Celebrating Colorado's PI Licensing Law!
Effective June 2012 Concerning the Voluntary Licensure of Private Investigators
To pay and register as an attendee or vendor for the conference:
For complete conference information:
Follow this link
If you prefer, email Conference Chair
Stacy Smallwood - stacys@me.com
VP of Training, or visit http://ppiac.org/training/annual-conference for the registration forms.
Mail your check to:
Cate Dolan, PPIAC Treasurer
303 S. Broadway, Ste 200-397
Denver, CO. 80209
Call (800) 777-0350 if you have any questions.
2010-2011 Board of Directors
Dean A. Beers, CLI
Robert Orozco
VP of Membership
Tan Smyth
VP of Training
Stacy Smallwood (training@ppiac.org)
VP of Legislative Affairs
Andrew Schmidt
Cate Dolan
Julia McAleer
Senior at Large
John Castellano, Jr.
Senior at Large
Wm. Robert Wall (atlarge-senior-2@ppiac.org)
Associate at Large - to be appointed
 | PPIAC is aproud member and supporter of NCISS |
Email to join NCISS today for $99!
Pursuit Magazine
Your FREE online resource
PI EducationOnline Continuing Education
Stephen J. Cina, MD - autographed book
'When Doctors Kill'
Warren Sonne, CLI - autographed book
'Criminal Investigation for the Professional Investigator'
Rory McMahon, CLI CFE - autographed book
'Practical Handbook for Professional Investigators'
John Lajoie - autographed book
'The Tribulations of a Real Life Private Eye'
Skipp Porteous - autographed book
'Into the Blast' - solving the DB Cooper case'
Steven Brown - autographed book
'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Private Investigating'
Jonathon King - autographed book
'The Blue Edge of Midnight' - PI fiction series
DP (Doug) Lyle, MD - autographed book
'Forensics for Dummies'
Ron Hazelwood (FBI, Ret) - autographed book
'Dark Dreams' FBI Profiler non-fiction
Brandon Perron, CCDI - autographed book
'Uncovering Reasonable Doubt'
Practical Methods for Legal Investigations
Professional Locate Investigations - eBook
Death Investigations for Private Investigators
Prizes and exclusive offers for attendees!
Hundreds of industry books available

The Magazine for Private Investigators
JJ Associates International
'International Ambassadors' of our profession
This space available - email your product or service for the raffle donation
We have some very exciting news this week - two added speakers to the conference! In the last couple weeks we have highlighted Tim Schmolder, of Timeline Investigations in Golden, CO, Jimmie Mesis of PI Magazine, and Rory McMahon, of McMahon & Associates in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This week's Speaker Spotlight has just been added to the roster - Rashid Malik, retired Brigadier General, Pakistan Army. Mr. Malik is the current Board Chairman of the World Association of Detectives. He will give a non-political and uniquely information presentation on the War on Terror.
< Tim's Bio and Topic Information >
< Jimmie's Bio and Topic Information >
< Rory's Bio and Topic Information >
This has also been approved by NALI for 8 hours of CE credit! With the addition of two speakers, we will request additional CE credit hours.
We have several prizes, from autographed books to online courses. We have received the sponsorship of PI Magazine, IRB, PI Education and others!
Attendees from throughout the Rocky Mountain Region are attending, you are cordially invited to attend our celebration conference in Denver, Colorado!
PPIAC 2011 Annual Conference
Its time to join us at the annual fall conference for the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado. We expect this to be a HUGE event for a couple reasons. First, for the first time in 34 years, we now have a PI licensing law in Colorado - and we want to celebrate! Second, we have some exciting guests and speakers wanting to celebrate with us!
Please join us to network, learn and share or even as either a vendor or sponsor - or both. We also have advertising available in the program and other options.
The conference will be held this year on September 23rd and 24th, with a fee-based seminar by Jimmie Mesis, PI Magazine, for PIs looking to expand their market and income on the 22nd. We have placed it near Denver International Airport at the Embassy Suites, which provides free shuttle services to and from the airport for your convenience. Details are at:
Embassy Suites at DIA To register call (303) 574-3000 for the hotel included amenities, you must tell them you are registering for the
"PPIAC Conference"
The PPIAC conference page at http://ppiac.org/training/annual-conference has all the conference registration information for attendees, vendors and sponsors.
To pay and register for the conference:
For complete conference information:
Follow this link
Vendors - please send the necessary form, using this link:
Speaker Spotlight Rashid Malik, Brigadier General (Pakistan - Ret) Board Chairman, World Association of Detectives
"The War on Terror - A Different Perspective" Saturday 09/24* (*schedule subject to change)
Brig (ret) Malik is current the Chair of the WAD Board, and is president of Security 2000, Ltd., out of Karachi, Pakistan. He will speak on the War on Terror and where we are headed, once again critical after Osama bin Laden's killing. His presentation has been given throughout the world and US. It is informative, neither political nor official. If you want a perspective from someone who is from the region and actually there, you will want to hear and meet Mr. Malik. He lives in Pakistan and was in the Pakistan Army for over 32 years, receiving multiple awards and commendations, and retiring as a Brigadier General.
