Quaero Indicium
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest
Happy New Year Greetings!!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah.  Happy New Year!  We want to extend our deepest appreciation to our colleagues and clients, as well as family and friends, for a wonderful 2011.  2012 promises to be a year of continued comprehensive and reliable consulting and investigative services that you can count on from our agency.  Similarly, we often find ourselves reaching out to our colleagues to better serve our clients. We appreciate the professional relationships and friendships built over the years.

Our goal for 2012 is to let you, our colleagues and clients, know you are our most valuable asset, and we compliment your work product.  Together we're better.

Professional investigators are experts at their various crafts. We all do better helping each other in our profession...together we're better. We encourage our colleagues to also work as consultants. As an example, we are not a surveillance agency; but, if we have a client that wants a surveillance case examined for their legal strategy, we know some of the best in the business and will give a direct referral for an analysis and consultation to our client.

Remember to let us know about your interest in Death Investigation Seminars.  We are planning for 2012 and are accepting sponsors.  Be sure and check out "Medicolegal Death Investigations for Private Investigators", a continuing education course at  www.PIEducation.com developed by us and based upon our education, training and experience.

< Click Here > for PI Education Course Details


-- Colleague and Client
 Referral Appreciation Program
-- F
lat Fee Equivocal Death and Personal Injury Analysis Protocol
-- Black Friday Month winner 


In This Issue

-- Understanding Suicide and its Prevention
-- Company Neglects to Check Sex Offender Records - Places Employee in Day Care Center
-- The Importance of Legally Compliant Background Checks
-- Attorney-Expert Communications Not Discoverable
-- AFI-LLC Consultant, Stephen J. Cina MD, Forensic Pathologist in the news

Association News
-- Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)
-- National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)
-- National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
-- World Association of Detectives (WAD)
-- National Defender Investigators Association (NDIA)
Karen's Corner:
Understanding Suicide
(Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI)
The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW.com) The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) is an exclusive network for professional women to interact, exchange ideas, educate, and empower.  NAPW members enjoy a wealth of resources, benefits, and services dedicated to enhancing their lives and promoting their businesses and careers.  < My NAPW Profile > 

Pursuit Magazine 
recently published my article,
'Understanding Suicide and its Prevention'.  Although this is an unpleasant topic, it is important enough that perhaps a reader was able to be made more aware of some of the myths and possibly save a life, maybe even their own. (Karen's Corner continues)

This month's puzzle is a Word Search.  The puzzle and answers for last month are at http://crosswords.forensic-investigators.comEmail your puzzle and story ideas to beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com

About Karen:
Karen S. Beers, BSW
Karen S. Beers

Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. She recently earned the designation Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI).  Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.

Dean's Desk
Background Checks vs. Background Investigations
(Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI)

Our agency has been conducting comprehensive Colorado and national background checks and investigations since 1987.  What is the difference between background checks and background investigations?  Simple, a check is simply the acquisition of records and may or may not include any further processes.  An investigation is a comprehensive review and follow-up of the records, including all personal identifiers and address history of the subject.  In some respects a check is sufficient, it is certainly the place to start.  If everything checks out and no alarm bells go off, that may complete the process.  But, you must check all available resources and verify all personal identifiers and address history -- anything less is substandard and opens both the investigator and client up to potential liability.  (Dean's Desk continues)   


Dean A. Beers, CLI
Dean A. Beers
About Dean:

Dean is a subject matter expert in the areas of death investigation and personal injury causation. He is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, a faculty consultant and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also a certified Medicolegal Death Investigator.  He continues to speak extensively on investigative techniques and principles and has authored multiple peer-reviewed white papers, and self-published "Professional Locate Investigations" and recently published "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" (CRC Press)  He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review 
Forensic Pathology Consultations
We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Dr. Stephen Cina, Dr. Harold Schueler and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  Dr. Cina's CV (Forensic Pathology services), are available at his website - Autopsy Review.  Dr. Schueler (Forensic Toxicology services), and Dr. James Warson (Neurosurgery, retired) can be contacted through our office.

Dr. Warson founded the Front Range Center for Brain and Spine Surgery in Fort Collins, CO. and is available for related consultations. 
Agency News and Updates
Also closing out the year was a 'Black Friday Month' special for Dean's 'Professional Locate Investigations' eBook.  In the next couple months an updated version of this eBook will be available.  Included was a chance for purchasers to win a free copy of his  'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations' book.  That winner is Mark Reilly of Justice Investigations in Raynam Center, MA.   Also coming is an eBook of articles published in professional journals through 2011, which totals over a dozen comprehensive articles.  Look for details in the February issue.

'Understanding Suicide and Its Prevention'
by Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI
in Pursuit Magazine at www.PursuitMag.com.

'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports' by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI
in 'Eagle Eye', the official journal of the National Defender Investigators Association (Part 1 of 2).  This is Dean's white paper for his Certified Legal Investigator examination in June 2009, also the 2nd Place Publishers Award winner for 'The Legal Investigator', the official journal of the National Association of Legal Investigators.  This has also been published at www.PursuitMag.com.  < You can view Part 1 here >

The Texas Investigator (TTI) of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators has published Dean's article 'Investigative Protocol and Motor Vehicle Collisions' (Part 1 of 2; Part 2 following shortly).  You can get your free digital copy, compliments of TALI, by following this link:  < The Texas Investigator - sample copy >


Association and Industry Updates
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (www.PPIAC.org)  
The licensing program in Colorado will be effective July 2012.  The Department of Regulatory Agencies is currently developing the program and expects to begin releasing information in early 2012.

