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September Webinar - Energy Efficiency
CSR News You Can Use
Members Doing Well By Doing Good
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September 8, Noon - 1pm
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The  Time for Energy Efficiency is Now
FREE for Members
$25 for Non Members

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Call for Prospoals this Fall for 2011 Webinar Topics & Conference Sessions

Self Assessment Tool Full Launch Just Weeks Away!
New Sustainability/CSR Institute in Partnership with the University of New Hampshire - Coming in 2011!

Get the recognition your company deserves with these two CSR Award Opportunities;  Best Companies & Spirit of NH!
Best Companies Competition 
Does your company work hard to retain its best and brightest workers with innovative workplace programs and benefits? Then Business NH Magazine and NH Businesses for Social Responsibility want to hear from you.
We're looking for the best places to work in NH-the businesses whose employees love their jobs, have great benefits, are treated fairly and take pride in the work they do. If this sounds like your company, we invite you to enter "The Best Companies To Work For in NH" competition, which is open to any company with headquarters in NH. It is also open to companies with headquarters elsewhere but with 100 or more employees in NH or to smaller out-of-state companies that employ the majority (50 percent plus one) of their workforce in NH.
Winners will be selected in two categories: Large Companies (100 or more employees) and Small Companies (less than 100 employees.) This competition is not just about benefits. It honors companies that have creative and innovative work environments that attract and retain employees. A panel of judges will select the top 10 companies to work for in NH, and winners will be profiled in the December issue of Business NH Magazine. The Best Companies to Work For application is available online at www.BusinessNHmagazine.com by clicking on the Competitions button. Applications are due Sept. 8.
Spirit of NH Awards
Do you know someone who spends endless hours volunteering his or her time to help others in need? Someone who puts in more hours to volunteer than in their full-time careers? Someone who promotes wellness in your community, or works with youth organizations such as the Girl Scouts or Big Buddies program? 

If you do, then your job is to dedicate an hour of your time to fill out a nomination application to recognize that unique person for the Spirit of NH Awards.

Individual and group volunteers can be nominated for the Volunteer Service Awards, while volunteer programs and organizations can be recognized through the Volunteer Program Champions Awards. Volunteer Service Award nominations will also be eligible for recognition through the Governor's Volunteer of the Month award.

The deadline for nominations is September 15, 2010. For more information on the Spirit of NH Awards, Volunteer NH, or to find an application packet, go to www.volunteernh.org or call (603) 271 - 7200.
CSR News You Can Use
NHBSR Members Doing Well By Doing Good
GreenGopher.com provides clean and green resources for facilities, EHS, procurement, & manufacturing professionals
Might Your Company be one of 100 certified by Flex Friendly this summer?  NHBSR is!
Heartwood Media Production Company grabs 7 more awards