Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Trestleboard
Volume No. 12 September 2012 Issue No. 9 George M. Otis P.M., Publisher Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster
Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M.
Greeting's From The East

Brethren, As I write this, a blue moon shines, lighting up one of my last summer nights before returning to the classroom and the lodge room. I've had a great summer with my family, especially being home with my sons and watching them grow more and more every day it seems. I have truly been blessed and have a great deal to be thankful for. And before things pick up and get so busy that I forget to thank those who have made my year as Worshipful Master incredibly awesome, I'm going to take the time to do so. First off, and very rightly so, PM Stephen Vining who at this minute is waiting patiently for this newsletter. For those of you reading this right now, you have him to thank. And while he may brush it off as being nothing really, this newsletter has done more than just keep the Brethren of Jackson 17 informed, it has also brought our District and Jackson County closer. Many a Lodge visit this year has been accompanied by the thanks from Worshipful Masters for our efforts, visit and newsletter. Behind every Worshipful Master, this one especially, is a great Secretary! PM's George Otis and Dale Brown rarely get the thanks they deserve either. Not only for their respective stations of Chaplain and Treasurer but as the Brothers that keep our Temple awe inspiring. Along with our Junior Deacon, David Brown, and his masterful carpet designs, our Blue Room continues to take my breath away and make me proud. Behind every Worshipful Master there are those that work when the Temple is silent. And when silence is no longer necessary, PM Tom Amidon graces us with music, one of the seven liberal arts. I can't believe we went so long without having something so awesome! Behind every Worshipful Master are the sounds of beauty. And when the workers have been called from labor to refreshment, they are treated as Kings indeed by our Brothers Shea, PM's Rick and David. Every month something different, something to go with the season or the holidays. No one goes home dissatisfied. In most cases, they go home with tomorrows lunch in hand! Behind every Worshipful Master are those that make the bread we break together. To the ritualists, PM's Jimmie and Willie Snyder, Jerry Bethel, Tom Royce and others already mentioned, you inspire me, you inspire all of us to keep the traditions going and to provide for those that will someday petition our Lodge what you have provided us. Behind every Worshipful Master is his fount of knowledge. PM Frank Lutze, your short talks prove over and over again that behind so many of our important historical events there were Mason's. Lending a hand, reaching across lines of politics, race and creed and helping those less fortunate. Your stories keep me engaged and ready for the "Paul Harvey". Behind every Worshipful Master is a historian. To the newly made Master Masons, those transferring or seeking dual membership, and those recent petitioners: I thank you for reminding us all of why we became Mason's in the first place. Because someone stood out in our lives as someone worth emulating. We are now those people and need to live and act as such. Your interest in our Lodge acts as a reminder of that fact and encourages us in that we are doing a decent job of it. Behind every Worshipful Master are those that search for Light. There are so many other things to be thankful for. The Officer's line, committee members, PM's, those that smile, those that help set up and tear down, those who can build this, paint that and do the grunt work. Behind every Worshipful Master are his invaluable Craftsmen.. There's one other group that I wish to thank and I will have to ask for your help in doing so. None of these great things would be possible if it weren't for our understanding wife's, girlfriends, and family. I am grateful that they understand how important Masonry is to you and are willing to share you with me, with our Brethren. Behind every Worshipful Master, there is Love.
Lyman S. Robertson Jr.
Worshipful Master
Frank W. Lutze P.M.
"Cathedral at Cologne, Germany "

