Forensic Investigators of Colorado banner 
Quaero Indicium
'To Find the Evidence'

Please distribute to others that may have an interest


Happy 235th Birthday USA! We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Independence Day weekend.  The United States of American is truly a very special place, and unequivocally the greatest nation.  Here are some interesting tidbits about the history in declaring independence:  < 10 things you might not know about America's Independence >

Voluntary Licensure of Private Investigators in Colorado On the licensing front, Voluntary Licensure of Private Investigators is now law!  Governor Hickenlooper signed HB 1195 into law on June 10th.  For the first time in 34 years, Colorado professional investigators, and those using their services, will have the benefits and protections of licensure.  This has been an extensive process.  Your help and support with letters and donations have been both significant and appreciated.

< Read the new law > 


Dean's guest spot on PI's Declassified
was last week, Thursday June 30th.  It was a fun and informative show.  Francie asked Dean to return to the show to discuss his new book - 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations'.  These are aired live each Thursday at 9am PST, with shows recorded and posted for replay at - just follow this link: < June 30th Show >.
Don Johnson CLI (Trace Investigations of IN) and Dean did a show in October 2010 on Equivocal Death investigations (click to hear a replay).

Dean's book was written as a text and reference book. It is now in use at City College in Florida, both campus and online, as one of the primary textbooks for the legal investigation curriculum.

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado - Conference
The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado has set the date and location for the annual fall conference.  Mark your calendars for September 23rd and 24th, and a special event for the 22nd!  See below for details. 

< Click Here for Speakers and tentative agenda >

Texas Association of Licensed Investigators - 40th Anniversary
Don't forget - the 40th Anniversary Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) in Fort Worth TX from August 18-20. Dean has been invited to speak on Medicolegal Death Investigation.  This conference will be a BIG event!

< TALI Conference Details >

Also, as a reminder to our investigator friends and colleagues 

NEW! "Death Investigations for Private Investigators"

A continuing education course at developed by Forensic Investigators of Colorado and based upon the education, training and experience of Dean and Karen.

< PI Education Course Details >


Crime Wire Online  

We are excited to announce that the team of Crime Wire, and Investigation Bureau Chief Tom Shamshak, have invited us as Consultants to Crime Wire.  Each week a cold case or equivocal death case (often both) are reviewed with the team of consultants.  Former investigator Dennis Griffin, renowned private investigator, former undercover cop Vito Colucci and nationally known domestic violence victim's advocate Susan Murphy-Milano, along with guest investigators and legal and forensic experts, examine cases in which the investigations have left questions unanswered, and possible criminal activity unexposed. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this team providing a valuable service to the victims and families of traumatic events.

< Crime Wire - Tuesdays 9pm MST >


We are special guests to introduce our consultations, next Tue July 12th:

< July 12th Crime Wire show >

In the News

-- Timothy Masters exonerated from 1987 murder!
-- Former IMF chief - were the 'facts' really 'confirmed'?

Association News
-- Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
-- National Association of Legal Investigators
-- National Council of Investigation and Security Services
-- World Association of Detectives

Visit our website at to review the highlights of our services and resources.  Call us today to review your case and investigative needs.

A new archive page for newsletters and press releases from July 2010 to present is available at:  < Newsletter Archives >.
(please note that earlier archives are at < >)

Important Dates
The following are the important dates for this month and the following two months.  Reminders are sent approximately one week before an extended event (i.e. conferences and vacations).  Any last minute changes are also sent by email.  Please mark your calendars for any dates that may affect deadlines, hearing dates, trials and depositions.  Any changes from a previous notice or newsletter will have an (*) to alert you to a calendar update.    

< Complete Webinar and Seminar Info at>

No additional dates

* 18th to 20th (Wed-Sun) Conference - Texas Assoc of Licensed Investigators (presenting Medicolegal Death Investigation; CRC book signing)

* 11th to 13th (Sun-Tue) NCISS Hit the Hill - this is dependent on expected trial testimony
* 16th to 17th (Fri-Sat) Vendor at Colorado Association of Legal Support Staff annual conference at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, CO.

* 22nd to 24th (Thu-Sat) PPIAC Annual Conference
Karen's Corner:
Equivocal Death - Homicide or Suicide?
(Karen S. Beers, BSW)

In 1987 Forensic Pathologist Don Harper Mills, MD, presented this story of a bizarre death: 


On March 23,1994, the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he died from a shotgun wound to the head. Mr. Opus had jumped from the top of a ten-story building intending to commit suicide. He left a note to the effect indicating his despondency. As he fell past the ninth floor, his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast passing through a window, which killed him instantly.

