Quaero Indicium'To Find the Evidence' Please distribute to others that may have an interest
First, we want to extend our sympathies, thoughts and prayers to the victims of the OH school shootings; and their classmates, families and friends.
We also want to extend our thoughts and prayers to our Texas and TALI friend and colleague Mark Gillespie, and his family. Mark's son, Luke, was in a severe motor vehicle collision. He was in an induced coma. When this newsletter was first drafted, he was conscious, alert and in pain. Then, in finalizing this newsletter we learned he was discharged! It is a long road ahead of him, but it has been made brighter and easier with all the support. We are very happy for you Luke! Please join us in wishing Luke a continued full and speedy recovery.
We hope everyone enjoyed the extra day for February. It happens every four years. Its a FREE day -- it should be a holiday, but it isn't -- so we hope you made it one. We could all use the extra day!
It is now only March, but already a busy year for our profession and the associations. Conference season has started with several spring conferences, and several great ones planned for the summer and fall. Let us know what news you have to share and we will do our best to accommodate in limited space.
We have updated our blog address, which is the most interactive method of keeping our colleagues and clients up to date on a weekly, even daily basis. The address is easy to remember - www.MedicolegalPI.com. The other daily updates for clients and colleagues is our business Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/4N6Associates. Please note the address change - to better reflect both our new agency name and our growing national consultation services, we have developed a new page and address. We also offer daily and weekly interactive news, updates, professional colleague profiles and special offers from our agency that are unique to Facebook. Visit us and 'Like' us for details!
We have also updated our services - from our expert consultations to general investigations, many flat fee services are available. Just visit our agency website, front page - www.Forensic-Investigators.com, for details (* flat fee). Expert Consultations and Investigations: -- Basic Equivocal Death or Injury Causation Analysis * -- Standard Equivocal Death or Injury Causation Investigation *-- Advanced Equivocal Death or Injury Causation Investigation *-- Comprehensive Equivocal Death or Injury Causation Investigation -- Affiliated expert forensic consultants and related specialized services. Legal Investigations: -- Critical Case Analysis -- Civil, Criminal & Probate Litigation Investigations -- Scene & Evidence Investigation and Documentation -- Individual Locate Investigations *-- Background Records Checks and/or Investigations *-- Assets & Liabilities Records Checks and/or Investigations *We invite our professional friends and colleagues to view these and contact us about our special discounted rates and referral program - a unique and exciting way to earn substantial fees. We have the following domains for sale. If interested, go to that domain. -- FortCollinsDetectives.com -- FortCollinsInvestigators.com -- FortCollinsInvestigations.com -- MyMessageGram.comTRAINING OPPORTUNITY, DENVER CO, 03/16/2011PPIAC - Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado is holding its first one-day topical seminar. This will be Friday, March 17th in Greenwood Village, CO. The topic will be 'Interview Theory and Application', presented by PPIAC senior member Ricky Bennett of Business Controls Inc. and former Aurora (CO) Chief of Police. Email VP of Training, Tan Smyth ( training@ppiac.org) or our agency for details. It is $80 for PPIAC members and $95 for non-members. Attorneys, investigators and security personnel are invited. A certificate will be presented to send for any applicable CE credits. AGENCY NEWS AND UPDATES -- Vanity 'PrivateInvestigations.org' email and subdomains available -- Karen's article, 'False Confessions and Accusations', published at PursuitMag.com also mentioned at WrongfulConvictionsBlog.org -- Dean's article and eBook 'Ethical Considerations for the Professional Investigator', has been reprinted in the Journal of the Association of British Investigators. -- 'Professional Investigations: Ethical Considerations for the Professional Investigator' has been released as an eBook and is FREE |
Karen's Corner: Scene Investigations (Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI) | SCENE INVESTIGATIONS As investigators we get the opportunity to investigate all aspects of a case. Sometimes
a case may require some scene work. Even if at first it appears that the case does not require a visit to the scene, if you have the opportunity, it is always recommended to go back where the event first began. Whether the case involves a death, a motor vehicle accident, or some type of crime, take the extra time, go that extra mile and visit the scene. You might be surprised once you visit the scene to find out that something could not have occurred the way the witness, victim or police officer claims. It is best not to rely on others to do the work you need to do yourself. You are the investigator, and someone is depending on you to see, hear, and get an overall feel of what the scene was like.
What are some experiences, studies and consequences of either investigating the scene or not? In your experience, what made this important? (Karen's Corner continues)
Our agency offers FREE consultations to any private sector investigator on how to begin a proper scene investigation. Associates@Forensic-Investigators.com or (970) 480-7793
The puzzle will return next month. The puzzles are at http://puzzles.forensic-investigators.com. Email your puzzle and article ideas to beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com About Karen: | Karen S. Beers
Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. She recently earned the designation Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI). Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC. In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office. This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally. Karen is a member of the esteemed 'National Association of Professional Women' - < My NAPW Profile > |
Dean's Desk Experiences With Scene Investigations (Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI) | Karen presented a great article on the importance of scene investigations. In medicolegal investigations - death and injury causation - this is the beginning of the 'autopsy' (from the Greek - 'To see with one's own eyes').
