cheetahmascot CHEETAH CHAT
A (mostly) Weekly Publication of the CCES PTA
October 5, 2009
In This Issue
Grade Level Parent Socials
Walk to School Day
Principally Speaking
10/7 Walk To School Day

10/10 Grade Level Parent Socials (6:30 pm)

10/12 CCES Parent Visitation Day (9:00 -
11:00 am)

10/14-15 6TH grade Outdoor Ed


10/25 CCES Fall Festival
(3:00 - 5:00 pm)


Have you RSVP'd for the parent cocktail parties scheduled for October 10th? It's not too late and it's going to be a really fun evening! And don't forget that these gatherings help to promote a sense of community among parents with children at CCES.  Please email Julia Docking and let her know you are coming! 

Third Grade:
At the home of Mimi Burke and Tom Jarrett
3 Quincy Street
Chevy Chase

Fourth Grade:
At the home of Kristin and Clay Mowry
4104 Rosemary Street Chevy Chase

Fifth Grade
At the home of Sue and Laird Burnett
3513 Windsor Place
 Chevy Chase

Sixth Grade
At the home of Susan Bollendorf and Bob Broeksmit
107 Primrose Street
Chevy Chase

Now is the time to begin considering whether you want your child to apply for acceptance into the Elementary Center Program for the Highly Gifted (HGC) at CCES. The HGC is a two-year program, for students in 4th and 5th grade, which enriches, accelerates, and extends the MCPS curriculum.

MSPS is holding two parent information meetings.  You are welcome to attend either one.  The content is the same.  Both meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.

Monday, October 12
John F. Kennedy High School

Tuesday, October 27
Quince Orchard High School

The application deadline is Monday, November 9, 2009.

Please visit for links to the MCPS website to learn more about the HGC Program and information meetings.  And talk to your child's teachers and staff at CCES to determine if this program might be right for your child.

A common misconception about the PTA is that all we do is organize fundraisers and school events.  Fundraising IS an important and integral part of the PTA.  The funds raised by  PTA help support many needed programs within CCES.  But, you don't have to like or be good at fundraising to participate in the PTA.  By being a member of and attending PTA meetings you provide a voice as to how the funds that are raised should be spent within our school.

Why Join the PTA?

Well, the number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child.  In doing so, you also help our school. But there are many more advantages.  Here are just a few:

Get Connected. There's no better way to know what's happening at CCES.

Discover Great Resources.
The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.

Speak Up!
Because the PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggesitons.  PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change for CCES.

Why not join?

Hmmmm....Can't think of any!

For further information, please contact Sue Burnett

or go to the Chevy Chase PTA Website and print out a form and join today!

Join Our Mailing List

We are looking for individuals and businesses to sponsor Cheetah Chat. For details contact Laurie Rosen @ [email protected].

The CCES PTA is delighted to present the inaugural issue of Cheetah Chat!  It's our brand new weekly (well, mostly weekly) electronic newsletter that we hope will keep you completely up to date on what is happening at Chevy Chase Elementary School. As with all new undertakings this is a work in progress. So, be patient with us as we get the kinks out! We hope that soon it will be something you look forward to on Monday mornings! In keeping with Chevy Chase Elementary School's status as a Green School we are trying to go paperless.  However, paper copies of Cheetah Chat will be available in the school's front office. If you have suggestions or would like to submit an article, contact Laurie Rosen at [email protected].  The deadline for submissions will be on Friday's at 6:00 p.m.


Our summer days of relaxation are ending and the cool fall season has grabbed the attention of our students.  By now, our students have dusted all the cobwebs from their "vacation brains", parents have the car pool schedule down pat, and staff is clearly in the teaching mode.

The school year has begun with our "One Band, One  Sound" team building, expectations for positive behavior during Unity Day, giving of ourselves by "paying if forward" with an act of kindness daily and goal setting for academic success. As a principal, who could ask for more?

The first marking period is rapidly approaching, and this is a good time to look at the structures and routines established for our student success.  Staff has a few strategies to share that will help insure that your family get the most out of this school year at CCES.

Parents and children alike benefit from having a schedule of morning and after school routines posted in a visible location in their home as a reminder of daily and weekly expectations.  For some family members, the use of images instead of words serve as useful cues.  In many homes, electronic devices such as Outlook calendars serve as a useful tool for posting scheduled activities.

Children thrive with structure in their lives in and out of school.  From their rooms, to their desks, down to their notebooks, they need organization.  Large labeled bins help facilitate the organization of their personal things.  It is a good idea to have separate "in" and "out" folders to keep track of information going to and from school.  The entire family should participate in the development of the organizational structure used at home.  A set-up that reflects what works best for each family member actually has a better chance of being used!

Reading must be encouraged at home and parents should allow their children to have a say in what books and topics interest them. We encourage reading of all sorts: books, newspapers, magazines, manuals.

Students at Chevy Chase are required to work independently and engage in the use of planning strategies. Planners and long term calendars can help students organize research papers and projects and help them study for an assessment over time. Tasks can feel overwhelming and students are tempted to postpone the work until the deadline is upon them. Children need to be taught to break down longer assignments into smaller steps, and to develop a time line for finishing each step.  Each section should be reviewed prior to planning for the next step. Scheduled breaks increase motivation and enhance attention.
Breaks can include just getting a snack or going outside to get some physical exercise.  A timer is a perfect way to signal the end of the break and helps the child focus on getting back to work.