Neither the shooter nor the deceased was aware that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor level to protect some building workers and that Ronald Opus would not have been able to complete his suicide the way he had planned.  The room on the ninth floor, where the shotgun blast emanated, was occupied by an elderly man and his wife. They were arguing vigorously and he was threatening her with a shotgun! The man was so upset that when he pulled the trigger, he completely missed his wife, and the pellets went through the window, striking Mr. Opus.

When one intends to kill subject 'A' but kills subject 'B' in the attempt, one is guilty of the murder of subject 'B.'  When confronted with the murder charge, the old man and his wife were both adamant, and both said that they thought the shotgun was not loaded. The old man said it was a long-standing habit to threaten his wife with the unloaded shotgun. He had no intention to murder her. Therefore the killing of Mr. Opus appeared to be an accident; that is, assuming the gun had been accidentally loaded.

The continuing investigation turned up a witness who saw the old couple's son loading the shotgun about six weeks prior to the fatal accident. It transpired that the old lady had cut off her son's financial support and the son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun threateningly, loaded the gun with the expectation that his father would shoot his mother.

Since the loader of the gun was aware of this, he was guilty of the murder even though he didn't actually pull the trigger. The case now becomes one of murder on the part of the son for the death of Ronald Opus.


Now comes the exquisite twist...


Further investigation revealed that the son was, in fact, Ronald Opus.
He had become increasingly despondent over the failure of his attempt to engineer his mother's murder. This led him to jump off the ten-story building on March 23rd, only to be killed by a shotgun blast passing through the ninth story window.


Although fictional, there are stranger accidents and deaths that have occurred.  Dr. Mills presented this fictional scenario to demonstrate how a few facts could alter the both the medicolegal investigation, and the legal consequences, which may not be the same. 


What would you certify as the Cause and Manner of Death?

Next month we will tell you how Dr. Mills would have ruled this death and we will provide an investigative explanation of the process, including the medical opinion by Stephen Cina, MD, our consulting forensic Pathologist. 

Our thanks to PPIAC past president John McFarlane for this interesting contribution.

About Karen:
Karen S. Beers, BSW
Karen S. Beers, BSW

Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.

Dean' Desk
Medicolegal Death Investigation Presentations and Seminars
(Dean A. Beers, CLI)

I recently had the opportunity to speak at the Southeast Super Conference, hosted by the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI).  After that I was involved in several discussions with fellow investigators and CLIs on topics ranging from the Casey Anthony murder trial to the Natalie Holloway disappearance.  I had previously been a guest speaker at a regional FALI meeting while in Florida for the Mid Winter Conference of the National Association of Legal Investigators this past February.  Great people and a great conference.  My thanks to good friend and fellow CLI, Rory McMahon, for inviting me.  Rory will be at the PPIAC conference speaking about federal criminal defense cases; please consider attending! 


Back in February, Brandon Perron and his brother Brad invited me to give a full one-day seminar on the Basics of Medicolegal Death Investigation.  I gave this seminar just prior to going across the Florida coast to the FALI conference.  This was primarily to public defender investigators and interns, as well as private investigators.  It was part of the curriculum to obtain the Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) professional designation.  This was a great time, far too short to share information and visit with friends - I am certainly looking forward to returning for future seminars.


Karen and I are developing plans to implement a Bodily Injury and Death Investigation seminar series for civil and criminal trial attorneys, investigators, paralegals and interns.  The seminar is planned for two days - one day of practical and one day of application and case studies.  If you are interested, please email our office.  As plans develop, we will keep you informed.  We are also available for customized presentations and seminars for your group or association, on a variety of legal investigative topics. 


Our seminars are developed around the protocols from my book - Prepare, Inquire, Analyze, Document and Report.  I am honored that this protocol has been adapted by City College of Florida and the Associate Degree in Private Investigation and Private Investigation Diploma program. 

Dean A. Beers, CLI
Dean A. Beers, CLI
About Dean:

Dean is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigatiions specializing in all Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations in the civil arena and criminal defense.  He has extensive background in medicolegal-forensic and factual Investigations with law enforcement education, experience and relationships.  He has testified as an expert in Forensic Investigation and Pattern Injury Analysis, as well as Protocols of Private Investigations.  He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review 
Forensic Pathology and Autopsy Consultations
We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Dr. Stephen Cina, Dr. Harold Schueler and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Dean began working with Forensic Pathologist Stephen Cina MD, in late 2002 and Karen in late 2004, both as death investigators and forensic autopsy assistants.

