Quaero Indicium
'To Find the Evidence'

Please distribute to others that may have an interest


Happy New Year!

We sure hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah.  Our family spent some time together, watched the grandkids open presents and our own adult white elephant party.  We had a very fun and memorable time!

2011 is here and we're ready to kick it off!  Dean's book will be out January 28th - what a way to start the year.  Conferences and seminars to further our own skills, those of our colleagues and clients, and further our profession are being planned.

This month and next month we are each presenting brief articles with information and personal experiences in traumatic injuries, evaluation and treatment.  These experiences are, in part, how we provide a truly deep and empathetic understanding of those facing their own traumatic events and injuries.
Cash Jacee Gage 12242010
Cash, Jacee and Gage in their new chairs - Christmas Eve

Updates from December
-- The conference in February for Chicago has been canceled due to time constraints.

In the News
-- Miscarriage of Justice - 7 Years Later
-- From the 2010 Darwin Awards Nominations

Association News
-- Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
-- National Association of Legal Investigators
-- National Council of Investigation and Security Services
-- World Association of Detectives

Visit our website at www.Forensic-Investigators.com to review the highlights of our services and resources.  Call us today to review your case and investigative needs.
Links to newsletters and articles are at www.MedicoLegalPI.com.

A new archive page for newsletters and press releases from July 2010 to present is available at:  < Newsletter Archives >.
(please note that earlier archives are at < www.MedicolegalPI.com >)
Important Dates
The following are the important dates for this month and the following two months.  Reminders are sent approximately one week before an extended event (i.e. conferences and vacations).  Any last minute changes are also sent by email.  Please mark your calendars for any dates that may affect deadlines, hearing dates, trials and depositions.  Any changes from a previous notice or newsletter will have an (*) to alert you to a calendar update.

01st (Sat) New Years Day (continued)
*13th (Thu) Webinar Presentation - Ethics  < more info >
17th (Mon) MLK Day (courts and government offices closed)

02nd-06th (Wed-Sun) National Association of Legal Investigators
* CANCELED - 20th-27th (Sun-Sat) American Academy of Forensic Sciences
TBD - Webinar Presentations
< more info >

Uneventful thus far
TBD - Webinar Presentations < more info >

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Karen S. Beers, BSW)
Part 1 - The PTSD Experience

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder that can affect the brain and body of a person who is suffering from this disorder depending on the severity of their condition.  Although we usually think of military veterans when we hear of someone suffering with PTSD, any person who has experienced trauma can develop PTSD.  As with any medical condition, there are different degrees of PTSD ranging from mild to severe symptoms.


Although according to the site ptsdinfo.org, PTSD was not established as a medical condition until 1980, one can imagine and it is fairly safe to surmise that people have suffered complications from PTSD since men/woman have walked the earth.  As investigators we see all different types of situations where we or someone we are helping may find the events traumatic.  The key is recognizing symptoms in ourselves, family, friends, fellow employees and our clients, so we can help the sufferer find some peace.  PTSD is what I consider an "invisible" injury, meaning the person who suffers may look "normal" to others in that for example the sufferer is not in a mind and body cast, but they are suffering on the inside.


-- The PTSD Experience

Next Month:
Coping with and treating PTSD

Karen S. Beers, BSW
Karen S. Beers, BSW
About Karen:

Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996.  Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (Dean A. Beers, CLI)

Part 1 - Understanding the Cause and Effect of TBIs


The experience of Karen and I in dealing with personal injury and death comes from both personal and professional events.  Such events are not selective based on race, color, religion, sex or socio-economic status - they impact all of us.  That is, in part, what has drawn us to this profession.

