Worship Fertilizer - the what you need to grow in worship

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Clear Conference
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The Day

June 2nd from 10-10!

Come worship the Lord with the community at the New Holland Park! 


Simple Beauty 

The best websites anywhere!

This is the company that we use for our website. They are simply, beautifully amazing!


A new book from a master trainer!  

How To Lead Worship

I've never met a leader with the breadth and heart of Dan Wilt. I want every worship ministry to be influenced by his teaching. Get it here! 


 365 Days of Worship Leadership Growth


365 Days

Your growth requires intentional investment. Instead of "Shady Mapling" your training by going to the next big conference in Texas, spread the training out over the whole year and grow like never before.



A Must Read, now in e-book format!  

Becoming A True Worshiper

Tom always writes simply, practically, and profoundly. "Becoming a True Worshiper," which is required reading for many worship ministries, is one of his many books now available as an e-book! 


 Coaching Moments

Coaching Moments

A moment in time with a seasoned coach who will listen well, speak into your situation and life, and give you new energy to tackle your challenge can make all the difference.


Worship Team Retreat


"What Dave presented was practical, timely, and God-inspired - we are still talking about what an awesome time we had together!"



Constant Contact

How does your church communicate? Use the same affordable tool we use and we both get 30 bucks!


 Feed my Sheep!


Strengthen the people in your worship ministry with these great weekly devotions



Practical, common-sense answers to your questions. You'll like it!


June 30 at 9 AM

Alliance of Worship Leaders

Every other month, worship leaders in Harrisburg and the surrounding areas gather to enrich, educate, and encourage each other.

Visit us on Facebook!




Why do we gather each week as a church?


Your answer might be one of the biggest assumptions (and therefore, trickiest set of unspoken expectations) you have when thinking about the weekend service. It affects everything! What to sing. How loud it should be. What kind of songs to sing. Whether or not to use theater lighting. How to preach. How to "do" the offering. How long to go. Who's allowed to lead. Who to invite. How big of a screen to use. And how many. Really...everything.


Well, let's keep this discussion somewhat manageable. I'm reminded of some marketing copy I wrote ten years ago for one of the best coffee shops in Lancaster: "When the world is swirling around you, find the way back to a simple & livable life - back to Square One."


To my ears and heart, this is a great place to start when we're talking about why we gather. Even though (or maybe because) I get to experience such a wide variety of churches, I find it difficult to call all of us to a single reason (and therefore style) for our gathering. Honestly, this is my attempt to process through writing. I really want this to be a conversation starter.


As a worship leader, I believe my role is to create a space where we can meet with God. (Thanks Dan Wilt for that fantastic verbiage!) It seems to me that there's a lot of "Re-ing" that goes on when we gather.

Why Do We Gather?
Stained Glass by Lawrence OP

 These are some of the things I believe we should do when we gather each week.



Life is disorienting. There's lots of things to look at, to want, to have to take care of, to understand. Gathering allows us to once again "Set our faces like a flint." (Isaiah 50:7) We look to Him and our faces are made radiant. We say "This is what I believe. This is Who I belong to. This is what's true."

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is disappointing. Man, it's sick out there. Hurting, oppressive, ugly. I see the affects of sin in my life and in the world around me. There's something transforming about meeting with the One who says "go and sin no more," who shows up where there's need and switches superb wine for tap water, who feeds half of LCBC with my tuna salad footlong combo meal. He just sees in other dimensions, other realities, with another imagination.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is pushy. Usually downward. I'll never get over the reality that in one moment I was dead in my transgressions, stuck in sticky, smelly muck. And as an 11-year-old on my Noah's ark bed, the extraordinary happened. I was re-created, a new creature, and suddenly I was home...seated in the heavenlies with Christ. #canyoubelieveit?! We celebrate this.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is ridiculous. Why would we work so hard to define who we are by what we do when He's already named us. It's like I'm Jarrett all week...except for that 60 minutes on Sunday when I remember I'm actually David. As a son, there's no earning. Intentionally listening to the Father together powerfully sets us back in the right context.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is frenzied. We rush. Especially on the way to church! We're over-connected online, under-connected when we're breathing the same air. Beyond just a shared experience, we get the chance to respond to God and each other in the same room. Touching God-with-skin-on has a similar effect that the Ezekiel-37-dry-bones experienced.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is idolatrous. Our charge as disciples is to bring an offering that is not for us. To acclaim, honor, magnify, worship, bless, praise, extol, love...Him. As Christ followers, we need a place to once again, as a set-apart group, express love and devotion to the Center around which our lives satellite.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is challenging. It should be faith-draining. Or said differently, it should require faith. We need the belief-fuel of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Hearing it in the company of other witnesses emboldens our faith.


