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March 2011
In This Issue
Welcome to our New Members!
FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar
FCI Events
Other Events
Recent Publications
Recent Presentations
Other News
Funding Opportunities

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James W. Jones

 Eric P. Chassignet



Carolyn Cox

Muriel Hannion




Dear FCI Members & Friends,


The FCI is continuing to increase its activities across our respective campuses and the state as well as some more international opportunities.  

The FCI seminar series is continuing this semester with FSU highlighting some external speakers and the UF campus giving a spotlight to some of the new faculty members to join our campus in the related fields of climate change. We would also take this opportunity to continue to encourage our FSU and UF faculty affiliates of FCI to volunteer for this seminar series so that the audience can explore new collaborations for research.  

The FCI is currently investigating a series of new funding opportunities and is supporting the large group collaborations as we start to develop some novel and exciting funding opportunities. Please circulate any appropriate funding opportunities to the FCI so we can really make a push on the funding front this year. In related and very excited news, it has been officially announced that the Carbon center at UF, led by Tim Martin (FCI Steering Committee) has received $20 million (see news below).  

Such continued linkages only serve to strengthen FCI and consolidate our place in the state. As such, your continued support, enthusiasm, and involvement with FCI is truly appreciated by us all and will certainly allow us to build a top tier institute that we can all be proud of.


 Jane Southworth,

Chair FCI Steering Committee.

Welcome to our New Members!


We are pleased to welcome our new FCI Affiliate Members:


- Joseph Meert. UF, Geology.

- Damian Adams. UF, School of Forest Resources and Conservation.

- Dorota Haman. UF, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

- Andrea Berteit. UF.

- Pam McVety. Retired Biologist.

- Jessica Bolson. UF, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.


Thank you for your support and participation!

FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar


March 31, 2011, 3:00pm-4:00pm

Location: UF Smathers Library Room 1A 

Note: The seminar will be webcast. The link will be posted on the FCI website. 

                                                         Speaker: Dr. Chet Koblinsky, Director of  NOAA Climate Program Office    

Title: "Development of Climate Services in NOAA"  


FCI Events


FCI Special Guest Seminar:

March 22, 2011, 3:30pm-4:30pm 

Location: UF Frazier Rogers Hall, in room 122.

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live via Polycom to FSU-COAPS, in room 122.


Speaker: Dr. Robert Socolow , Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University, Co-Director, The Carbon Mitigation Initiative

Title: "How Would We Act If We Took Climate Change Seriously?" 



FCI Faculty Seminar:

March 24, 2011, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Location: FSU-COAPS, in room 220.

Note: The seminar will be broadcast live via Polycom to UF's Frazier Rogers Hall, in room 122.



Speaker: Henry Fuelberg, FSU - Department of Earth, Ocean And Atmospheric Science

Title: Transport of Asian Biomass Burning Emissions to the ARctic-Climatological Considerations



Speaker: William Dewar, FSU - Department of Earth, Ocean And Atmospheric Science  

Title: TBA 






May 24-27, 2011

Location: Orlando, FL.

Note: CIMR (pronounced "simmer") will emphasize the challenges of applying climate information and predictions at local and regional levels, for regions and locations from around the world.  


Climate Information for Managing Risks Symposium

Other Events


March 30-31, 2011:

Location: Washington, DC

Defense, National Security & Climate Change: Mitigating Risks and Seizing Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing Global Environment 


March 31-April 2, 2011:

Location: Washington, DC

National Academy of Sciences announces Fostering Advances in Interdisciplinary Climate Science organized by Rita Colwell, Christopher Field, Jeffrey Shaman, and Susan Solomon.


May 16-27, 2011:
New York, NY

Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health at Columbia University 


June 15-July 1, 2011 (Application deadline: March 11, 2011):

Location: Ashville, NC

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-NC announcing Summer Institute on Climate Change


June 23-26, 2011:  

Location: The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences announcing the AESS's 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference: "Confronting Complexity" 


October 22-29, 2011 (Application Deadline: March 7, 2011)

Location: La Foret Conference and Retreat Center Colorado Springs, CO

DISCCRS VI Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium

Dedicated to the memory of Stephen H. Schneider.  

Recent Publications


Joye, S.B.,MacDonald, I.R.,Leifer, I., Asper, V., 2011. Magnitude and oxidation potential of hydrocarbon gases released from the BP Oil well blowout. Nature Geoscience Advanced Online Publication,


Sura, P., 2011: A General Perspective of Extreme Events in Weather and Climate. Atmospheric Research,


Recent Presentations


FCI Internal Speaker Seminar - February 3, 2011 - Gainsville, FL:  

Cameron Devitt, S.: Integrating Current Distribution and Paleoenvironment to Uncover Patterns of North American Songbird Diversity. 