On a personal level, Karen and I experienced our own more serious traumatic event on September 01, 2000.  On that date I was driving my Dad and I to his sister's house near Colorado Springs.  Just a few miles and minutes from her home we were t-boned by an 18 year old male driving while intoxicated.  Concurrently, Karen and I were talking on the phone - I was checking in that we were almost to our destination.  That was 10 years ago - 
and I was using a headset when they were unpopular and difficult to find.  Karen heard the collision, people stopping to render aid and the response of rescue personnel.  She was an 'uninvolved victim'.  Although only auditory, she was a witness to the collision and traumatized just the same as being in the vehicle or a bystander; hence, her concurrent topic on PTSD.  It was an event that changed our lives and set in motion a future much different than we expected.


The wonderful thing about a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), formerly referred to as a Closed Head Injury, is that you have no idea of its existence or impact - personally, upon your family, or professionally.

-- The TBI Experience
-- Indicators of TBIs

Next Month:
Understanding Treatment and Investigative Tips for Cases Involving TBIs
Dean A. Beers, CLI
Dean A. Beers, CLI

About Dean:

Dean is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigatiions specializing in all Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations in the civil arena and criminal defense.  He has extensive background in medicolegal-forensic and factual Investigations with law enforcement education, experience and relationships.  He has testified as an expert in private investigations, and is currently consulting nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations:  Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases
New Book Information
January 2010
This is the cover of Dean's book due out January 2011!

The book is ready to go at the printer - available now by pre-order with a 20% discount and free shipping.  Delivery beginning January 28, 2011!

NEW website for all details:

The book contest is closed.  The following persons have won a free book.  The contest was based on a guess of the number of words in the 550+ page manuscript (658 total pages - 591 main section) and 140,427 words.

John Collette (June), Jennifer Gates (July), George Kaye (August), Tina Elkins (September), Gary Brummond (October); November and December - all guesses were over the total words.

Conference Prizes - Ronda Godard (Private Investigators Association of Utah), Denise Tolmich-Ramirez (Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, vendor), Marie Hansen, MD (National Association of Medical Examiners).

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review
Forensic Pathology and Autopsy Consultations

We believe that medicolegal investigation is a team effort.  Dr. Stephen Cina asked Dr. Harold Schueler and our agency to be affiliated as experts in our respective fields and to offer comprehensive services to our clients.

Dean began working with Forensic Pathologist Stephen Cina MD, in late 2002 and Karen in late 2004, as death investigators and forensic autopsy assistants.

Dr. Cina is the Deputy Chief Medical Examiner for Broward County, FL.

Dr. Schueler is the Chief Toxicologist of the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office.

Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  Dr. Cina's services, and CV, are available at his website - Autopsy Review.  Dr. Schueler can also be contacted through Dr. Cina's private practice or our office.

Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
 It has been busy with requests to get some quality investigative articles out - three published in November, and two others finished up for publication early next year.  Now to continue with planning the interactive case scenarios for the NALI Mid Winter Conference in Florida (see below).  Finalizing the webinar logistics is also in order - TBD - Webinar Presentations < more info >.

"Investigative Protocol for Civil Legal Investigations of Motor Vehicle Collisions"

An expert witness article for the current issue of Trial Talk, the official publication of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association. 

< read the full CTLA article >

"Ethical Considerations for the Professional Investigator"

In the recent issue of The Texas Investigator, the official publication of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators.

< read the full TALI article >

"Methods and Procedures for Requesting Change of Address and Boxholder Information from the United States Postal Service"

In the recent issue of The CALI Journal, the official publication of the California Association of Licensed Investigators.

< Investigators Only - Email to Request a Copy >

National Association of Legal Investigators - Mid Winter Conference (below)
In February Dean will be joining Dr. Stephen Cina at the Mid Winter Conference of the National Association of Legal Investigators, being held in Miami Beach, FL.  Dr. Cina will be featuring the relationship of the Medical Examiner's Office in Civil & Criminal Cases.  Dean will be presenting an interactive scenario discussions bridging the forensic pathologist and investigator team relationship, and investigating deaths and personal injuries for civil and criminal cases.

