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 After the holiday surge, are you looking at a mountain of packing peanuts? Take them to your local UPS store (i.e.14252 Culver or 5405 Alton) and they will accept them for reuse
  January 2010 | Issue 2
What Are Your Green New Year's Resolutions?
New Year Resolutions
Yes, we know, losing 15 pounds and eating healthy is on the list. But what about your list for giving back to the planet? We are here to help with some great eco-resolution ideas.
Give Unwanted Items a New Life

books"Buy. Landfill. Repeat." While that might be the common refrain we hear these days, adding reuse in the mix helps to extend the life of our products. Get creative ideas for unwanted books, sleeping bags, CD's, clothes and much more!

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The Fed Touches Down in Irvine

money greenFederal stimulus dollars have arrived in Irvine. What are we doing with those extra bucks, you ask? Good stuff we think, all of which will benefit the local community as well as the environment, and maybe even your own home in the process.

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Know What's Happening in Irvine with Just One Touch
A new touch screen in City Hall puts our environmental program and City policies at your fingertips. Research and learn information from a large database about numerous subjects and Irvine happenings.

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