Let's talk about masonry . . . . . Not speculative masonry that we work in but operative masonry. The craft to which we proudly and passionately trace our roots. My interest in operative masonry predates my interest in Free and Accepted Masonry by many years. I remember as child hearing my cousin and her husband, a pastor, talk about their visit to Europe and the spectacular cathedrals that they toured. The most awe inspiring was the cathedral at Cologne, Germany. They spoke of the craftsman who during the middle ages built this magnificent cathedral. Many years later I had the opportunity to visit Germany on business and as I planned the trip I made sure that the cathedral in Cologne was on my list of places to visit. The corner stone of cathedral was laid in in 1248 and the eastern section was completed in 1322 under the direction of Master Gerhard, the first master mason of the cathedral. Sometime during the middle of the 14th century the west section was started under the direction of Master Michael. Work ceased in 1473 leaving the towers unfinished. The cathedral sat unfinished for almost 400 years until a large sum of money was raised and work began again in 1842. The cathedral was dedicated in 1880, 632 years after work began. The dimensions of the cathedral bring into focus the magnitude of this structure and the monumental task that faced the stone masons: Length: 474 feet Width: 283 feet Interior height of the nave (sanctuary): 142 feet Tower height: 516 feet Stained glass area: 107,649 square feet Roof area: 129,667 square feet The craftsman who built this cathedral in the middle ages had at their disposal few tools beyond the working tools of a Master Mason in our Lodge and yet it soars to a height of more than 50 stories and possesses the largest façade of any church in the world. Think of our Brothers of old, toiling on this cathedral, without the benefit of hard hats, steel toed boots, safety glasses and fall protection. Next month I'll explore life in the craft guilds of the workers who built this cathedral.
Chaplain's Corner
George M. Otis P.M.
Brothers, when were you last in YOUR LODGE? I for one Love my Lodge so much that I do all I can to provide my time to make the Lodge and Temple a better place for us to do good works. We will be having a work day on Saturday (to be announced) to change over to new better lights, painting, cleaning and whatever else needs to be done.
I wish to thank all of the Brothers that make my time spent at the Temple easier - Dale Brown, my cleaning brother, Jerry Bethel, my go to guy, Jimmie and Willie Snyder, who are always there when I need them, David Brown, my carpet sweeper and designer, Steve Vining, my confidant, Garry Gooldy, my acoustics guy, Larry Sanford, my friend and brother, Darrell Kesterson, Gary Klein, one of our cart guys, Rick and David Shea, our fantastic cooks, Mike Pierce, a great helper, Jason Chalfant, our water guy and all around good guy, if I missed someone please forgive me. This epitomizes what GREAT BROTHERS we have in our Lodge and I personally appreciate all that they do to help make this a better place and a better world. God B less each and every one of you.
Not to forget the brothers who are still employed that make the Lodge a better place, Frank Lutze with his great short talks, Lyman Robertson, who does a great job at opening and closing and raising our brothers. For the brothers standing in line to be officers - these are your leaders, listen and learn from them.
I know that I am retired, but I do have many other responsibilities such as going out to Spring Arbor Assisted Living 3 times a week to see my cousin in the Alzheimer's wing that I am the power of attorney for. When I am done visiting her I go into the main dining room and visit with 10 other people that I have gotten to know. One of them is a couple from Parma (Charlie is a Past Master from Parma Lodge); his wife Pat is a sweetheart. At that same table is Florence, who used to be a missionary, along with her husband, in Rhodesia for 30 years. Another table is where David and another gentleman who I call the horseman. Others are Gerry, JoAnn, Barb, Marilyn, Trudy (her husband Al is in the Alzheimer wing with my cousin (I have known him for more than 40 years - he used to work at the JCP. Then there is Bob, Ed, Walt and Marie and Evis. When I leave I am usually depressed as it is difficult to communicate with most of the persons that are in the Alzheimer's wing. Is it easy - NO, but they all enjoy my visits. Some of them call me a ray of sunshine. You brothers can laugh now!!!
My point being, that if all of us would take the time to visit one of these facilities we might get another look at ourselves in a few years. That is one reason I am looking forward to making the trip to Alma to visit the Masonic Home. David, our Junior Deacon is setting this up and NO ONE should miss out on this experience. I personally have been there on numerous occasions, as DDI, BGP for meetings and as a visitor. The residents enjoy these visits.
God Bless Jackson Lodge 17 and all the brothers who belong there.