Life is forgetful. We get wrapped up in the latest song, outreach program, and small group system. It's cool stuff. But the Church has been doing it's offensive on the gates of hell for a very long time. Sacraments, liturgies, rituals, and ceremonies connect us to the Church throughout history. We need that context. His body broken. His blood poured out.

Stained Glass by Lawrence OP


Life is...not always as it seems. When someone has received truth from Truth and gives it to us, our moments are interpreted. The lies that have been thriving in our heads are exposed and shrivel in the Light. It's beautiful, really. Whether in a sermon, a prophetic prayer, an encouraging word, a song lyric, the power of Truth translated in the language of love always sets us free.


I started out on this written journey, in part, to see if a more "missional" or "attractional" or "believer" or "seeker" or "traditional" or "contemporary" or "blended" or "un-church" gathering was more fitting for "Church circa 2012." At this mile marker, it seems that if we're all doing the "Re-ing" the other labels become pretty unimportant when describing why we gather weekly.


But I know there's more. I'm just one perspective. I need to hear from you. I need the whole picture! Why do we gather?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Interact on our blog

You're invited


We believe last year's Clear Conference really met a need! We received great feedback from attendees and can't wait to do it all again this year.


This time you get to help!


If you believe in Clear Conference and want to partner with us to make this conference even better in 2012, we want to hear from you! We are gathering alumni to talk, brainstorm and imagine! We are committed to finding new ways to keep costs at a minimum while expanding the training. Our goal is to serve churches of all sizes and budgets with the best training in the country, all while not breaking the bank!


Join us for an open conversation at the WJTL Junction Center on Monday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m.


We will Create, Collaborate and Communicate as we partner together to make Clear Conference even better! 


Worship Training Events

Upcoming Training Events in order of occurrence

(click each title for more info)




The Day of Worship

When: Saturday, June 2 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

WhereCommunity Memorial Park - New Holland

WhatThe Day is a free community praise and worship event held annually at the park in New Holland, PA. Brothers McClurg, SisterBrother, brad&rebekah, Christopher Wright, and Seven21, along with local groups will lead throughout the entire day! Dave Helmuth and Brothers McClurg will be teaching a Worship Workshop at 4 PM called "Keys To Becoming An Ineffective Worship Leader."


Total Percussion Seminar

When: June 18-21, Monday-Thursday 9 AM-3PM

Where: Lancaster Bible College

What: A week of specialized training and performance for high school and college percussionists and drummers. This is a work out with the top pros from eastern PA with daily Hands-On clinics and ensembles. 


Clear Conference

When: Friday, September 28 - Saturday, September 29

Where: Manheim Brethren in Christ Church

What: Developing a collective toolbox for worship and tech! Come together with other worship leaders, pastors, designers and techs for hands-on training you can put directly to use in your own worship environment. Learn how to think, plan, process and dream together, improve your communication with and understanding of each other, hear from local and national instructors and make connections with others who share your passion! Because we are called to make the message CLEAR.



Projection Resources!

None of these folks asked me to tell you about this,

I'm just doing it because I think they rock!




This is a new, affordable, innovative, cloud-based Presentation software that solves so many issues. Imagine EasyWorship that any of your team can update online, except everybody's copy gets updated too! This and many more features!

Planning Center Online: PROJECTORProjector

The leading online planning service has just released Projector, an iPad app that connects directly to planningcenteronline.com to turn your videos, lyrics & slides into presentations. It's revolutionary.



NLC CreativeNLC Creative

These guys are awesome...they've creative tons of really nice looking motion backgrounds for their use and have shared them with us for free! I took it one step further and made them available in one single 10GB download, rather than 120 individual downloads (don't ya just love me?!) Get them here (hint: the password is fertilizer).


Echo ConferenceEcho

This is a conference for artists, geeks, and storytellers coming this July 25-27 in Dallas, TX. The promo video alone is supercool. They get it.


You are receiving this email because at some point in your journey, Dave Helmuth, Ad Lib Music, or someone connected to us, helped you grow in your relationship with the LORD through worship. If you ever find this resource unhelpful, simply unsubscribe below and continue on your merry way. 



Dave Helmuth
Ad Lib Music
...coaching and resourcing for the worship arts
962 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone - 717.468.6428

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�nimo: courage, refresh, transform, bring to life, encourage,
inspire, intentionally cheer up, come on, it's not far now, animate!