Amazing Healing Testimony
on Severe Hypertension
     Tiara, triple crownHere is another amazing healing testimony that I just received from a facebook friend in Holland. It is an amazing story about a young 28-year-old woman with one of the worse cases of hypertension I have ever seen. Praise God for His natural remedies and Biblical health program.
Dear Danny:

    "Especially when you want to give up and voices say you can't make it, you have to go on if God promises the opposite to be true." 

    Since 2001 I have been going in and out of hospital due to severe hypertension (230 over 160), the cause(s) of which, until today, is/are unknown to the many various doctors from different disciplines that bowed their heads over my medical condition.

    The adverse effects my high blood pressure has had on my heart kept me in hospital for 2 weeks each year and twice on the IC unit, with both cardiologists and internists standing around my hospital bed not always knowing what to do next. "Sorry, Miss Murray," they would tell me, "since you don't drink alcohol nor caffeinated beverages, since you're vegan and not overweight, we cannot but advice you to keep on using the medication we prescribed you....and this, unfortunately, your entire life." 

    With medication my blood pressure would still be above average, namely 180 over 100. Because I loved life, I would use the drugs prescribed, but with the intention of fully discontinuing this day, but in this life time.

    Stubbornness is a good trait on the condition it be demonstrated in congruence with the Word of God. Amen?! I refused to believe my doctors' prognosis and decided that if I was going to experience God's promises in my life, I was going to have to cooperate with Him: doing His thing using His methods. I could just not believe that God's purpose for my life was to be on medication in my entire earthy life! Moreover, I didn't want to rob Him from the opportunity to show me what He desires me to become in Him. No, cooperation with and trust in the Lord were the keys to a restored health.

     Then, 5 weeks ago, as I went on Facebook, I saw that a man named Danny Vierra had sent me a friend request. I checked out his profile and decided to befriend him. Soon thereafter we began to chat introducing ourselves. He shared about his health ministry, BellaVita, as I did about my medical condition. "Why don't you try two cloves of garlic each morning, 500 mg. of magnesium each morning and 500 mg. in the evening, a raw vegan diet, and exercise and see what happens?", he responded.

    I immediately made arrangements to visit the health food store the following day to buy the magnesium tablets. I prayerfully went from using salt, seasonings, baking oil and soy butter for the preparation of my meals, to a completely raw diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, brown rice, organic potatoes, water only and high-speed-1-hour-walks 3 times per week.

    And now I can testify of the miracle our Lord has performed in my life. Today May 1st, on early Sabbath morning, just prior to going to church, I decided to take my blood pressure for the first time after two months (I was chatting with Danny at the time). Result: 120 over 78! Tears flowed over my smiling face! I just had to share it with someone so I showed the numbers displayed on the screen of the blood pressure machine to one friend and called another I cried, laughed and thanked the Lord for another miracle He had done in my life! I checked my blood pressure only today; it is very well possible that God gave me this gift of restoring health, days before without me realizing it.

    Who am I that He would do this for me? We indeed serve a gracious God Who is very much alive and cares for you and me! My life has changed because God used His health message to restore my health and gave me strength for ministry! What doctor's could not do for me, the Great Physician did! My life is His, I am His as long as I stay faithful. And thank you Danny for allowing Him to use you!

Louella Murray

P. S. Louella was chatting at a hundred miles an hour and all I kept reading was WOW!, Praise the Lord! Yes! God is good! She was so ecstatic I could see her leaping for joy from California. It was a nice welcome to the Sabbath hours. God is good and rewards the obedient!

If Modern Manna has helped you in any way with better health, please share your praise report or testimony with us. We would like to share it with others. Send your testimony, picture, and permission to publish it to 
MAY 9 - 18
     The March session was a huge success and now it is time for the May program. Come join us for the health experience of a lifetime. You too can learn the health secrets that Louella with me at BellaVIta Lifestyle Center and go through the incredible cleansing and regeneration program at the same time. Space is limited so call nby next week.
DISCLAIMER: We are an education facility only. We do not diagnose, prescribe, attempt to cure any disease. God is the Master Physician and we are his health disciples. Always consult your physician first. All statements in this email have not been approved by the FDA.  
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