None to report this past month.
 Masonic Degree Schedule
Entered Apprentice Degree ( None in September )
Fellowcraft Degree 
Master Mason Degree ( None in September ) |

Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Center Lodge Blue Room

Stephen D. Vining P.M., Secretary Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Region No. 4 Grand Lecturer Grand Lodge of Michigan (517) 914-8400 2012 Wednesday, September 5th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. will to and visit Hillsdale Lodge No. 32, F. & A.M. 45 McCollum St Hillsdale, MI 49242-1630 Stated Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 6th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. | Lodge is Dark | Thursday, September 13th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Regular Communication, 7:30 p.m. Lodge Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, September 20th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Thursday, September 27th Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association Board of Trustee's Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 
Lodge Dinner 
Menu To Be Announced for September Meeting Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Regular Communication. Come to lodge and enjoy the fellowship, dinner and meeting. All for a $5.00 donation to the Stewards Fund. Contact Richard G. Shea P.M., Junior Warden 517-414-2757 or you can email him at rckshea2003@yahoo.com |
2012 Line of Officer's
- Lyman S. Robertson Jr, Worshipful Master
- Adam W. Wygant, Senior Warden
- Richard G. Shea PM, Junior Warden
- Dale D. Brown PM, Treasurer
- Stephen D. Vining PM, Secretary
- George M. Otis PM, Chaplain
- David G. Shea PM, Senior Deacon
- David R. Brown, Junior Deacon
- Eric J. Cole, Steward
- Andrew S. Marlow, Steward
- Jeffrey R. Ohneck, Steward
- Robert S. Webb Jr, Steward
- Garry L. Gooldy Jr, Conductor
- Frank W. Lutze PM, Marshal
- Lawrence C. Sanford PM, Tiler
- Tommy R. Amidon PM, Musician
- George M. Otis PM, Publisher
- Stephen D. Vining PM, Webmaster
Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. |

Jackson Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Mason's
Adam W. Wygant, E.H.P. 517-745-1699
Ronald L. Spees, Secretary 517-780-9387 Calendar for September 2012 Wednesday, September 12th Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Stated Convocation, 7:30 p.m. | Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |
High Priest - Adam W. Wygant
King - Dale D. Brown PHP
Scribe - Marcus U. Blue, Jr
Treasurer - Dale D. Brown PHP
Secretary - Ronald L. Spees PHP
Captain of the Host - Stephen D. Vining
Principle Sojourner - Thomas E. Royce PHP
Royal Arch Captain - Michael E. Hicks PHP
Master of the 3rd Veil - Frank W. Lutze
Master of the 2nd Veil - David R. Brown
Master of the 1st Veil - Robert S. Webb
Sentinel - George M. Otis
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Jackson Council No. 32 Royal and Select Master's
Michael E. Hicks, T.I.M.
Adam W. Wygant, Recorder
Calendar for September 2012
Wednesday, September 12th
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Stated Convocation, 7:30 p.m.
| Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |

