
6 reasons why Super Gearing is better than Negative Gearing

FREE ticket to $55 seminar 

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January 2009
 Issue 3 of 2009
Deeds Created in 20 Minutes 24/7
Free tickets to a $55 seminar
This seminar is being advertised in SMH in business section for $55 - we have only 6 bookings to give away - so please make bookings as soon as possible

11th Feb
12.30 PM & 5.30 PM Pacific Room: Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street Sydney
24th Feb
12.30 PM & 5.30 PM Linden Room : Parramatta - RSL Cnr Macquarie & O'Connell Street ()  

The fee for the seminar is $55 Incl. GST and is tax deductible (Plus Travel).
FREE if you use UCSERVICES as promotional code

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From 9 May 2006 Federal budget, superannuation has become the most tax effective vehicle for wealth accumulation, asset protection & estate planning and is the first or second largest asset for most individuals.

Balance in your super fund at the time of retirement will depend on your contributions, how you invest and how much tax the fund will pay.

We present a great opportunity for trustees and their advisors to learn interesting SMSF Strategies that can be structured to maximize their retirement benefits.

Some of the Strategies which will be covered at the seminar are :-

  • How to get more money into super;
  • Why paying off principal of your own home loan could be the worst decision you would ever make;
  • How a 50 year old can pay only 4% interest on own home loan;
  • Borrowing by SMSF : Benefits & Pitfalls of Property Installment Warrants as compared to Joint Venture arrangement
  • Preservation and conditions of release requirements;
  • Re-contribution strategies - are they still alive
  • Splitting super with spouse - when & how to do it / How 75 + year olds can contribute into super
  • Salary Sacrifice / Transition to retirement pensions and other interesting and innovative strategies

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Manoj Abichandani
SMSF Specialist Advisor TM (SSA)

Manoj has worked in SMSF industry for the past 19 years as tax agent, accountant and Auditor.

Currently he audits Self managed super funds and consults as SMSF Specialist AdvisorTM to other accountants.

He has helped over 1000 trustees to set up their own funds and currently audits more than 400 funds each year for various accounting firms which puts him in the top 54 SMSF Auditors (as per ATO) in Australia.

He develops SMSF strategies and advises trustees & practicing accountants on complex SMSF matters.

Manoj is a tax agent, hence, cost of the seminar and travel to the seminar venue can be claimed as a tax deduction.

 Click here to book

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When is Gearing a Good Idea

Positive Gearing is a situation when return on asset is greater than cost of borrowing. Recent drop in interest rates combined with high rental return on residential property has created a window of opportunity for investors where they can purchase a positively geared property.
For how long this window will remain open is anybody's guess. Usually it takes about 6 to 9 months before everyone else also joins and then demand for property slowly crepes and saturates existing supply of available properties. Usually this sudden demand gets the developers off guard and new supply takes a year or more when new plans are lodged in council for approval. This sudden shortage triggers a property boom.
The above tested formulae works under perfect conditions; however, this time round, property boom may not be the same as of last decade. This time round, property boom may take an unprecedented shape due to short supply of money, higher unemployment rate and low housing affordability (prices are already high) but due to shortage of new release of land, especially in Sydney, next boom is eminent, WHEN is the question, perhaps US president Obama may have the answer with his 980 Billion stimulus package announced last Friday.

 Why Negative Gearing is not a good idea

When you purchase property in your own name, you can claim the loss over rental income in your tax and receive a refund from ATO. However the loss after tax refund has to be funded from after tax salary, this means that it costs more to own a negatively geared property.
Further, when you sell the property after the boom, a large amount is paid to ATO when Capital Gain is derived even after 50% discount if property is held for 12 months or more.

Why Super Gearing is better than Negative Gearing

There are many reasons why property should be purchased using a gearing strategy within SMSF instead of outside of super, such as
1.      Compared to the previous boom - taxpayers now have more money in their superannuation funds due to 9% compulsory contributions of the past decade, hence there is enough money in super for a 30% required deposit;
2.      Superannuation Funds can now borrow under the new provisions introduced in September 2007, this was not possible in previous property boom;
3.      Any loss on gearing by the fund can be compensated by additional salary sacrificed contributions to the fund, which will pay no contribution tax, due to the loss of renting property within the super fund;
4.      When properties are sold in pension phase, there is no tax paid on Capital Gain by the super fund;
5.      If property is sold after 12 months in accumulation phase, the effective tax rate is only 10% after 1/3rd discount.
6.      Funding is available to superannuation funds with some lenders offering 70% LVR.


