Quaero Indicium
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest

It has been a very busy month for our agency and profession - this newsletter is packed with news, tips and resources from all over!  Last month we asked "Is there a serial killer in Colorado?" about the wrongful conviction of Robert Dewey.  Wrongful convictions will always make the news, and a new study and review of these points to why.  Speaking of studies, there is a new study on the suicide rate in the US and being intoxicated.

Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations, and from finding the right investigator to the right expert.  Being in business for nearly 25 years, we are part of and have developed, a vast network of resources.  Like many agencies, our clients and potential clients want to know how we can help - Together We're Better!  At AFI-LLC, we are Expert Medicolegal Death Investigators available to review the records, reports, photographs and evidentiary documentation in order to provide an opinion, within the scope of our education, training and experience, as to the circumstances of the death and/or injury and causation.  Not just death cases, any personal injury or negligence incident; and not just as expert consultants, all general legal investigation of these.  Our case examples are found at http://www.forensic-investigators.com/sample-cases.html.

As always, keep your news and resources coming and we'll do the best we can to share.  To keep up with these, follow our blog and social networks - www.MedicolegalPI.com and www.facebook.com/4N6Associates.

In less than one month, July 1st, Colorado's Volunteer Private Investigation License program will be active.  The application process has been in place since mid April, with approved applicants receiving their license pocket cards.  Karen has been issued PI-502 and Dean has been issued PI-503.  Being licensed demonstrates to potential clients that the investigator has been vetted by the state for criminal history, as well as education, training and experience.  Colorado is unique, in that it is voluntary with no obstructed path to obtaining the necessary qualifications.  Although it is an individual choice, being qualified, and choosing to be licensed in a voluntary program demonstrates a commitment to our professionalism and clients.

You can apply for your Colorado license by visiting the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies -  http://www.dora.state.co.us/private-investigator/index.htm
You do not need to be a resident or be based in Colorado.  This is perfect for those having work in Colorado, based in Colorado, or in one of the few remaining states without a licensing program.

Beers, Karen S
Beers, Dean Alan


In This Issue

-- Blogs and investigators in the news:  Aaron Weese, Brandon Perron CCDI, Tom Shamshak, CCDI, Terry Cox CLI, Rod Baker CLI CCDI, John Hoda CLI and Roe Mesis!
-- Karen's Corner:  Wrongful Convictions and Comprehensive Investigations
-- Dean's Desk:  Saving Online Videos; Law Enforcement and HIPAA regulations
-- In Closing:  Suicide and Intoxication, plus Subject Matter Expertise

Associations News
-- Colorado Voluntary PI Licenses - applications now available online
-- National Association of Legal Investigators - summer conference information
-- National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS) - Legislative Alert on EEOC rules on pre-employment background checks and update on Hit the Hill
-- World Association of Detectives - coming announcement on joint NCISS and WAD fall annual conference
-- Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) Dean and Karen speaking
Karen's Corner:
Wrongful Convictions and Comprehensive Investigations
(Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI)

False confessions and false accusations seem to be the "norm" these days.

Add to the mix one-angle sighted police officers, prosecutors, and jurors, you get wrongful convictions. These wrongful convictions take years to undo and those years taken away from the wrongfully convicted can never be given back.


Even when a lawsuit brings monetary gains to the wrongfully convicted, the wrong done can never be erased from their minds as well as the minds of others. Even when you have "exonerated" on your criminal record, some people believe you must have done something and are only getting off on some legal technicality. Yes, those legal technicalities do exist although rare, and the numbers keep mounting up for the innocent victims of our judicial system.

(this article continues - Read the full article

For related articles posted to our agency blog, please visit http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2012/01/the-importance-of-a-thorough-investigation.html
and http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2012/03/how-exploitation-and-manipulation-equals-rush-to-injustice.html
Our agency offers FREE consultations to any private sector investigator on how to begin a proper scene investigation. Associates@Forensic-Investigators.com or (970) 480-7793

About Karen:
Karen S. Beers, BSW
Karen S. Beers

Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. She recently earned the designation Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI).  Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.

Dean's Desk
Saving Online Videos, and Law Enforcement & HIPAA
(Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI)
Saving Online Videos
Here is a very useful tip!  I have seen many requests for how to download integrated and flash video from websites - they really don't want you to do that.  Last month I needed to download a couple YouTube videos - there are hard ways and there are easy ways.  The best are the easy and FREE ways.

The one that worked best for me is  www.SaveVid.com. It does require a Javascript applet, but that is it.  Copy the URL from the video site to the SaveVid site, pick the resolution (I recommend the HD for best quality and use across multiple OS platforms).  After that it captures the video and gives you a link to save.  This works on YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and a few others (I have not tried Google+).

Law Enforcement and HIPAA
First, what is HIPAA?  Its not HIPPA (common - and thought to be Health Insurance Patient Privacy Act or similar); it is HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Recently the following question was posed on an association listserv:
"Can a doctor release an individual's medical records to Law Enforcement without the individual's written consent?" and if law enforcement could get around this for a criminal investigation. 