Dr. Cina was the Weld County Coroner/Medical Examiner and Larimer County Deputy Coroner/Medical Examiner, and consultant to much of Colorado and Wyoming, before becoming the Deputy Chief Medical Examiner for Broward County, FL.  He is currently the Associate Medical Director of the University of Miami Tissue Bank and is a professor at their Miller School of Medicine.

Dr. Schueler is the Chief Toxicologist of the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office.  Through Forensic Toxicology Consulting Services, he provides private consultations nationally.

Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  Dr. Cina's services, and CV, are available at his website - Autopsy Review.  Dr. Schueler can be contacted through our office or Dr. Cina's private practice.
Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
TALI 40th Anniversary Conference "Medicolegal Death Investigations"
August 20 - Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (Fort Worth TX)
Dean will be presenting and attending a book signing at this conference.

< TALI Conference Details >


CALSS Annual Conference (vendor)
September 16th and 17th - Embassy Suites, Loveland CO.  Contact Joyce Beach < email > for conference details.

Association and Industry Updates
Professional Private Investigators Assoc of Colorado (  
PPIAC Conference in September
The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado has set the date and location for the annual fall conference.  Mark your calendars for September 23rd and 24th, and a special event for the 22nd!

The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites near Denver International Airport.  Room arrangements are pending and details will follow.  To receive special email notifications, please email Dean at < >

Speakers include (with more being confirmed):
-- Rory McMahan, CLI CFE (Boca Raton FL) - Federal Criminal Defense Cases
-- Steve Rambam (Brooklyn NY) - Using Internet Investigative Resources
-- Steve Farese (Attorney, Ashland MS) - High Profile Criminal Defense Cases
-- Tim Schmolder (Golden CO) -
Case Profiles and Story Dynamics in High Stakes Surveillance
-- Jimmie Mesis (PI Magazine) - Doubling Internet Based Income

Details are being finalized for speakers and agenda.  Visit this pre-conference page for details.


PI Museum (

Will be a special guest at the PPIAC conference.  Ben Harroll, founder and curator, has put his museum of extensive facts, artifacts, information and displays on wheels.  His first stop was in California, followed by Texas, and next is Colorado!  We are very honored to be one of his inaugural year stops!  Please consider joining PI Museum - its inexpensive, completely tax deductible, and is a lifetime founder membership!


If you are interested in registering for the conference as an attendee, vendor or sponsor, please email Dean at

< Click Here for Details >  

Also, the summer quarter newsletter is now available (with a licensing update): 
National Association of Legal Investigators
The annual conference for NALI was held in San Francisco, CA from June 16th to the 18th. The training sessions, particularly in forensics and criminalistics, was worth the time and trip.  Annual elections were also held.  Congratulations to:
-- Terry Cox, CLI - National Director
-- David Luther, CLI - Assistant National Director (and continues as CLI Committee Chair)
-- Troy Fleming - continues as National Secretary
-- John Hoda, CLI - continues as Region 1 Director
-- Don Johnson, CLI - Region 2 Director
-- Mark Murnan, CLI - continues as Region 3 Director
-- Ron Watkins, Jr. - continues as Region 4 Director
-- Rikki Glenn, CLI - continues as Region 5 Director
-- Jayne McElfresh - continues as Region 6 Director (including Colorado)
-- Sheila Klopper - continues as Region 7 Director 

The next issue of NALI's magazine, 'The Legal Investigator', will soon be available online at < The Legal Investigator - TLI >.  As a regular contributing columnist, Dean will have an article that is sure to be of interest to you.

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (
NCISS continues to monitor nearly bills introduced in Congress that concern private investigators and security services.  Presently there has not been an update on committee hearings and bill movement.

In September is the annual 'NCISS Hit the Hill' (09/11-09/13).  The NCISS board and membership will be meeting with Senators and Representatives to personally discuss bills of concern.

If you are a private investigator, consider joining NCISS.  The introductory membership is $99 for the first year and prorated in 2012, if you join now next year will be $70; regular annual dues are $140); the $25 application fee is waived. 

< Membership Special Offer Details > 


Donations to the legislative fund, from PIs and attorneys, are appreciated.

To learn more about NCISS, visit  

World Association of Detectives ( 
The annual conference is set for October 11-15 in Hong Kong, China.  For details visit < WAD Annual Conference - China >

Some FREE sample magazines for PIs (and those that use PIs), and a free online ethics course:
Over the years and recently, our agency has contributed to these, and other, leading professional magazines.