How to Purchase Shares in Instalments

A) Share Instalment Warrant

If you were to purchase shares under an instalment warrant arrangement, the issuer of the warrant e.g. Macquarie bank will borrow the money for you and hold the shares in trust till the Super Fund pays the remaining instalments. The bank will charge a fee for the service and charge a margin on the loan.

 B) Property Instalment Warrant
The same formulae can be repeated for property, however creates new challenges for lenders because due to sluggishness of this asset class and its un-ability to be unitized (cannot sell a part of the property). Hence, the borrowers not only have few lenders but also face complex borrowing arrangements and higher transaction and borrowing cost. 

One such loan is available from Westpac Bank up to 72% LVR, but requires their solicitors to review each transaction at the borrower's expense of approx $3,000 and the bank charges a 1.6% higher margin than a normal home loan margin. There is also an additional cost of $2000 (approx) to create an instalment warrant structure.

Further due the non-recourse requirement of SIS Act (Sec 67 (4A) of SISA) the bank also insists on personal guarantee from members of the fund. This personal guarantee document has been the centre of controversy and the ATO has specifically spoken critically of this arrangement,
click here for more information.
C) Members who have equity in their own home
The controversy surrounding personal guarantee is due to the risk criteria of the bank. They want more than 28% equity in the property for which they are lending to secure their loan to the SMSF. Advisors or members of super funds who have taken out these loans now run the risk of Auditors lodging Contraventions reports to the ATO and the SMSF now risk of becoming non-compliant, as these loans are not strictly complying with SISA, specifically due to the recourse nature of personal guarantees from a related party, namely the members.
If auditors do not lodge contravention reports to ATO for these borrowings, they would themselves be in trouble with the ATO, because there is a question on the new Super Fund Income tax return form which specifically asks if the fund has borrowed.
Alternative to the above loan is the below arrangement, where the member borrows the money from a bank on full recourse using his own assets (own home or investment property) and then on-lends the money to the super fund on a non-recourse arrangement. This way, not only the cost of funding are kept down, the loan also complies t to the SISA, however, care should be taken whilst using this strategy as the member should charge the same amount interest from the SMSF that it is paying to the bank. The ATO has warned borrowers on this type of lending,
CLICK HERE to read more.
D) A new type of borrowing by SMSF
The following picture has taken two years in the making, but now it is possible to borrow under this arrangement. Yes, it costs more (1.85% more than normal home loan rate + $4,500 entry cost) but suits those members of SMSF who want to get in the property market with their super fund and cash on the eminent property boom and those who do not own a home or have any enough equity in their own home to enter into the above arrangement.
To learn more on how the strategy works you can attend our seminar.



This fortnight email service is free and is written by a team of accountants who have over 20 years of experience in creating tax structures for clients. If you want any topic to be included - send request to provides online service for creating, storing & managing legal documents for Companies and Trust deeds for SMSF, Family, Unit & Hybrid Trusts, click here for more information.

New / Update SMSF Trust Deeds cost only $110 and can be created in 20 minutes, Trust Deeds are emailed instantly! 


if you are an advisor, financial planner, accountant or a solicitor, we can offer you to create one trust deed on our system for free. This offer is valid provided you purchase 10 or more new SMSF deeds or update 10 SMSF trust deeds for your clients. To claim your first free trust deed, first  register on our website and phone our office on 02 9638 2807 for a promotional code.
If want to communicate with your clients, advising them the need & advantages to update their trust deed, click here to download a pro-forma letter to your clients.
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If you are an advisor and use our website for your clients SMSF SMSF Specialist AdvisorTrust Deed. You now have access to SMSF Specialist Advisor who will answer all your technical questions online for you. Simply click the button above and start chat.

New or update your existing SMSF Trust Deed for $110 You can keep the trust deed up to date for the next five years for only $165.

Our SMSF trust deed has been prepared with input from accountants who have over two decades of experience in setting up structures for their clients and have combined knowledge of auditing and lodging tax returns for more then 2000 SMSF's, their practical experience is an invaluable contribution.

For further questions on our trust deed, ring 02 9684 4199 or email

Our Website has complete Document manager for all future downloads

We are the only online SMSF Trust Deed providers where you can purchase a Trust Deed 24/7 for $110

It takes only Less then 20 minutes to register and build a SMSF Deed.

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Why Super Gearing is better than Negative Gearing
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