Dr. Cina and Dr. James Perper co-authored "When Doctors Kill", an excellent historical accounting of the medical profession and homicide.
Association and Industry Updates
Ethics, the Private Investigator and the Attorney-Client
California private investigator Bill Rhetts (Hi-Caliber Investigations - www.Hi-Caliber.org) shared this short video outlining the ethics all private investigators should adhere to with their attorney-clients.  Our agency has always maintained a high ethical standard, as do the associations we belong to and our colleagues.
< Hi-Caliber Ethics Video >

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
The effort to bring professional licensing to Colorado, one of only six states without professional oversight, continues.  A draft bill has been put together by the licensing committee and a review by the Department of Regulatory Agencies is pending.

In addition to the popular 'Find a PI' on the website, the PPIAC has recently added the following member directories - Pro Bono for civil and criminal attorneys, as well as Speakers Bureau.  If your association, group or conference needs a speaker - a PPIAC member can likely help.

The latest newsletter is also available (NEW for January 2011):
National Association of Legal Investigators (www.NALI.org)
The 2011 Mid Winter Conference is February 03-05 in Miami FL.  Complete details are at www.NALI.com and click <speaker biographies> to learn about the speakers.

See the 'Quick Links' ==> for information on the Certified Legal Investigator program, requirements and what it means.

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (www.NCISS.org)
Dean's article 'Psychological Autopsies' was published in the fall issue of their quarterly trade magazine 'The Report '.
< read the Fall 2010 The Report and learn about NCISS >

NCISS also sends out a monthly eReport with interim legislative and industry updates.

World Association of Detectives (www.WAD.org)
In the coming months the WAD will also be converting to a separate publication format and will also be available online.  When that is available the link will be provided here.

Some FREE sample magazines for PIs (and those that use PIs):
Over the years and recently, Dean has contributed to these leading professional magazines.
Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
has one of the leading association magazines and is sharing the latest digital issue.  Click here to request your complimentary issue (including Dean's article on ethics!).

PI Magazine - Professional Investigator Magazine - is the leading subscription based magazine for our profession.  Interested in a free sample of the latest digital issue? 
Click here to request your complimentary issue.

Pursuit Magazine - is the leading online based magazine for our profession.  Updated daily - visit www.PursuitMag.com for details.
In the News
CourtroomSome of the latest news of interest ...

Miscarriage of Justice - 7 Years
A big win for the Arizona Justice Project at ASU's law school.  Coerced confession, improper photo lineup, victim misidentification, tunnel vision.

< complete story >

An early 2011 issue of PI Magazine will have an article by Dean describing 'Tunnel Intelligence'.

From the 2010 Darwin Award Nominations
Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety windows in a downtown Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death.  A police spokesman said Garry Hoy, 39, fell into the courtyard of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening as he was explaining the strength of the buildings windows to visiting law students.

Hoy previously conducted demonstrations of window strength according to police reports.  Peter Lawson, managing partner of the firm Holden Day Wilson, told the Toronto Sun newspaper that Hoy was "one of the best and brightest" members of the 200-man association.  
Five Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Certified Legal InvestigatorSkills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
Coming Next Month...
The second parts of Karen's article on PTSD and Dean's article on TBIs.  Dean and Karen are sharing personal and professional experiences and perspectives, as well as investigative and treatment techniques.  This current issue has part one of each, and in February will be part 2 of each - Dean has Traumatic Brain Injuries and treatment; and Karen has PTSD and rehabilitation.

Special ethical advice from Kitty Hailey, CLI - author of "Code of Professional Conduct" for professional investigators, expert and renowned author on the subject of ethics.
In Closing...
On November 22nd, PPIAC President Robert Orozco and I met with the Department of Regulatory Agencies Policy Analyst, Saul Larsen, and had an informative meeting.  The concern DORA considers is 'public harm'.  The only opposition, per DORA, has only been individual assertions that there is no public harm.  We have shared extensive information and also discussed future public harm in the absence of licensing.

I would like to enlist your help.  Mr. Larsen should hear from professionals - attorneys, paralegals and others that work with private investigators, as well as other private investigators.  I would like for him to hear from each of you, I would consider it a great personal and professional favor.