Pursuit Magazine - is the ONLY FREE online based magazine for our profession.  Updated daily - visit for details.  PPIAC also wishes to thank Scott Harrell for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

PI Magazine - Professional Investigator Magazine - is the leading subscription based magazine for our profession.  Interested in a free sample of the latest digital issue?  Click here to request your complimentary issue.  PPIAC also wishes to thank Jimmie and Roe Mesis for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
has one of the leading association magazines and is sharing the latest digital issue.  Click here to request your complimentary issue.  PPIAC also wishes to thank the TALI board for their financial support of licensure in Colorado.

PI Education - is an online based continuing education service for PIs.  Not only is our 'Death Investigator for Private Investigators' available, courses from forensic photography to interviewing are also available.  With each course comes the free ethics course - a $25 value.  Visit for details.  
In the News
CourtroomSome of the latest news of interest... 



On February 11th, 1987 - the same year our agency was founded - the body of Peggy Hettrick was found in a field.  Timothy Masters, a 15-year old high school student, would later tell police he saw the body but did not report it.  He became the only suspect.  In 1998 he was arrested in CA for the murder and in 1999 convicted.  Imprisoned during his appeals process for 10 years, in 2008 Special Prosecutors move to vacate the conviction based upon DNA evidence and an admission by the prosecutor's office that evidence was withheld from the defense.


In 2008 the conviction was overturned and prosecutors dropped the murder charges.  But they do not drop Timothy Masters from the list of suspects, and provide no apology.  Later, Fort Collins and Larimer County settle for a combined $10 millions. 


Jump to June 29, 2011.  Colorado Attorney General, John Suthers, announced that evidence presented before a state grand jury exonerates Timothy Masters.  The Fort Collins Police Interim Chief and 8th Judicial District Attorney each offered their apologies.  When the conviction was overturned, DA Abrahamson offered no apologies or reconciliatory statements. 


< See the timeline presented by the Fort Collins Coloradoan >

In mid June, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then head of the International Monetary Fund, was accused by a hotel maid of rape.  Within the week he was charged, arrested and placed under house arrest in New York.  Soon the story of the hotel maid began to unfold.  The 'confirmed facts' were not adding up.  He has now been released on a persona recognizance bond and restricted to no foreign travel.

As a recent guest on PI's Declassified, Dean talked about this phenomenon of 'confirmed facts' coming from one reporting victim and no witnesses, and before an investigation is even conducted, let alone concluded.  He also talked about the human nature of believing the reporting victim of a crime.  However, it is necessary, and incumbent upon law enforcement to not only conduct, but complete an investigation before acting on the report and presenting the case to the prosecutor's office for the filing of charges. 

Although the complete facts of the case are just now actually coming forward, this is demonstrative of not following a logical and methodical investigative protocol - completing an investigative process.  Until an investigation is concluded, it is information - information is not evidence and only evidence is admissible.

Links of Interest on Yahoo Groups - open networking for all private sector investigators! - official book website is - official book website is - continuing education for private investigators, criminal justice and investigative-legal professionals.  Direct link to course information is 


We are posting reviews as they come in via the official book website at

Scott Harrell reviewed Dean's book for, the ONLY completely FREE resource and online magazine for private investigators.

< See the complete review >

Burt Hodge's review from Florida Association of Licensed Investigators here:

< See the complete review >

Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado.  She asked PPIAC board and senior member Bob Wall to write a review.  But first, here is what Jennifer had to say: "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures."

In the latest review, from Bob Wall of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, he says "Very few investigative procedure books are more than "how to."  As investigators, we should go beyond the "How," and appreciate the "Whys" of the work we do. This book well-serves that inquisitive quality that good investigators should possess.  Our cases do not exist in a vacuum; not only does Locard's Principle of "something taken, something left" apply to physical evidence, but to our investigative experiences as well. This book does well to crystalize the whys and wherefores of the investigator's experience, not only in building the case itself, but in building the investigator's experience and knowledge, based on critical thinking between cases."

< See the complete review >

Watch next month for more information about book reviews for 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations' to be featured in several magazines - from national to state associations.
Five Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Certified Legal InvestigatorSkills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...


We recently received the following email query, concerning DNA.  Due to confidentiality, we cannot disclose who sent this, but do thank them for their interesting question. 


The client has a girl, a daughter and wants to prove Mr "A" is the father. Would the DNA of the son of Mr. "A" have enough similarities as the daughter, if they are in fact both fathered by Mr. "A", to strongly suggest or prove the paternity of the daughter?

The answer is yes, but...

DNA paternity and maternity testing are conclusive results; however, sibling testing is not always conclusive.

Testing would be for half-siblings, sharing the same father (agnate siblings) or mother (uterine siblings).  Mitochondrial DNA passes from the mother to children, so if it were maternity, it would be that easy, regardless of male-male, female-female or male-female siblings.  Paternity of agnate siblings can be more complicated.

