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NEW Membership Benefit
WUOT's members provide about 1/3 of this public radio station's funding, helping to keep our programming on the air and streaming on the web. To thank our donors, WUOT has created a new membership benefit. When you donate to WUOT, you are automatically entered in a monthly drawing for a free CD. The first drawing will be in March and will continue monthly thereafter; the prize will be automatically mailed to the address in our membership files. The winner each month will be announced in E-notes, on our website, and on our Facebook page. If you have any questions about this new benefit, please contact Lisa Beckman at lbeckma1@utk.edu or (865) 974-9558.
Thank you, WUOT members, for your valued support that makes this the vibrant public radio station it is. And good luck in the drawing!
You do not need to make a donation to enter this drawing. To enter, email your name and address to lbeckma1@utk.edu or mail it to WUOT 209 Communications Bldg Knoxville TN 37996-0322
AIRNOTES - Program Guide
WUOT grid schedule
WUOT-2 grid schedule (HD channel)

"The Good Show" A question that haunted Charles Darwin: if natural selection boils down to survival of the fittest, how do you explain why one creature might stick its neck out for another? The standard view of evolution is that living things are shaped by cold-hearted competition. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. Do we really live in a selfish, dog-eat-dog world? Or has evolution carved out a hidden code that rewards genuine cooperation?
Friday, March 25 at noon
On-going Monthly Specials...
DIALOGUE - WUOT's monthly live call-in program. Hosts: Matt Shafer Powell and Chrissy Keuper.
The Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness was an ambitious, hopeful plan with the kind of laudable goal that seemingly everyone would get behind. But not everyone did. And now the whole plan is being overhauled. On this Dialogue, we'll speak with Stephanie Metheny and Ron Peabody-two of the people charged with bringing it back to life. And we'll take your calls at 865.974.5050.
Wednesday, March 2 at 1 p.m.
STUDIO 865/Flipside - WUOT's monthly program featuring local music and musicians. Host: Todd Steed Songwriter Jay Clark (left) is featured. Clark will perform some of his best songs as well as debut a new work he composed for the University of Tennessee's National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) BioSongs Project.
On the Flipside, Knoxville drummer Carissa Stolting will share several gems from her record collection.
Wednesday, March 2 at 8 p.m.