Thrice Illustrious Master - Michael E. Hicks
Deputy Master - Dale D. Brown, PTIM
Pr. Conductor of the Work - Marcus U. Blue, Jr., PTIM
Treasurer - Thomas E. Royce, PTIM
Recorder - Adam W. Wygant Captain of the Guard - Stephen D. Vining Conductor of Council - Ronald L. Spees, PTIM Steward - Vacant Sentinel - George M. Otis Chaplain - Thomas E. Royce, PTIM Marshall - Vacant
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Lloyd C. Darling PC, Eminent Commander
Michael E. Hicks, Recorder
Calendar for September 2012
Monday, September 10th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Drill Corp, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, September 17th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Stated Conclave, 7:30 p.m.
Potluck with Ladies, 6:30 p.m.
Monday, September 24th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Practice, 7:30 p.m.
Commander - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KTCH, P.C.
Generalisimo - SK James H. Blauvelt, KTCH, P.C. Captain General - SK Adam W. Wygant, P.C. Sr. Warden - SK Paul M. Tarr Jr., P.C. Jr. Warden - SK Ronald L. Spees Prelate - SK Tommy R. Amidon, KTCH, P.G.C. Treasurer - SK Harry E. Green, P.C. Recorder - SK Michael E. Hicks Standard Bearer - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C. Sword Bearer - SK Stephen D. Vining Warder - SK Kenneth D. Chandler, P.C. Sentinel - SK Lewis M. Woodard, P.C. 1 Guard - SK Kenneth L. Sheffer, P.C. 2 Guard - SK David R. Brown
3 Guard - SK Marcus U. Blue, P.C. 1 Hermit - SK Thomas E. Royce 2 Hermit - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KTCH, P.C. 3 Hermit - SK Theodore E. Welch, P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Cortland C. Rule, G.D.C., P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C.
Commandery will be Dark
Jackson York Rite College No. 3 |
Jackson York Rite College No. 3, Y.R.S.C.
William B. Kesterson, Governor
Timothy C. Forche, Secretary
Next Meeting Date
Friday, September 21st, 2012
Stated Assembly & Installation, 7:30 p.m.
Please wear tuxedo.

2012-2013 Officers
William B. Kesterson - Governor
Michael E. Hicks - Deputy Governor
Stephen D. Vining - Chancellor
Theodore R. Welch - Treasurer
Timothy C. Forche - Secretary
Thomas E. Royce - Primate
William L. Leonard - Preceptor
Lloyd A. Darling - Seneschal
Paul M. Tarr, Jr. - Marshall
Barry L. Chapman - Sentinel
Calendar for 2013
Friday, January 18th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 15th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 17th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, September 20th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Fern Leaf Chapter No. 66, O.E.S.
Gail Kirk, Worthy Matron 517-782-4427
Ellen Yoakam, Secretary
Calendar for the month of
September 2012
Tuesday, September 4th
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 18th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G. |
Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G.
Brandy Kuhl, Mother Advisor 517-522-4349
Calendar for the month of
September 2012
Tuesday, September 11th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 25th
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Chart of York Rite Masonic Degrees

Masonic Tail Light Stick On Emblems
Cost is $3.00 per set of Masonic emblems, $5.00 per set of silver Past Master emblems and $6.00 per set of gold Past Master emblems.
Contact Brother George Otis P.M.
Phone: 517-262-9862
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

| Masonic Emblem available in Silver only.
Past Master Emblem available in Silver or Gold |
Temple Board Contact Information
Temple Board Meetings will be held on:
Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Jerry L. Bethel, President
phone: 517-262-0147
George M. Otis, Secretary phone: 517-262-9862
Weekly Euchre Club
Every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m.

The Euchre Club at the Masonic Center is looking for substitutes for the current card season. If you are interested in filling in just show up on any Monday night and play cards.
The Euchre Club is also looking for card players to form teams for next years Euchre Club. If you are interested you can contact Jason Chalfant at 517-764-4608 or email him at jhchalfant@att.net for more info.
Masonic Center Fund Raising
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association

The Temple Board would like any input you might have on ideas for fund raising events. If you have any ideas or would like to help we ask that you contact either Jerry Bethel at 517-262-0147 or George Otis at 517-262-9862.
To All The Brethren of Jackson Lodge 17 and Masonic Bodies.
Again we find ourselves asking for assistance in paying off the loan that we owe to Jackson Lodge 17.
The loan was made to help pay off what the Temple Board used to
cover the cost of the Massive Clean-up that was done way back in January, 2011.
While we did get some money from the bodies and individuals, it was only $7,400.00 and we still owe more than $72,600.00
PLEASE, contribute as liberally as you can without material injury to yourself or family!
Thank you!
Make your checks out to:
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
355 Napoleon Road
Michigan Center, Michigan 49254-1264
© 2009-2012 Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster