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We Understand Priceless.
Protecting what you value most.
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Winter is still raging away in our corner of the country. What they say about New England weather is true - you just never know what's going to happen!  The weather experts say a foot of snow and you get an inch - they say an inch and you get a foot.  We just all learn to go with the flow!
 Spring will be here before you know it.  Our local realtors are hoping that the next few months will bring an end to the down housing market.
Drive through any small NW CT town and you will see a myriad of historic colonials and Victorians with "For Sale" signs in their front yards.  We hope to see "Sold" soon!
If you are considering buying one of these classic New England homes, please consult an insurance advisor first.  Historic homes have special insurance needs and it is important to work with an agent that understands them.  Founders Insurance Group's Platinum Services specializes in historic and high value homes.  Don't show up at the closing table only to find out that your mortgage company feels you don't have the correct insurance! 
Enjoy the last snow flakes of winter, the crocuses will be here within a few weeks! 
Best of luck to our local Realtors - I have a feeling this is going to be a great season!
Cindy Donaldson
Director of Marketing & Personal Lines Sales
Founders Insurance Group
Founders Insurance Group is a proud member of the Litchfield County Board of Realtors and the Dutchess County Association of Realtors!
Founders News 

Doug Grieco and Cheryl Venditti, of our Commercial Insurance Division, are part of the Leadership Northwest class of 2010, a program of the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce.

A major aspect of the program is promoting community involvement. Each class member is part of a team that creates and implements a community service project. Here is a quick overview of what they are working on - please support their projects and the communities in which we live and work!

Doug's Project: 

doug with door"Paying it Forward"

is a social service project based on the inspirational movie "Pay it Forward". Doug's team is working with local Boy Scout troops and showing them the value of doing selfless acts of kindness. Each troop member will be asked to do something nice to a friend, a family member and a stranger - with the request that they do the same for 3 other people - in essence paying it forward instead of paying it back. They will track their success on a "Pay it Forward Tree" at the NW CT Chamber office. When someone pays it forward, they get to place a leaf on the tree - we are all hoping to see it grow!
Cheryl's Project:

cheryl new"Project Pro-Teen: Promoting Teens to be Fit"

Project Pro-Teen is a scholarship program designed to promote a healthy lifestyle among teens by awarding them memberships to the Northwest YMCA.

Applicants for Project Pro-Teen will be chosen from the following participating Winsted CT schools: Pearson Middle School, The Gilbert School and Northwest Regional Middle and High Schools.

The cost of each scholarship is $60.00. To make a tax deductible donation please contact Darlene Smith at 860-758-5540 or or one of the team members below!


Team members:

Cheryl Venditti, Founders Insurance Group

Donna Bak, Sandler Training

Janet Sebastiano, Education Connection

Darlene Smith, Alcoa Howmet

New Sales Promotion:
gas pumpWe are giving away $10 gas cards at Founders Insurance - and we want to give away a ton of them!
Simply refer someone to Founders Insurance Group (they have NO obligation to buy)  and we will give you a $10 gas card for the referral and we will give them a $10 gas card just for allowing us to give them a proposal!
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February 2010
Umbrellas aren't just for spring showers...
Part of our job as independent insurance agents is to advise umbrellaour clients on the best way to protect what they value most - their home, their family, their possessions and their lifestyle. In a tough economy, it is often difficult to explain to an individual why they should incur a cost for coverage they might consider "extra", the same coverage we as insurance agents consider a must.
"I have enough coverage on my homeowners policy and my auto policy - why would I need an umbrella policy?"
Our answer:
We live in a very litigious society. People are being sued on a daily basis. If you want to protect yourself from being financially wiped out in the event you are sued for amounts above and beyond what your regular policies will cover - an umbrella policy is what you need. Umbrella policies are inexpensive because they only kick in when the coverage on your home and/or auto policies has been exhausted.
Umbrella policies differ from state to state, so you need to consult with your agent to see what is right and available for your particular needs.
Primary policies (home and auto) generally cover bodily injury and property damage, but with personal liability umbrella policy coverage, you can include personal injury, property damage or bodily injury-which may be caused by you, your pets, or your dependents. You may also be covered for: false arrest and/or false imprisonment, defamation, invasion of privacy, malicious prosecution, eviction, wrongful entry.
The fine print:
Most carriers will only write an umbrella policy for you if you have both your home and auto insurance with them and the liability limits are over a certain amount. Each carrier is different so it is important to discuss your needs and risks with an independent agent. Here are a few things that will NOT be covered: Punitive damages, intentional acts or things that happen as the result of a business endeavor. Obviously you aren't covered if you intentionally do something horrible to someone else.
Moral of the story: Protect what you value most
Protect your company with E.P.L.I.


4 of the most important letters in commercial insurance

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (E.P.L.I.)

protects business owners from employment claims. Discrimination, sexual harassment and wrongful termination are just some of the charges that employees can file at any time with potentially devastating financial consequences to the business.

Could this be you?


ABC Print Shop


Wrongful Termination


Legal fees in excess of $35,000

The Story:

A print shop owner was sued by a long time elderly employee for wrongful termination. This employee had been like a part of the family and was originally hired by the employer's father. Due to the employee's arthritis, the employer moved him to other positions in order to accommodate the employee's failing dexterity. The employee continued to have performance issues and was terminated after several warnings. The suit was thrown out 9 months later but it cost the employer over $35,000 in defense costs in addition to lost time and productivity not to mention the emotional toll on him and the rest of his staff.

Not all E.P.L.I. policies are alike, and pricing will vary dependent on the size of your company, number of employees and hiring practices just to name a few. It is important to sit down with your agent to discuss your risks and options.

Don't be a victim - take charge of your company's future today with Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Call Founders Insurance Group today!
Founders loves sportsmen and women!
sportsman dog Sportsman Protect is here!
Do you:
  • Hunt and or Fish
  • Enjoy the sports of Archery or Skeet Shooting
  • Have high value or antique firearm collections
  • Belong to a Rod and Gun or Hunt club
  • Have hunting dogs
  • Have high value taxidermy collections
  • Collect or own high value or vintage fly fishing gear
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions - Sportsman Protect by Founders Insurance Group is for you!
Sportsman Protect not only protects the items listed above but offers very competitive rates and discounts on your:
  • Home, Renters and Secondary Home Insurance 
  • Auto Insurance
  • Watercraft
  • Umbrella Insurance
  • and more!
As an added perk, anyone who allows Founders Insurance Group to give them a proposal for Sportsman Protect can get a free $10 Cabela's Gift Card! 
For more information about how your OR your Rod & Gun Club can enjoy the benefits of Sportsman Protect call:
Joe Lipski, PLCS   860-482-3506
Give us a call, stop by, send us an email or visit us online 
1300 Winsted Road
12 Millerton Road
291 S. Lambert Rd., Ste 7
 Emails you may need:
Terri Kozikowski
Operations Manager and Platinum Accounts Supervisor
Cheryl Venditti
Commercial Lines Manager
Cindy Donaldson
Director of Marketing and Personal Lines Sales