco 

Climate Change, Agri-Food, Fisheries and Ecosystems

Conference theme: Reinventing Research, Innovation and Policy Agendas. The conference is organized by  the North-South Center for Social Sciences (NRCS) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Partners are the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences , Ibn Zohr University, and The French Institute of Research for Development.

For more information visit the conference website here.


June 15-July 1, 2011 (Application deadline: March 11, 2011):

Location: Ashville, NC

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-NC announcing Summer Institute on Climate Change


June 23-26, 2011:  

Location: The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences announcing the AESS's 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference: "Confronting Complexity"  


June 27- July 2, 2011

Location: Ixia, Rhodes, Greece

3rd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change

For more information visit the AEGEAN website here.  


July 4-8, 2011

Location: Havana International Conference Center - Havana, Cuba

VIII International Convention on Environment and Development 

"This transcendental conference will provide a fluid and comprehensive exchange of ideas and criteria about methodological, theoretical and practical aspects related to the environment and sustainable development, in order to find better options to face and solve the problems involved in this wide field of study, which is more recurrent and necessary every day."


July 11-15, 2011:  

Location: NCAR Mesa Lab - Boulder, CO

The 2011 NCAR/CDC Colloquium on Climate and Health

Call for applications: application deadline is 15 May 2011. Between 20 and 25 applicants will be selected to attend the workshop. All applicants will be notified of the decision by the end of May.  Funding is available for graduate students, post-docs, and early career scientists.

Direct all questions to Dr. Hayden: [email protected] - (303)497-8116.


July 21-22, 2011:

Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 

3rd Climate Change Conference - Impacts and Responses.

Overall Theme: Climate Change and its Global Implications for people, ethics and equity

The Climate Change Conference is for any person with an interest in, and concern for, scientific, policy and strategic perspectives in climate change. It will address a range of critically important themes relating to the vexing question of climate change. Plenary speakers will include some of the world's leading thinkers in the fields of climatology and environmental science, as well as numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by researchers and practitioners.

For more information visit the conference website.


August 1-2, 2011:

Location: Wellington, New Zealand 

7th Australia-New Zealand Climate Change and Business Conference

Following the 2010 conference in Sydney, this conference will attract again delegates from throughout the region. It is an example of how participants from key business leaders, politicians, academics and industry experts and presentations from the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, national and state politicians, and a wide range of industry sectors including banking, farming, forestry, investment, management, technology, transport, and energy keep engaging and discussing the impact of climate change on a region and the socio-economic environment.

For more information, please visit the website


October 22-29, 2011 (Application Deadline: March 7, 2011)

Location: La Foret Conference and Retreat Center Colorado Springs, CO

DISCCRS VI Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium

Dedicated to the memory of Stephen H. Schneider.   


October 24-28, 2011:

Location: Denver, CO 

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) will host a major Open Science Conference (OSC) in October 2011 in Denver with the title "Climate Research in Service to Society".

The conference aims to attract the world's experts to provide a unique synthesis of current research findings on climate variability and change, to identify the most urgent scientific issues and research challenges, and to ascertain how the WCRP can best facilitate research and develop partnerships critical for progress in the future.    

Note: The deadline for submitting your abstracts has been  extended to May 15th   


November 8-11, 2011:

Location: Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia 

The 1st International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM) 2011 will be held in Australia, with the pre-Conference Seminar "Energy & Meteorology: Fundamentals and Challenges" and Welcome Reception on Monday, 7 November 2011.

Submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation to be part of the four-day programme - the ICEM is calling for abstracts to discuss the Conference-s themes:

- State-of-the-Science and Challenges in Weather & Climate for Energy

- Energy Generation - including Renewables and Biofuels

- Energy Resource Assessment, Planning, Forecasting and Storage

- Energy Extraction, Transportation, Transmission and Distribution

- Energy Demand, Smart Grids, Finance and Insurance

Abstracts are to be submitted online via the ICEM 2011 website: http://www.icem2011.org/abstracts.html before Close of Business Friday, 20 May, 2011.


