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While you're visiting Landscape Structures' home state for the 2010 NRPA Congress & Exposition, Landscape Structures would like to invite you on a private tour of their headquarters and factory in Delano, Minn. Since 1971 Landscape Structures has been working to become the leading manufacturer of innovative playground and skatepark equipment and is proud of its commitment to creating healthy kids and a sustainable world.
Landscape Structures invites you to experience what goes into manufacturing playgrounds and skateparks - from their personalized design to each precisely manufactured component. You'll meet their designers, manufacturing engineers and everyone who makes it happen every day.
Please join Landscape Structures on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 from 3 to 7 p.m at their headquarters in Delano.
Transportation will be provided at 3 p.m. from the main entrance of the Minneapolis Convention Center. Landscape Structures will welcome you with a tour and a reception and return you to the Convention Center by 7 p.m.
 NRPA INVITATION BUTTERFLY          As space is limited, please RSVP by October 1.
Be sure to check out these other Landscape Structures sponsored events at the 2010 NRPA Congress & Exposition.