If you are interested in licensing in Colorado, please follow this link and complete the contact form.  As soon as information becomes available interested individuals will be emailed, as well as updated in this newsletter.  Of course PPIAC will have updates on the association website.
< PI Licensing in CO - Keep Me Informed >
Also, the Winter 2011 quarter newsletter is now available: 
 < Click to Read > the PPIAC Quarterly and learn about PPIAC

National Association of Legal Investigators (www.NALI.com)

NALI is the premiere national association for legal investigators - civil plaintiff and criminal defense.  NALI also publishes a very informative association magazine - The Legal Investigator.  Consider joining NALI, you will be glad you did!

The Mid Winter Conference, February 02nd-04th, 2012 in Orlando FL with a fantastic lineup of speakers.  < Click Here for Details >

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (www.NCISS.org)
Plans are underway for the April conference and Hit the Hill.  Stay tuned for details. 

If you are a private investigator, consider joining NCISS.  The introductory membership is $99 for the first year and prorated in 2012, if you join now next year will be $70; regular annual dues are $140); the $25 application fee is waived. Join in December and there will be no dues this time next year for 2013! < Membership Special Offer Details >


World Association of Detectives (www.WAD.net) 
WAD has international geographical coverage of a diversified group of investigators and security professionals.  If you are in any way involved in or interested in being involved in international investigations and contacts, WAD is the oldest and largest association.  Contact Dean (beersda@Forensoc-Investigators.com), WAD Ambassador (North America - West) for details.

National Defender Investigators Association (www.NDIA.net)
NDIA is having their annual conference in Atlanta GA from April 19-20, with a federal training day on the 18th.  Visit their website for details and registration information. 
n the News
CourtroomNews happens so fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest

Some of the latest news of interest...


Attorney-Expert Communications Not Discoverable

In a complete reversal of course from its decision last year, the Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled communications between an attorney and his expert witness are not discoverable. < continue to full story > 


AFI-LLC Consultant, Stephen J. Cina MD, Forensic Pathologist, interviewed for Worchester MA shooting death
Dr. Cina explains how a gunshot wound can be missed by on scene law enforcement and first responders. This underscores the importance of a thorough medicolegal death investigation and forensic autopsy.  < continue to full story > 



Some great friends have some updates on their published books!
Brandon Perron, CCDI
(author of 'Uncovering Reasonable Doubt') has just published Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery - The FTER Method'.  Email Amy@BrandonPerronPI.com for details.

Bill Mitchell is converting his many published books, including co-authored by Kelly Riddle, TCI, to ebooks.  Visit http://www.mitchellreports.com/books.aspx  for details.
Scott Harrell's complete review for  Pursuit Magazine  


Burt Hodge's complete review for Florida Association of Licensed Investigators

Bob Wall's complete review for Professional Private Investigators Association of CO 

Don Johnson's complete review for PI Magazine 


Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, writes "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures."

The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...Together We're Better
Together We're Better...how true are those words?  Professional investigators are often part of a team - from investigations in the work place to product liability, and all the customary investigations we are familiar with.

The world of the professional investigator is unique, demanding and fulfilling.  It is often said that we work twice as hard on a normal day, and on days that everyone else is not working...we can be found to be working twice as hard as normal.

Every new year is a special time.  We have said goodbye to not only a year, but sometimes troubles and old ways of doing things.  In one day, overnight, we commit to doing things better - personally and professionally.

The world of the professional investigator survives and grows because we adapt to a changing world and changing client needs.  No investigator can do it alone, that is why together we're better.  We hope 2012 is a fantastic year for everyone.  Join us as we work with our friends, colleagues and clients to make it so!
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI (beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com)
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI (beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com)

Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC
Office:  (970) 480-7793 (Dean x1 and Karen x2) ~ Fax:  (970) 480-7794 

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

click here 

Download our Agency Information and Case Request Packet
click here


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All major credit cards accepted



Inquire about our Referral Program

Body and Banner
Flat Fee Death and Injury Analysis

In This Issue
Karen's Corner
Dean's Desk
Our Affiliated Experts
Agency News and Updates
Association Updates
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links 


>> About AFI-LLC 


>> What is a CLI? 


>> What is a CCDI?  


>> Investigator Bios (home) 


>> Forensic Pathology Consultants 


AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:


Find Us at:
Like us on Facebook
Find us and 'Like' us!

Dean is at:
View my profile on LinkedIn


Karen is at:

View my profile on LinkedIn 


Follow us on Twitter   


Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC) 

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Past VP of Membership


 National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)

Certified Legal Investigator
CLI Committee - Region 6
Newsletter Contributing Editor

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
Region 5A Director (CO, WY, NE & AZ)
State Association Advisory Board


World Association of Detectives (WAD)

Ambassador - North America (West)   


Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) 

 Certified Criminal Defense Investigators
Faculty Advisor - Forensic Investigations

Instructor - Death Investigation  


National Defender Investigator Association



Florida Association of Licensed Investigators



National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)


International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) 

(Rocky Mountain Division)


Mensa USA 


Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)


Professional Locate Investigations  

Professional Locate Investigations


Now a PDF eBook $15 w/ updates

Order + Download


 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 



Attorney Trial Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek



Training Webinars and Upcoming Seminars - details at:  www.PrivateInvestigations.org 


Contact us if you would sponsor a webinar or seminar - no cost to you and earn free attendance:

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations Legal investigators are responsible for providing factual evidence - as the fact finders, they are the foundation for the attorneys they work with daily. The attorney is responsible for forming and implementing the legal strategy and presenting it to the judge or jury. The legal investigator provides checks and balances to ensure that no evidence is being forced upon a theory, and that no theory is being forced upon the evidence. Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases presents legal investigators with a step-by-step process that reveals how to methodically find and report evidence in every aspect of the investigative process.

 CRC Press - 20% discount and free shipping