January 22-26, 2012:

Location: New Orleans, LA 

AMS 92nd Annual Meeting

American Meteorological Society - 92nd Annual Meeting in New Orleans - pre-announcement.

For more information visit  the AMS website here.

Recent Publications

Kleiner K., 2011: Data on Demand. Nature Climate Change, 1, 10-12, doi:10.1038/nclimate1057. 


Scheutz, C., A.M. Frendenslund, J. Chanton, G. B. Pedersen, P. Kjeldsen, 2011: Mitigation of methane emission from Fakse landfill using a biowindow system. Waste Management, 31, 1018-1028.

Misra, V., L. Moeller, L. Stefanova, S. Chan, J. O'Brien, T. Smith III, and N. Plant, 2011: The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on Panhandle Florida Sea Breeze. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, (accepted).


Villarini, G., G.A. Vecchi, T.R. Knutson, M. Zhao, and J.A. Smith, 2011: North Atlantic tropical storm frequency response to anthropogenic forcing: Projections and sources of uncertainty. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/2011JCLI3853.1 (in press).

Recent Presentations


FCI Faculty Seminar - April 7, 2011 - Gainesville, FL:

Dutton, A.: Empirical Constraints on Future Sea Level Rise: Sea Level and Ice Sheet Dynamics During Warm Interglacial Periods  


FCI Faculty Seminar - April 7, 2011 - Gainsville, FL:

Putz F.: Sustaining Tropical Forests with Forestry 


FCI Special Guest Seminar - April 14, 2011 - Tallahassee, FL:
Kirtman, B.: Impact of ocean model Resolution on CCSM Climate Simulations

Other News


Ask our experts:

A new Link  Ask our expert is available on our website.  

We will be glad to direct your questions and concerns to our experts at FCI.  


Clyde Fraisse was recently awarded a new IAI grant.  

This project aims at developing a seasonal climate forecast system for use by producers and policy makers, in order to reduce the production risks associated with climate variability.

For more information, please see the full description of the project.  


FCI News archive:

Please find the previous News editions in our  archive section. The archive page is also available under "Quick Links" (column to the left).


Action amid uncertainty. The Business response to climate change.

Ernst &Young explores "how organizations are responding to the complexities associated with climate change risks and opportunities within their businesses".

See the report



Energy for sustainability:

The energy for sustainability program supports fundamental research and education that will enable innovative processes for the sustainable production of electricity and transportation fuels.

Current closing date for application: September 15, 2011.

See full announcement.

ROSES 2011: Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on NASA Centers Facilities:

This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) solicits proposals for supporting basic and applied research and technology across a broad range of Earth and space science program elements relevant to one or more of the following NASA Research Programs: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics. For more information, please see full announcement.


Call for Applications: the African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) 

The ACCFP offers experiential learning, education, and research and training opportunities to African professionals, researchers, educators and graduate students to enhance their capabilities for advancing and applying knowledge for climate change adaptation in Africa.

For more information about the ACCFP and/or this Call for Applications and for application forms, please visit the ACCFP website at: www.accfp.org. All applications are due to ACCFP no later than June 5, 2011. 

Employment opportunity 


Florida Defenders of the Environment is conducting a search for a new Executive Director. Please see the posting. The deadline for applications is May 27, 2011.  


CSC is seeking a Director of climate modeling and application development. See the posting here (http://careers.csc.com - Requisition ID: 11003CJ). 


The atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, at Princeton University, is seeking a postdoctoral research associate, with a strong interdisciplinary interest in both the technical and scientific challenges of high-resolution climate modeling. For complete position description and application instruction, go to http://jobs.princeton.edu - requisition #0110132. 


Oklahoma Geological Survey is recruiting an hydrogeologist.  

Direct inquires to Dr. Keller at [email protected]    


Science Jobs @ Nature.com 

The Journal Nature list thousands of Science Jobs advertised in the US and overseas, including vacancies in Climate related areas. Check the Nature.com website here.