There are several key points to scene investigations: -- Likely multiple scenes -- Likely different witness perspectives -- Likely different investigative perspectives -- Completing vs. Conducting investigations
What should the attorney, private client or insurance company be prepared for in having an skilled and experienced investigative process? (Dean's Desk continues) Part 2 of my article, and also an included chapter in 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations' - 'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports' has been republished in The Eagle's Eye, the official publication of the National Defender Investigators Association (www.NDIA.net). It has also been revitalized as a much requested article at PursuitMag.com.
 | Dean A. Beers
About Dean:
Dean is a subject matter expert in the areas of death investigation and personal injury causation. He is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, a faculty consultant and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also a certified Medicolegal Death Investigator. He continues to speak extensively on investigative techniques and principles and has authored multiple peer-reviewed white papers, and self-published "Professional Investigations: Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities" and recently published "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" (CRC Press) He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations. |
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
| Forensic Pathology Consultations |
We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort. Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation. Dr. Cina's CV (Forensic Pathology services), are available at his website - Autopsy Review. Dr. Schueler (Forensic Toxicology services).
James Warson MD, founded the Front Range Center for Brain and Spine Surgery in Fort Collins, CO. and is available for related consultations. Dr. Warson can be contacted through our office.
Agency News and Updates
| Vanity ' PrivateInvestigations.org' email and subdomains available You can have your own vanity professional email address and subdomain that shows who you are. These are not email or domain hosting services -- these will forward to the email address and website you choose.
Which is better for your branded professional image? 'agent007@genericemail.com' or 'agent007@privateinvestigations.org' 'http://agent007.genericdomain.com' or 'http://agency007.privateinvestigations.org' It takes only minutes to setup and customize to enhance your professional image and brand.
Karen has article, 'False Confessions and Accusations', published at PursuitMag.com also mentioned at WrongfulConvictionsBlog.org Last month Karen's article was published at PursuitMag.com. We just learned that Martin Yant, renowned for his work in freeing wrongfully convicted persons, wrote an excellent article about the use of polygraphs and false confessions. He made reference to several articles in his research, including Karen's. < Please read his very informative article >
FREE eBook on PI Ethics 'Professional Investigations: Ethical Considerations for the Professional Investigator' has been released as an eBook and is FREE! You can download a free copy for your specific device from http://ethics.privateinvestigations.org
This has also just been reprinted in the Journal of the Association of British Investigators - http://en.calameo.com/read/00109167862fabe879fb7
This is not a full-blown treatise on our professional ethics, for that you should get the 'Code of Professional Conduct' by our friend, Kitty Hailey, CLI.
Association and Industry News
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (www.PPIAC.org)
The licensing program in Colorado will be effective July 2012. The Department of Regulatory Agencies has held several meetings, set the licensing fee and rules. These are updated as they are finalized, so check back for any changes and updates. Proposed rules are now at: http://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/eDocketDetails.do?trackingNum=2012-00077
In legislative news, from the PPIAC VP of Legislative Affairs (Ryan Johnston): - House Bill 12-1231, a bill concerning DMV records and the licensed PI has passed both houses of the legislature and is on the way to the governor to sign into law. This bill will bring Colorado in line with the Federal DPPA in recognizing the licensed private investigator, when requesting Department of Motor Vehicle records, thereby streamlining the process. This will not exclude anybody, including a non-licensed PI from accessing records. Anybody that can obtain a motor vehicle record before this law goes into effect, can still obtain records after the law goes into effect with the appropriate DPPA paperwork.
- House Bill 12-1036, a bill concerning closing some open records held by law enforcement. This bill is heading for the state senate and needs the attention of every investigator. The media groups have agreed with this bill, which closes law enforcement records at the discretion of the custodian of records (no criteria are provided for). PPIAC is now working with the state senate for an amendment, or oppose, this bill.
If you are interested in licensing in Colorado, please follow this link and complete the contact form. As soon as information becomes available interested individuals will be emailed, as well as updated in this newsletter. Of course PPIAC will have updates on the association website. < PI Licensing in CO - Keep Me Informed >
National Association of Legal Investigators (www.NALI.com)
NALI is the premiere national association for legal investigators - civil plaintiff and criminal defense. NALI also publishes a very informative association magazine - The Legal Investigator. Consider joining NALI, you will be glad you did!