If you have concerns about some aspect of your child's education in school, speak to the teacher and inform them of your concerns.  It takes staff a few weeks to get to know your student in a large classroom.  Requesting as much information about your child's school work will serve you and your child well. Ask for a list of books that will be used in your child's classroom.  Find out what the objectives are for each unit of study. Find out what materials can be obtained in advance.

My mother always told me that the key to incorporating a behavior into my life was to practice it each day for three weeks. She also said this worked for both positive and negative behaviors.  This included doing homework, cleaning up our things, and making our beds.  A pillar of character is responsibility and our students should cultivate responsibility by practicing good habits daily.  Successful students set goals.  Goals keep children focused and parents can help their children set goals!  Ask your child questions such as "What are two things you would like to accomplish this school year?"  Successful students study every day but they don't just do their homework. They review their notes, prepare for the next day and read constantly.

Remember, you know your child best and together we can develop a "game plan" that will make their school days at CCES successful and fun.

With warmest regards,

Jody L. Smith, Principal

PTA Diversity Committee - Creating a Welcoming Environment for all students and families!
During the 2009-10 academic year, the PTA is working diligently to foster a deeper sense of community within our school.  We want to create an environment in which all students feel nurtured and supported and all families feel welcomed and valued.  Hopefully, you've already participated in or heard about two kick-off events held in this community-building spirit:
  • Unity Day, which was held the first week of school, allowed students to participate in several workshops on topics such as bullying, leadership development, self esteem and valuing diversity.
  • The Community Picnic, held at Rosemary Hills Primary School was a chance to socialize and connect with friends, old and new.
One of the PTA's key partners in these efforts is the Diversity Committee, which was founded in 2008 by a group of parents and administrators, and strives to assist CCES in fulfilling its mission of developing a community of mutual respect that celebrates diversity and unity.  The committee's specific goals for the school year are to 1) educate parents and staff about issues affecting the diverse CCES community; 2) sponsor activities aimed at closing the "achievement gap"; and 3) foster a school environment that is welcoming to all by sponsoring activities that celebrate diversity and unity.

The Diversity Committee is looking for members! If you are interested in getting involved, please email Marc Salans at [email protected].

Other comments, questions and ideas regarding diversity issues can be sent to Lynn English, PTA Vice President for Community and Diversity. 
International Walk to School Day Oct. 7th
Come One Come All!  CCES is participating in International Wask to School Day on Wednesday, October 7, and we want 100% participation from our cheetahmascotstudents! Boys and girls from across the globe will come together for one special day to emphasize the importance of issues such as increasing physical activity among children, pedestrian safety, and concern for the environment. Student bus riders will be dropped off at designated stops so that they can walk a few blocks to school.  Parents will be placed along the route to ensure the safety of our children. So, get out your most comfortable shoes and walk to school with your child on Wednesday!  You will be welcomed at school with water, a healthy treat and most importantly - a big high five!
Parent volunteers are still needed.  for more details please contact Libby Mullin.

Attention 5th Grade Parents!
Did you know there are multiple options for your middle school child next year?  MCPS is holding several upcoming parent and student information meetings for its 6th - 8th grade middle school magnet programs.  All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.

The Middle School Magnet Consortium (MSMC)
MSMC is made up of three schools -- Argyle, Loiederman and Parkland middle schools which offers an innovative and challenging magnet curriculum. Argyle focuses on digital design and development; Loiederman offers creative and performing arts focus; and Parkland provides students the opportunity to explore math and science through aerospace technology and robotic engineering.

Tuesday, October 15
Loiederman Middle School Magnet Open House

Wednesday, October 28
Argyle Middle School Magnet Open House

Thursday, November 5
Parkland Middle School Magnet Open House

Middle School Magnet Application Programs
The Middle School Magnet Application Programs provide regourous and engaging programs in humanities and communications and in math and science.

Monday, October 19
Humanities and Communication Magnet Program
Eastern Middle School Magnet Parent & Student Info. mtg.

Wednesday, October 21
Mathematics, Science, Computer Science Magnet Program
Takoma Park Middle School Magnet Parent & Student info. mtg.

The application/choice form deadline for all programs is Monday, November 9, 2009

Please visit the CCES PTA Website to learn more.
Support Our Community Partnerships!
Giant A+ BonusBetter late than never!  We are up and running so PLEASE take a moment THIS WEEK to register for Giant A+ Bonus Bucks Program and Safeway's eScrip programs! It costs absolutely nothing  and is an easy way to raise money for CCES!  Just grab your Giant and  Safeway bonus cards and do the following:

Giant A+Bonus Program:
  • Grab your Giant Grocery Card
  • Click here and follow the directions to register
  • Designate CCES School ID 00647 or type in Chevy Chase Elementary School. You can select up to three schools!
  • Can't find your Giant Bonus Card?  That's ok. Don't quit. Send your phone number in an email to Renee Magner.  She will take care of signing you up!
  • There is one catch......Friday, October 9th is the deadline to sign up for this program.  Please sign up TODAY!
Safeway eScrip Program:
  • Take out your Safeway Club Card
  • Click here to go to sign up
  • Designate CCES group #6617203.  You can select multiple schools.
Snider's Supermarket and Chevy Chase Supermarket:
  • CCES earns 1% of everything you spend!  All you have to do is SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS! Then, send them into school in an envelope marked "PTA - Grocery Receipts!"
Any questions?  Contact Renee Magner