FICO-LLC banner  
Quaero Indicium
'To Find the Evidence'

Please distribute to others that may have an interest


The summer seems to be flying by - almost time to say bye!  In many places school will begin by mid August.  Whatever happened to school being out in time for Memorial Day weekend and starting after Labor Day weekend?

August 1st marks the birthday of our home state of Colorado, the Centennial State, being admitted to the union in 1876.  Dean's family history in Larimer county goes back to that time, for six generations.

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado - Conference
With the passing of licensure of private investigators in Colorado, its time to celebrate, and you are cordially invited!  The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado has set the date and location for the annual fall conference.  Mark your calendars for September 23rd and 24th, and a special event for the 22nd!  See below for details. 

< Click Here > for Speakers and tentative agenda

< Click Here > for the new licensing law


Texas Association of Licensed Investigators - 40th Anniversary
Don't forget - the 40th Anniversary Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) in Fort Worth TX from August 18-20. Dean has been invited to speak on Medicolegal Death Investigation.  This conference will be a BIG event!

< Click Here > for TALI Conference Details


Also, as a reminder to our investigator friends and colleagues 

NEW! "Death Investigations for Private Investigators"

A continuing education course at developed by Forensic Investigators of Colorado and based upon the education, training and experience of Dean and Karen.

< Click Here > for PI Education Course Details


Crime Wire Online  

We are excited to be part of the Crime Wire Investigation Bureau team as Consultants to Crime Wire.  Each week a cold case or equivocal death case (often both) are reviewed with the team of consultants.  If you missed the live show, catch the online show archive.

< Click Here > for Crime Wire - Tuesdays 9pm MST >  

In the News

-- Larimer County Detention Center deputies save two lives!
-- Timothy Masters case detective, Lt. Jim Broderick, indicted a second time by a grand jury for 9 counts of perjury.
-- Pioneer in forensic sculpting, Frank Bender, passes at age 70

Association News
-- Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
-- National Association of Legal Investigators
-- National Council of Investigation and Security Services
-- World Association of Detectives

Visit our website at to review the highlights of our services and resources.  Call us today to review your case and investigative needs.

A new archive page for newsletters and press releases from July 2010 to present is available at:  < Newsletter Archives >.
(please note that earlier archives are at < >)

Important Dates
The following are the important dates for this month and the following two months.  Reminders are sent approximately one week before an extended event (i.e. conferences and vacations).  Any last minute changes are also sent by email.  Please mark your calendars for any dates that may affect deadlines, hearing dates, trials and depositions.  Any changes from a previous notice or newsletter will have an (*) to alert you to a calendar update.

< Click Here > for complete webinar and seminar info at


* 18th to 20th (Wed-Sun) Conference - Texas Assoc of Licensed Investigators (presenting Medicolegal Death Investigation; CRC book signing)

* 11th to 13th (Sun-Tue) NCISS Hit the Hill - this is dependent on expected trial testimony

* 15th (Thu) National Defender Investigators Association conference (Denver)
(presenting Medicolegal Death Investigation) 

16th to 17th (Fri-Sat)
Vendor at Colorado Association of Legal Support Staff annual conference at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, CO.

22nd to 24th (Thu-Sat)
PPIAC Annual Conference

Pending out of state trial
* Vacation to be determined
Karen's Corner:
Want to easily learn more about legal investigation?
(Karen S. Beers, BSW)

Learning is a never ending process, and the bedrock of every profession.  Legal investigation, and for us particularly death and personal injury investigation, that is no different.

There are many different ways of learning new things - from the classroom and seminars, to conferences and books.  How about puzzles?  Sudoku puzzles became very popular shortly after Dean's own traumatic brain injury and was significant in redeveloping memory and multi-tasking skills.  Together we do crossword puzzles every day.  So, I thought - why not develop puzzles for our readers, friends and colleagues!

Each month we will post a new puzzle on our agency website, and the answers in the next newsletter.   

The first puzzle is ready and posted at: < Monthly Crossword Puzzle >

Email me your puzzle ideas to

About Karen:
Karen S. Beers, BSW
Karen S. Beers, BSW

Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.

Dean' Desk
(Dean A. Beers, CLI)

The current issue of PI Magazine has an article I wrote - 'Avoiding Tunnel Intelligence', as well as articles by two agency affiliate experts we work with.


Stephen J. Cina, MD, Forensic Pathologist, wrote 'What Should a PI Know About Forensic Scientists'.  Dr. Cina shows that for the PI whose work may involve suspected wrongful death, suicide or personal injury, and the review of the reports of medical examiners and coroners, it is important to know how and where they were trained.  


James S. Warson, MD, Neurosurgeon (retired), wrote '7 Tips for Videoing the Malingerer'.  Dr. Warson shows how the idea that back pain exploited as a means to personal wealth can result in a specialty investigation for knowledgeable private investigators.


If you have a case requiring the expertise of a forensic pathologist or neurosurgeon, including medical records review and review of traumatic and fatal injuries, we welcome your inquiry and will facilitate the necessary investigation and review.


Avoiding Tunnel Intelligence leaves behind the understanding we all have of 'tunnel vision'.  In this article I explore the limits and access to knowledge that prevents the professional investigator from seeing beyond their underlying biases.  Everything is black and white for failure to see the gray area where facts and truth are usually found.


Dean A. Beers, CLI
Dean A. Beers, CLI
About Dean:

Dean is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigatiions specializing in all Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations in the civil arena and criminal defense.  He has extensive background in medicolegal-forensic and factual Investigations with law enforcement education, experience and relationships.  He has testified as an expert in Forensic Investigation and Pattern Injury Analysis, as well as Protocols of Private Investigations.  He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review 
Forensic Pathology and Autopsy Consultations
We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Dr. Stephen Cina, Dr. Harold Schueler and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  Dr. Cina's CV (Forensic Pathology services), are available at his website - Autopsy Review.  Dr. Schueler (Forensic Toxicology services), and Dr. James Warson (Neurosurgery, retired) can be contacted through our office.

Dr. Warson founded the Front Range Center for Brain and Spine Surgery in Fort Collins, CO. and is available for related consultations. 
Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
TALI 40th Anniversary Conference "Medicolegal Death Investigations"
August 20 - Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (Fort Worth TX)
Dean will be presenting and attending a book signing at this conference.

< TALI Conference Details >


NDIA Regional Conference "Medicolegal Death Investigations"

September 15th - National Defender Investigators Association (Denver)
Dean will be presenting at this conference. 


CALSS Annual Conference (vendor)
September 16th and 17th - Embassy Suites, Loveland CO.  Contact Joyce Beach < email > for conference details.

Association and Industry Updates
Professional Private Investigators Assoc of Colorado (  
PPIAC Conference in September
The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado has set the date and location for the annual fall conference.  Mark your calendars for September 23rd and 24th, and a special event for the 22nd!

The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites near Denver International Airport. 
Early registration is going on now, book your flights and book your room!  For complete details, visit the PPIAC conference page at
Speakers include:
-- Rory McMahan, CLI CFE (Boca Raton FL) - Federal Criminal Defense Cases
-- Steve Rambam (Brooklyn NY) - Using Internet Investigative Resources
-- Steve Farese (Attorney, Ashland MS) - High Profile Criminal Defense Cases
-- Tim Schmolder (Golden CO) -
Case Profiles and Story Dynamics in High Stakes Surveillance
-- Jimmie Mesis (PI Magazine) - Doubling Internet Based Income

PI Museum (

Will be a special guest at the PPIAC conference.  Ben Harroll, founder and curator, has put his museum of extensive facts, artifacts, information and displays on wheels.  His first stop was in California, followed by Texas, and next is Colorado!  We are very honored to be one of his inaugural year stops!  Please consider joining PI Museum - its inexpensive, completely tax deductible, and is a lifetime founder membership!