The investigator asked a relative, a surgeon, and was told "...it is absolutely against HIPAA to release information without consent from an individual."

What do you think the answer is?  Follow this link for the answer and details
Dean A. Beers, CLI
Dean A. Beers

About Dean:

Dean is a subject matter expert in the areas of death investigation and personal injury causation. He is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, a faculty consultant and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also a certified Medicolegal Death Investigator.  He continues to speak extensively on investigative techniques and principles and has authored multiple peer-reviewed white papers, and self-published "Professional Investigations:  Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities" and recently published "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" (CRC Press)  He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review 
Forensic Pathology Consultations
We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  Dr. Cina's CV (Forensic Pathology services), are available at his website - Autopsy Review.  Dr. Schueler (Forensic Toxicology services).

Dr. Cina is also the co-author of the non-fiction historical look at "When Doctors Kill" available at http://whendoctorskill.forensic-investigators.com
Agency News and Updates
PrivateInvestigations.org expanded to include emails, subdomains, books and resources
We have expanded PrivateInvestigations.org to include not only email and subdomains, but books and resources for investigations and business operations.

Promotional video for 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations'  
While visiting Mount Rushmore, one of our favorite places and an icon to our country, we made a brief video about Dean's book.  The video is at  http://youtu.be/nnCSNIBGW6I.

Dean and Karen speaking again at the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
Dean spoke last year at the TALI conference, an association which he is a member, and was asked to return for an expanded time-frame and topic.  In addition, he will also be teaching a required continuing education module for the Texas Certified Investigator program.  Being asked to return is an honor, and being an instructor for the TCIs is a particular honor.

This conference, TALIs International Conference of Investigative Associations, is going to be another Texas-sized experience.  Visit http://www.icia2012.net/ for details and hope to see you there!


Associations and Industry News
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (www.PPIAC.org)  
The licensing program in Colorado will be effective July 2012.  The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) has all the rules, forms and applications available online at  http://www.dora.state.co.us/private-investigator/index.htm.  The process of the fingerprint check and application approval can take several weeks, so plan in advance and don't delay!  It is suggested that you apply ASAP to receive a license by the effective date.

Is licensing in Colorado right for you?  Read Dean's recent blog, 'Licensing Private Investigators in Colorado' at http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2012/05/licensing-private-investigators-in-colorado.html

Also, set your calendars for October 19 & 20 at the Antlers Hilton Hotel in Colorado Springs.  Keep an eye on the www.PPIAC.org website for details next month!  


National Association of Legal Investigators (www.NALI.com)
We were unable to attend this year, but hope to have some exciting news to share next month.  We wish all of our NALI friends and colleagues a great time in Chicago!  Don't forget, to find out more about NALI, their informative association magazine - The Legal Investigator is a good start!  Consider joining NALI, you will be glad you did!  

National Council of Investigation and Security Services
NCISS has a new website - very nice!  The address remains the same.  Also, NCISS has arranged a very special benefit for members only discount program with Office Depot.  This is a special discount program for in-store and online supplies.  The savings on toner alone for one year more than pays for our NCISS membership. 

If you are a private investigator or security officer, consider joining NCISS.  The introductory membership is $99 for the first year and prorated upon the following year at renewal; regular annual dues are $140); the $25 application fee is waived.  Feel free to contact Dean, Region 5A Director (CO, NE, WY & AZ) with any questions. 

< Membership Special Offer Details >


World Association of Detectives (www.WAD.net) 
WAD and NCISS are planning a joint conference and annual meeting in Boston this September.  Please watch next month's newsletter for details.

WAD has international geographical coverage of a diversified group of investigators and security professionals.  I
f you are in any way involved in or interested in being involved in international investigations and contacts, WAD is the oldest and largest association.  Contact Dean (beersda@Forensoc-Investigators.com), WAD Ambassador (North America - West) for details.

Other Association News
(if your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion)
In the News
CourtroomNews happens so fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - www.MedicolegalPI.com or our business Facebook page at www.facebook.com/4N6Associates




Thomas Shamshak, CCDI added to AFI-LLC Experts

Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC is proud to announce that Tom is now associated with our agency as a consulting police procedures and protocols expert.  For details, please view the < Press Release >.  Tom has recently contributed a mulit-part article on the core investigative skills at www.PINow.com


Aaron Weese of [Truth] Investigations (VA)

Aaron has a great blog on hiring a PI, and he recently posted "Its Not All Sweating in a Hot Car" (http://truthprivatei.com/hiring-a-p-i/its-not-all-sweating-in-a-hot-car/).  He was kind enough to comment on Dean's book and relate how the same process for legal investigations applies to surveillance investigations.  All investigations begin with preparation!  Visit Aaron's blog often if you are an investigator, use investigators or are considering doing so. 


Brandon Perron, CCDI
Brandon is the National Director of the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council.  This is a new blog and one to keep your eye on!  http://brandonperroninvestigator.blogspot.com/.  