On my wall next to my computer, and what I told Mr. Larsen was this: "Every day we are entrusted, by the Colorado public, with their money, their personal information, their most private situations and in some cases their future, freedom and life.", H. Ellis Armistead, CLI - fellow CLI, past PPIAC Chairman and past NALI National Director.  Ellis has shared that multiple times during the debates of licensing - and it got Mr. Larsen's attention.

This would be very helpful - and could get us to a place that might protect other consumers, or at least better protect.  If you wish to copy me, via email, your correspondence, it will allow us to thank you for your support and provide that to bill sponsors and legislators as the time comes.

Thank you for your help.  The details for DORA are:
Saul Larsen
DORA Policy Analyst
(303) 894-2996
(303) 894-7885 fax

And don't forget
As part of the release of Dean's book, we are in the early stages of developing introductory webinars and full length seminars for continuing education.  Continuing education is as important to the investigative profession as it is to the legal profession, but few associations or state licensing boards require it.

Contact our office if you have an interest in attending or sponsoring a seminar or speaking engagement for investigators, attorneys and paralegals.

Our first webinar is tentatively scheduled for Thursday January 13th and is FREE!  The topic will be Ethics and should be approximately one hour.  You may sign up for the webinars notification list at
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen
Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC, specializes in the medicolegal consultation and investigation of cases involving traumatic injuries or death, as well as cases involving serious criminal charges.

We are Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence, with PRIDE in every assignment.

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI (beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com)
Karen S. Beers, BSW (beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com)

Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC
Office:  (970) 691-0813
Fax:  (970) 372-4717
< Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010 >
Our agency information and case request packet has been updated:
< Agency Information and Case Request Packet >

In This Issue
Important Dates...
PTSD - Part 1 (Karen)
TBIs - Part 1 (Dean)
Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Recent Articles and Upcoming Engagements
Association and Industry Updates
In the News...
Five Qualities of a Professional Legal Investigator
Coming Next Month...
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links

>> About FICO-LLC

>> What is a CLI?
> CLI Requirements

>> Investigator Bios (home)

>> Forensic Pathology Consultants
On our website
Since 1987 www.MedicoLegalPI.com

Newsletter Archives from 2008

All Articles:


Featured Articles:

- Concepts of Comprehensive Background Investigations

- DNA Primer and Considerations for the Professional Investigator

- Psychological Autopsy and Equivocal Death

- 'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports'

'The Legal Investigator's Relationship with Families'

'Woodchipper Fatality'

Slideshow Presentations:

- Death Investigation for the Legal Investigator

About Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC

GPS and Digital Photography

-Attorney and Investigator Ethics

Book Update:

Protocols of Legal Investigation

Find Us

Find us on Facebook

View my profile on LinkedIn

Follow us on Twitter

Slideshow Presentations:
Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)
Chairman of the Board of Directors

National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)
Certified Legal Investigator
CLI Committee - Region 6
Newsletter Contributing Editor

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
Membership Committee Chair
State Association Advisory Board

World Association of Detectives (WAD)

National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)

International Association for Identification (IAI and RMDIAI)

Mensa USA
Tools for the
Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

 (click images for details)

Pre-Order from PI Book Store
"Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" available at a discount - $69.95

Investigator's Case File System

Attorney Case File System

FREE Trial Notebook preview
Learn more - FREE Trial Notebook eBook and sneak peek of the 'Attorney Case File System'


Training Webinars and Upcoming Seminars
We are rolling out our webinars - join us Thursday January 13th for 'Ethics' - FREE and future webinars TBD

We are also looking planning seminars for 2011 at your location.

Contact us if you would sponsor a webinar or seminar - no cost to you and earn free attendance.
Webinar Presentations:
beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com or
< more info >
New Book Information
Click Image to view the Table of Contents

by Dean A. Beers, CLI (available January 2011)

PrepareInquire � Analyze � Document � ReCRC Press - 20% discount and free shippingport