Also, the summer quarter newsletter is now available (with a licensing update): 
< Click to Read > the PPIAC Quarterly and learn about PPIAC

National Association of Legal Investigators
The Mid Winter Conference, February 2012, is set for Orlando FL  with a fantastic lineup of speakers.  Details to follow!

The next issue of NALI's magazine, 'The Legal Investigator', will soon be available online at < The Legal Investigator - TLI >.  As a regular contributing columnist, Dean will have an article that is sure to be of interest to you.

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (
In September is the annual 'NCISS Hit the Hill' (09/11-09/13).  The NCISS board and membership will be meeting with Senators and Representatives to personally discuss bills of concern.

If you are a private investigator, consider joining NCISS.  The introductory membership is $99 for the first year and prorated in 2012, if you join now next year will be $70; regular annual dues are $140); the $25 application fee is waived. 

< Membership Special Offer Details > 


Donations to the legislative fund, from PIs and attorneys, are appreciated.

To learn more about NCISS, visit 

World Association of Detectives
The annual conference is set for October 11-15 in Hong Kong, China.  For details visit < WAD Annual Conference - China >

Some FREE sample magazines for PIs (and those that use PIs), and a free online ethics course:
Over the years and recently, our agency has contributed to these, and other, leading professional magazines.

Pursuit Magazine - is the ONLY FREE online based magazine for our profession.  Updated daily - visit for details.  PPIAC also wishes to thank Scott Harrell for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

PI Magazine - Professional Investigator Magazine - is the leading subscription based magazine for our profession.  Interested in a free sample of the latest digital issue?  Click here to request your complimentary issue.  PPIAC also wishes to thank Jimmie and Roe Mesis for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
has one of the leading association magazines and is sharing the latest digital issue.  Click here to request your complimentary issue.PPIAC also wishes to thank the TALI board for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

PI Education - is an online based continuing education service for PIs.  Not only is our 'Death Investigator for Private Investigators' available, courses from forensic photography to interviewing are also available.  With each course comes the free ethics course - a $25 value.  Visit for details.  
In the News
CourtroomSome of the latest news of interest... 



At approximately 6:30am on July 7, 2011, Larimer County Detention Center nurses were called to a pod to assess a 54 year-old male inmate who complained of chest pain. He was immediately assessed and 911 notified.  Paramedics responded, stabilized him and transported him to the nearby hospital.

And again...

At approximately 7:43am on July 28, 2011, Larimer County Detention Center deputies discovered a 24-year-old male inmate lying in a pool of blood in his cell. The inmate had attempted suicide by cutting his wrists, arms, ankles and groin area with his razor.  Deputies and medical personnel administered first aid until paramedics arrived.   


Detention centers and prisons are difficult environments for everyone.  We commend the fast and life saving actions of these unnamed deputies!   



Fort Collins Police Lt. James Broderick has been re-indicted on perjury charges connected with his testimony in the 1999 murder trial of Timothy Masters, according to an announcement Thursday from Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck's Office.  The Larimer County Grand Jury-issued charges are similar to seven counts filed in 2010, with two additional counts.

< Full Story >

Frank Bender, a pioneer in forensic sculpting and whose work - haunting, three-dimensional faces in clay - helped identify the forgotten dead and apprehend the fugitive living, died Thursday at his home in Philadelphia.  The cause was pleural mesothelioma, a rare cancer that attacks the outer lining of the lungs.


theInvestigators - Listserv open networking for all private sector investigators!


PracticalMethodsForLegalInvestigations - Listserv for book readers

Official book website is 


ProfessionalLocateInvestigations - Listserv for book readers

Official book website is 


MedicoLegalDeathInvestigations - Listserv for online course

Continuing education direct link to course information is 


Book Reviews
Scott Harrell reviewed Dean's book for, the ONLY completely FREE resource and online magazine for private investigators.

< See the complete review >


Burt Hodge's review from Florida Association of Licensed Investigators here:

< See the complete review >


Bob Wall's review from Professional Private Investigators Association of CO here:

< See the complete review >


Don Johnson's review for PI Magazine here:  < See the complete review >

Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, writes "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures."