FCI Internal Speaker Seminar - February 3, 2011 - Gainsville, FL: Asseng, S.: Impact of Heat Stress Events on Wheat Yields  


FCI Special Guest Seminar - February 17, 2011 - Tallahassee, FL:

Griffin, D.: "Climate Change and Climate Systems Influence and Control the Atmospheric Dispersion of Desert Dust: Implications for Human Health".  

Other News

In the press:   

2-15-2011: La Ni�a may bring warm late winter to Southeast  

2-15-2011: Florida State welcomes warmer weather  

UF-led consortium garners $20 million grant to improve pine forest management:


University of Florida forestry experts Tim Martin, Gary Peter and Martha Monroe pose in a stand of loblolly pine trees in the Austin Cary Memorial Forest near Gainesville - Friday, Feb. 4, 2011.


The trio, faculty members with UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, are among the leaders of a consortium that was awarded a five-year, $20 million grant to improve pine forest management in the Southeastern U.S. The grant, announced Friday, Feb. 18, is aimed at helping landowners and foresters adapt to and mitigate global climate change. Tim Martin is a member of the Florida Climate Institute Steering Committee.

Consortium members include Alcorn State University, Auburn University, Mississippi State University, North Carolina A&T University, North Carolina State University, Oklahoma State University, Texas A&M University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, US Forest Service, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Virginia State University.


$789,000 USDA-NIFA Grant to Improve Crop Yield Projections in the Southeast USA:

COAPS scientists DW Shin, Steve Cocke, and James O'Brien are the lead investigators on a new project to optimize crop yield projections using advanced climate modeling techniques. The scientists are receiving a 3-year, $789,000 award through the US Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture interagency climate change program to integrate state-of-the-art climate projections, crop modeling systems, and economic evaluations to develop a tool for studying agricultural production in the Southeast USA. This integrated framework will enable the scientists to assess the potential impact of future climate variability and trends on the production of economically-valuable crops in the region. Additional collaborators include scientists from the University of Florida and the University of Miami who, together with the COAPS researchers, are part of the Southeast Climate Consortium.


NOAA Deepwater Horizon archive:

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) launched its "Deepwater Horizon Library" on December 29, 2010. The library contains an archive of Deepwater Horizon response information, including maps, reports, and other information used by first responders. From the site description: "As the nation's experts on oceanic and atmospheric science and the lead science agency for oil spills, NOAA was on-scene at the Deepwater Horizon oil spill since the earliest moments of the crisis. Our satellites in space, planes in the air, ships and buoys on the water, gliders under the sea, and scientists on the ground provided mission-critical information to guide the emergency response and now the long-term restoration of the Gulf Coast. Much of that information is now centralized on this website."

More information here.  


FCI News archive:

You can now find the previous News editions in our  archive section. The archive page is also available under "Quick Links" (column to the left).

Funding Opportunities


The Kresge Foundation: 

Adaptation to Climate Change: Addressing the impacts of climate change on people and nature by helping to build the field of climate-change adaptation, supporting place-based adaptation efforts, and assisting in the development of climate-wise federal and state policies and practices. We support work being done in the United States as well as select Canadian initiatives.


NFS opportunities:

Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers  


Fostering Interdisciplinary Research on Education  


Science, Technology, and Society 


Fundamental Research Program for Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers   


Dear Colleague Letter: Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) with Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) Focus  


Climate Change Fellows Program:

Builds on decades of  sustained programs that connect people, institutions and communities to serve and to change lives across the hemisphere. Throughout 2011, professionals from the United States and Colombia will participate in fellowships that harness the power of citizen diplomacy and link it to long-term engagement around climate change issues that affect multiple communities. Fellows will become part of an extensive network of Partners' volunteers, Partners' exchange alumni, and collaborating institutions that boasts more than 45 years of people to people engagement across cultures and regions. Deadline for applications is April 22, 2011. More information here.


Call for a Student Member of the American Meteorological Society Committee on Applied Climatology:  

The AMS Committee on Applied Climatology seeks a student member to serve a one- year term starting in Summer 2011, with the possibility of a renewal for a second year. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for this position. The ideal candidate should have demonstrated interest in Applied Climatology through involvement in the field and participation in past conference and meetings. The student member will participate in all committee functions including meetings and teleconference calls, and will attend the Applied Climatology conference. Funding will be made available to offset travel costs associated with attending the conference. More details on the role of the Committee on Applied Climatology are provided here .

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