"The War on Terror - A Different Perspective"
Brig (ret) Malik also served Pakistan Airports Security Force as Director General Pakistan for 5 years. Besides WAD he is a member of ASIS, IACP, ABI, IPSA, and INTA. He frequently participates in international conferences on the War on Terror in particular and security and safety issues confronting businesses and Governments in general. Last year he was the Chairman of All Pakistan Security Agencies Association. Currently he is on their Executive Committee.
He earned 17 medals for war and peace time service, 2 commendations from Chief of Army Staff, 20 gold medals in sports, and the Army Chief Gold Medal. He was awarded Tamgha-e-Basalat and Sitara-e -Imtiaz. He commanded the Pakistan National Day Parade at Islamabad. His other achievements include, captain National Basket Ball Team and Security Chief Cricket World Cup. Was a member of International Committee to handle Unlawful Interference (Terrorism) ICAO Canada and selected International Business Leader and International WHO's WHO of Professionals, USA. He is on the board of GlobalSource a Washington based security consulting enterprise. In 2004 he was awarded the prestigious International Security Professional of the Year award in Moscow. He has been a member of the ASIS Investigative Council since 2005.
< Brig (ret) Malik's Bio and Topic Information >
Conference Details and Speakers
Have you heard of PI Museum - www.PIMuseum.org? They are making the inaugural nationwide tour this year and the PPIAC conference is one of the featured stops! This is a unique, and much appreciated, opportunity for everyone to see the history of our profession. This is sure to draw a significant attendance.
NALI has approved this seminar for continuing education credit! If your association or licensing program requires continuing education, let us know and we'll send you the necessary information to seek approval.
The schedule is still being finalized, but this is what we have lined up and confirmed:
Thursday 09/22 (not part of the conference - a separate fee-based seminar):
- Jimmie Mesis - PI Business and Marketing Secrets Revealed
Separate registration is required at:
Friday 09/23
- Jimmie Mesis for Fri AM - Doubling Your Income
- Steve Farese, Attorney for Fri AM - High Profile Cases for Investigators
- (NEW!) Rebecca Roberts (IRB Search)
for Fri AM - Databases, Investigators and Applicable Federal Laws / Regulations - Steve Rambam for Fri PM - mini-seminar on Computer Aided Investigations
Saturday 09/24
- Rory McMahon for Sat AM - Finding and Working Federal Defense Cases
- Tim Schmolder for Sat AM or PM - Chasing Tale, Case Profiles and Story Dynamics in High Stakes Surveillance
- (NEW!) Brig (ret) Malik for Sat AM - The War on Terror, A Different Perspective
To pay and register for the celebration conference:
For Complete conference information Follow this link PPIAC Members early Registration: $175.00 before September 1st PPIAC Member after September 1st: $200.00
Non Member early Registration: $225.00 Before September 1st Non-Member after September 1St $250.00
Last-minute walk-ins: $275.00
You won't want to miss this conference!
Please consider supporting PPIAC and private investigators with your support and attendance.
Contact any board member or myself to discuss the conference and answer any questions. The board directory in listed on the left panel. I can be reached at:
beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com or chairman@ppiac.org
or call the PPIAC at (800) 777-0350
Not a PPIAC Member? Join now and receive a membership discount and the conference discount! Call or email membership@ppiac.org for details
Be a part history and the action!
< Click Here >
to watch a short video to see a small idea of what
PI Museum is doing!
For Private Investigators, the P.I. Museum online experience is an affordable way to become informed, educated and entertained about your profession. The non-professional is free to pretend to be a "Sleuth" and to virtually "live" the life of their favorite Super Spy, fictional Detective or Private Eye.
We invite you to partner with the P.I. Museum. You can do this through your financial contributions in support of the museum's vision. Of course, we're always looking for items to add to the collection as well. Think about what's out there right now just waiting to be discovered and preserved for the future. Contact the museum if you think you have some item of potential historical value.
Members of the P.I. Museum will find themselves in a colorful, virtual playland of detectives, spies and private eyes. There they can review the history of private investigators over the last several hundred years.
Supporting members of the P.I. Museum are uniquely positioned to take advantage of various online options to place their business name, product or service before the museum's many visitors, who are all potential clients.
Pre-Conference Seminar
This is expected to sell out! Register today! (PPIAC conference and marketing seminar registrations and payments are separate) Thank you for considering joining us at our annual conference, we have much to celebrate and some very special guests and speakers!
On behalf of the PPIAC, Conference Committee and Sponsros, Thank You!
Dean A. Beers, CLI
PPIAC Board Chairman
(chairman@ppiac.org) (970) 691-0813
NCISS Region 5A Director (CO, NE, WY, AZ)
Region 6 CLI Representative, NALI