Watch next month for more information about book reviews for 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations' to be featured in several magazines - from national to state associations.
Five Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Certified Legal InvestigatorSkills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...


Last month Karen included a fictional story of Homicide v. Suicide (or Accident), reportedly presented in 1987 by forensic pathologist Don Harper Mills, MD.

The story begins "On March 23,1994, the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he died from a shotgun wound to the head. Mr. Opus had jumped from the top of a ten-story building intending to commit suicide. He left a note to the effect indicating his despondency. As he fell past the ninth floor, his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast passing through a window, which killed him instantly."

It was reported that Dr. Mills ruled this death a suicide, and we received some very interesting input.  The most important was that more in-depth investigation was necessary.  Yes, that is true, but based on what has been presented, the summary of events and facts, what could be determined?

First, from our view as Medicolegal Death Investigators:
This story is similar to assisted suicide - which the Manner of Death would appropriately be Homicide, as the decedent did not put into play those actions causing their own death (he may have jumped intending to commit suicide, but that was interrupted by the actions of another).

Finally, from the view of Stephen Cina, MD, Forensic Pathologist:
It is important to remember that the Manner of Death determined by a medical examiner may be at odds with a legal definition.  By convention, most deaths involving drunk driving are classified as Accident, although the impaired driver may be charged with vehicular homicide if he kills someone.

But, there is more to these findings and opinions.  Read the story one more time and find out what this team of investigators and experts concluded and why.  


For the Medicolegal Death Investigators' and Forensic Pathologist opinions

< Click here >

Forensic Investigators
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
of Colorado, LLC, specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil,Criminal and Probate litigation.

We are the PRIDE of Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI (
Karen S. Beers, BSW (

Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC
Office:  (970) 691-0813 ~ Fax:  (970) 372-4717 

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

click here 

Download our Agency Information and Case Request Packet
click here


We directly and securely accept the following credit cards:

All major credit cards accepted

In This Issue
Important Dates...
Karen's Corner - Crossword Puzzles
Dean's Desk - Articles in PI Magazine
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
Association and Industry Updates
In the News...
Five Qualities of a Professional Legal Investigator
In Closing...Follow-up: Homicide or Suicide?
On Our website
Quick Links 


>> About FICO-LLC 


>> What is a CLI? 


> CLI Requirements 


>> Investigator Bios (home) 



>> Forensic Pathology Consultants 


On our website

Fingerprint and Scales

Newsletter Archives from 2008 


All Articles 


Featured Articles

(click X by title) 

X Concepts of Comprehensive Background Investigations

X DNA Primer and Considerations for the Professional Investigator

X Psychological Autopsy and Equivocal Death 

X 'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports' 

X 'The Legal Investigator's Relationship with Families' 

X 'Woodchipper Fatality Investigation' 


Slideshow Presentations:

X About Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC 

X Attorney and Investigator Ethics 

Find Us at:Find us on Facebook

View my profile on LinkedIn

Follow us on Twitter   


Slideshow Presentations: 

Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC) 

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Past VP of Membership


 National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)

Certified Legal Investigator
CLI Committee - Region 6
Newsletter Contributing Editor

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
Region 5A Director (CO, WY, NE & AZ)
State Association Advisory Board


World Association of Detectives (WAD)  


National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)


International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) 

(Rocky Mountain Division)


Mensa USA 


Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)

Always FREE


PI Education

Death Investigation for Private Investigators

Pre-Order from PI Book Store
"Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" available at discounted price - $69.95

Professional Locate Investigations

Professional Locate Investigations 

Now a PDF eBook $15 w/ updates 

Order + Download


 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 



Attorney Trial Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek


Training Webinars and Upcoming Seminars - details at: 


Contact us if you would sponsor a webinar or seminar - no cost to you and earn free attendance:  

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations

PrepareInquire � Analyze � Document � Report   

CRC Press - 20% discount and free shippingor our friends at Pre-Order from PI Book Store$69.95