Terry Cox, CLI on Working with Legal Investigators   

Terry is the National Director of NALI and was recently a guest on Law Talk Radio hosted by attorney Nick Augustine.  Mr. Augustine will also be a presenter at the upcoming NALI conference in Chicago (June 7-9 - www.NALI.com).  < Listen to the show >  


Rod Baker, CLI, CCDI Testifies in Corruption Probe  

Thanks to Bill Elliott, CLI, CCDI for sharing this.  Rod is a former U.S. probation chief for
Oklahoma's Northern District.  He testified in the corruption probe of Tulsa Police Officer John K. "J.J." Gray that the former informant he spoke to within the last 60 days fled Oklahoma out of fear of the alleged heist plan and has not returned.  < Read the full story >  


John Hoda, CLI

John wants you to check out the sizzle reel for 'The Money Trail'. He is hoping to have this catch the attention of some networks as a new reality series pilot.  < View the video >

Rosemarie Mesis featured in Asbury Park Press
Roe was featured in 'Getting Ahead: Life as a private investigator proves a great choice for local woman'.  She is the co-owner of PI Magazine, PI Store and PI Gear. <Read the full story > 


Do you have a book to be reviewed or special announcement?  Let us know!
If you want to send a complimentary copy, we will gladly review it for you and also provide a customized press release and distribution.

Scott Harrell's complete review for  Pursuit Magazine  
Burt Hodge's complete review for Florida Association of Licensed Investigators

Bob Wall's complete review for Professional Private Investigators Association of CO 

Don Johnson's complete review for PI Magazine 


Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, writes "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures."

The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...Suicide Studies; Expertise; and Forensics Failures
Recent study links intoxication to suicides
A large-scale study has found that nearly a quarter of U.S. suicide victims are intoxicated when they die.  Read this full article at   http://soc.li/y5koTgU.

This study only considered alcohol consumption.  Our experience includes everything from alcohol to illicit drugs and prescription medications.  Intoxication often leads families to wonder if their was intent to commit suicide.

For related articles posted to our agency blog, please visit  http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2011/12/unfortunately-this-is-the-time-of-year-in-which-suicides-increase-please-read-this-article-by-karen-concerning-this-tragedy-and-might-help-a-loved-one-and-save-a-life-lt-understanding-suicide-and-its-prevention-gt.html and  http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2012/01/what-are-the-10-drugs-found-in-toxicology-testing-of-decedents.html

Subject Matter Expertise
In our judicial system there is a need for experts - expertise is what may assist the trier of fact in assessing the evidence based upon testimony of a person with competent education, training and expertise.  Our judicial system also needs investigators.  < Continue to full article >

Forensic Failures
Wrongful convictions are often failures of incomplete investigations.  Dean has written about the manipulation - or distortion - of the facts and evidence.

For additional information, read 'Just Because its Forensics' ( http://www.forensic-investigators.com/uploads/8/7/3/8/8738199/tli_-_just_because_its_forensics_-_12-2010.pdf), these flaws and systemic accountability need recognized in order to address the issue of wrongful convictions.  Dean also posted about this at http://www.forensic-investigators.com/1/post/2012/04/convicted-defendants-uninformed-of-forensic-failures.html

It is cases like these in which a qualified forensic investigation expert is of great benefit to the legal team.  < Continued >

*** Please read this full column, and expanded sections, at http://newsletterscontinued.forensic-investigators.com/
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We can consult on any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology.  Call us today, we're glad to help!

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI (beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com)
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI (beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com)

Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Office:  (970) 480-7793 (Dean x1 and Karen x2) ~ Fax:  (970) 480-7794 

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

click here 


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Flat Fee Equivocal Death Analysis

In This Issue
Karen's Corner
Dean's Desk
Our Affiliated Experts
Agency News and Updates
Association Updates
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links 


>> About AFI-LLC 


>> What is a CLI? 


>> What is a CCDI?  


>> Investigator Bios (home) 


>> Forensic Pathology Consultants 


AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:


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Like us on Facebook
Find us and 'Like' us!

Dean is at:
View my profile on LinkedIn


Karen is at:

View my profile on LinkedIn 


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Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)  


 National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)

    National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)

World Association of Detectives (WAD)


Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) 


National Defender Investigator Association



Florida Association of Licensed Investigators



Texas Association of Licensed Investigators



National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)


International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) 

(Rocky Mountain Division)

National Association of Professional Women


Mensa USA 


Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)


NEW - AFC-LLC Best of 2011 compilation of the best articles 



 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 


 Attorney Case File  

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations Legal investigators are responsible for providing factual evidence - as the fact finders, they are the foundation for the attorneys they work with daily. The attorney is responsible for forming and implementing the legal strategy and presenting it to the judge or jury. The legal investigator provides checks and balances to ensure that no evidence is being forced upon a theory, and that no theory is being forced upon the evidence. Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases presents legal investigators with a step-by-step process that reveals how to methodically find and report evidence in every aspect of the investigative process.

 CRC Press - 20% discount and free shipping    Pre-Order from PI Book Store