The latest edition of 'The Legal Investigator' will be available around March 10th - check it out! National Council of Investigation and Security Services (www.NCISS.org)'Hit the Hill', the annual trip to Washington DC so NCISS leaders and members can meet with our lawmakers, is now in April instead of November. This year it is April 15-18 - details on the NCISS website. Also, NCISS has advised members that there has been suggested a Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights. Please see the Legislative Alert and Call to Action issued by NCISS Legislative Chair, Jimmie Mesis: If you are a private investigator or security officer, consider joining NCISS. The introductory membership is $99 for the first year and prorated upon the following year at renewal; regular annual dues are $140); the $25 application fee is waived. Feel free to contact Dean, the Region 5A Director (CO, NE, WY & AZ - he can answer all of your questions). < Membership Special Offer Details > World Association of Detectives (www.WAD.net)
The mid-term conference for WAD is in Cannes, France from May 3rd to 5th at the InterContinental Hotel. This year they are holding the annual conference, in conjunction with NCISS, in Boston this September.
WAD has international geographical coverage of a diversified group of investigators and security professionals. If you are in any way involved in or interested in being involved in international investigations and contacts, WAD is the oldest and largest association. Contact Dean (beersda@Forensoc-Investigators.com), WAD Ambassador (North America - West) for details. National Defender Investigators Association (www.NDIA.net)NDIA is having their annual conference in Atlanta GA from April 19-20, with a federal training day on the 18th. Visit their website for details and registration information. Details are on the NDIA website. Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council ( www.CDITCtraining.com) Focus is on complex crime scene investigations; evaluation of the scene; use of various types of equipment; develop, secure, and package physical evidence, reports and testimony.
In the News
|  News happens so fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - www.MedicolegalPI.com or our business Facebook page at www.facebook.com/4N6Associates
Some of the latest news of interest...
Learn the US Constitution from Hillsdale College - FREE!
This 10-week course, which features lectures from six Hillsdale College faculty members, including College President Dr. Larry P. Arnn, includes readings, a study guide, quizzes, and question-and-answer sessions, among other features. < click for more information >
US Supreme Court: Rights Don't Have to Bee Read to Prisoners
The Supreme Court said Tuesday investigators don't have to read Miranda rights to inmates during jailhouse interrogations about crimes unrelated to their current incarceration.
The high court, on a 6-3 vote, overturned a federal appeals court decision throwing out prison inmate Randall Lee Fields' conviction, saying Fields was not in "custody" as defined by Miranda and therefore did not have to have his rights read to him. < continue to full story >
Four PIs Arrested in UK for 'Blagging' News from the UK...Four private detectives have been given jail terms for conspiring to defraud people by "blagging" personal information via persuasive phone calls. FYI 'blagging' is knowingly or recklessly obtaining or disclosing personal data or information without the consent of the data controller.
Our friends and colleagues tell us that they do not have the same resources, are not able to easily look up vehicle's details, no SSN look ups, no criminal record checks without the permission of the person, no property searches by name, etc. < continue to full story >
Upcoming book review Last month we noted that friend and colleague, Brandon Perron, CCDI (author of 'Uncovering Reasonable Doubt') has just published Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery - The FTER Method'. Look for our review of this book next month! You can email Amy@BrandonPerronPI.com for details on this excellent book.
We have just released our newest eBook, 'Professional Investigations Compendium Volume I for 2011'. This is the first publication of all the articles written through 2011 by Dean and Karen ($35 with a 25% discount in March). In April the individual articles will be available at a reduced fee ($5-$10).
Do you have a book to be reviewed? If you want to send a complimentary copy, we will gladly review it for you and also provide you a complimentary eBook of your choice. Contact our office for details.
Scott Harrell's complete review for Pursuit Magazine Burt Hodge's complete review for Florida Association of Licensed InvestigatorsBob Wall's complete review for Professional Private Investigators Association of CO Don Johnson's complete review for PI Magazine Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, writes "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures." |
The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator... | Skills Appropriate for the Assignment Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize. Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.
Experience and Knowledge Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education. The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.
Responsible and Ethical Conduct Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence. Information without ethics is not evidence.
Effective Communication Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation. Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.
Keyword - 'Professional' Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence. These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...Expert Communications (corrected link from January)
| Last month we had a brief notice of a court decision regarding the disclosure of expert communications. Apparently the link was not the intended one, and led to a site that you had to be subscribed to for the full story. We apologize for that, and here share a link to the PDF article.
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
 | Dean and Karen Beers |
specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.
We can consult on any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology. Call us today, we're glad to help!
We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment.
Thank You. Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI (beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com) Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI (beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com) Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC Office: (970) 480-7793 (Dean x1 and Karen x2) ~ Fax: (970) 480-7794 |
Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010
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Featured Articles
Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.
For details email:
Find Us at:
 | Find us and 'Like' us! |
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Karen is at:
Professional Associations
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)
National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)
National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
World Association of Detectives (WAD) Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) National Defender Investigator Association (NDIA) Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI) Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) (Rocky Mountain Division)National Association of Professional Women Mensa USA |
Tools for the
Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator (click images for details)