The test needed to determine the same paternity for male-male siblings is a Y chromosome test.

The test needed to determine the same paternity for female-female siblings is an X chromosome test.

The underlying complication is the sibling relationship being male-female.  In this case, Short Tandem Repeat Analysis testing is the key.  STR Analysis is used to compare specific genetic markers (loci) on DNA from two or more samples (what we commonly see in the legal arena for testing evidence against known persons and suspects, missing persons and identifications).  In those instances you are looking for a conclusive match.   


A brother and sister test cannot be conclusive because they will not have identical DNA (even fraternal twins will be as different as non-twin DNA).  STR analyzes a number of different genetic markers (known as loci) in the persons tested. Full siblings have more DNA in common than half siblings and logically, half siblings have more DNA in common than unrelated individuals. A sibling test examines the amount of DNA shared in order to establish the probability of relationship.  This test will provide a Probability of Relationship - a result that is best interpreted as 'more likely than not' (or preponderance) of a relationship.  Logic would tell us that two siblings would share 50% of common DNA, and scientists would like to have that as a guide.  Using that as a key, under 50% it would be unlikely there is a sibling relationship, and over 50% it would be likely.  But, research and literature have shown that there can be cases where full siblings have hardly any DNA in common; therefore, the result of the sibling test would be inconclusive despite the people tested being full siblings.  Similarly, siblings can have so much common DNA that it may show as high as 95% or higher; therefor, the siblings test would clearly show the people tested are siblings.  Many labs will use a scale of roughly 75% or greater, and 25% or less, for inclusion and exclusion of a sibling relationship.  I have not found any literature that explains this range or similar probabilities; however, I am sure there is.


As an alternative, there is also grandparent testing - to determine if siblings share the same grandparents.


On a different but interesting note, cousins whose parents are identical twins will share very similar DNA, as identical twins have the same DNA (but different fingerprints).

Forensic Investigato
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
rs of Colorado, LLC, specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil,Criminal and Probate litigation.

We are the PRIDE of ForensicInvestigators of Colorado, LLC - Professional Reliable InvestigatorsDefining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI (
Karen S. Beers, BSW (

Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC
Office:  (970) 691-0813 ~ Fax:  (970) 372-4717 

< Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010 >

Download an agency information and case request packet:
< Agency Information and Case Request Packet >

We directly accept the following credit cards:

All major credit cards accepted

In This Issue
Important Dates...
Karen's Corner - Equivocal Death - Homicide or Suicide?
Medicolegal Death Investigation Presentations and Seminars
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
Association and Industry Updates
In the News...
Five Qualities of a Professional Legal Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links 

>> About FICO-LLC

>> What is a CLI?
> CLI Requirements

>> Investigator Bios (home)

>> Forensic Pathology Consultants
On our website
Fingerprint and Scales

Newsletter Archives from 2008 


All Articles: 


Featured Articles:

- Concepts of Comprehensive Background Investigations

- DNA Primer and Considerations for the Professional Investigator

- Psychological Autopsy and Equivocal Death 

- 'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports' 

'The Legal Investigator's Relationship with Families' 

'Woodchipper Fatality Investigation' 


Slideshow Presentations:

About Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC 

- Attorney and Investigator Ethics 

Find Us at:

Find us on Facebook

View my profile on LinkedIn

Follow us on Twitter   

Slideshow Presentations: 

Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC) 
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Past VP of Membership

National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI) 
Certified Legal Investigator
CLI Committee - Region 6
Newsletter Contributing Editor  

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS) 
Region 5A Director (CO, WY, NE & AZ)
State Association Advisory Board

World Association of Detectives (WAD)

National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) 

International Association for Identification (IAI and RMDIAI) 
Mensa USA 
Tools for the
Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

 (click images for details)
Always FREE, Always ONLINE

PI Education
Death Investigation for Private Investigators
Pre-Order from PI Book Store
"Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" available at discounted price - $69.95

Professional Locate Investigations

Professional Locate Investigations 

Now a PDF eBook $15

Order + Download


Investigator Case File System 

Investigator Case File System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek of the 'Investigator Case File System'
FREE Trial Notebook preview

Attorney Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek of the 'Attorney Case File System'


Training Webinars and Upcoming Seminars - details at: 

Contact us if you would sponsor a webinar or seminar - no cost to you and earn free attendance:  

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations

PrepareInquire � Analyze � Document � Report   

CRC Press - 20% discount and free shippingor our friends at Pre-Order from PI Book Store$69.95