The Elijah Prophecy
 Modern Manna Ministries                      Issue 66                                   April 9, 2010

Tiara, triple crown
     Friends, the Lord is moving on Modern Manna in a special way. I know time is short and what we have learned must be implemented and practiced right now.
    Please keep Modern Manna in special prayer. We are moving the ministry my 1844 barn and saving on rent. The building project will cost over $25,000 and we need your help now. We are thankful for one donor and the $2,000 to pay for the insulation. The next phase is to sheetrock ($5,000) Raleigh Akins, Loren Oliver, Daniel Jr. and I have put in many hours of hard labor to save the ministry money and complete the project for a third of what it should cost. You can read about the future home of Modern Manna Media on last weeks Elijah Prophecyabout the 1844 barn.
    I also just filmed two interviews before a live TV audience for Jewish Voice Ministry. It was awesome and to think the program's goal is to reach the Jews. You can see the pictures on Facebook. Check them out.

Thursday, April 15
1310 S. Woodland Street,
Visalia, Ca
(559) 734-6111

Hope International 
April 23-25, 2010
New Zealand

May 8, 2010
Angwin Village
SDA Church
412 Circle Drive
Angwin, CA.
(707) 965-2433)

May 9-18, 2010
BellaVita Lifestyle Center
Lodi, CA

June 11-13, 2010
Modern Manna Health & Healing Crusade
Lodi, CA

July 18-27, 2010
BellaVita Lifestyle Center
Lodi, CA

August 27-29

Remnant Camp
(800) 423-1319

     Remember, I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe. But I can share what I do for myself or what my children do for themselves.
    Consult your physician before using any of these remedies and watch him laugh, or better yet, the Master Physician "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Ps.103:3
In This Issue

     Here is the second part of a special compilation of Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on the medical missionary work. Share this study with others and get busy. "I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work." {EV 523}. Again, please have a word of prayer before reading the information below. The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom and understanding.


Modern Manna is sponsoring another Health and Healing Crusade for 2010. We have a wonderful lineup of speakers for this year's campmeeting, including 88-year-old Charlotte Gerson, and the focus will be "Preparedness--Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually."  Dave Westbrook, Dwight Hall and Christian Berdahl and others will also be joining us for this very timely and important outreach.

For 12 years, Modern Manna has made an effort to reach the world with the light God has given us on health and the 3 Angels' Messages. In the past, over 1,000 people, each year, and not of our faith, have attended the health crusades. Our goal is to reach the "unbelieving". Read this statement:

"At our campmeetings we should make special efforts to reach the unbelieving, and to let the light shine forth amid the moral darkness. Consecration meetings should be held as well as discourses given. The living truths for this time should be preached. At the Los Angeles campmeeting, opportunities should have been improved to make special efforts for the workers in the temperance cause. The tame way in which the temperance question is being handled by our people is not in harmony with the necessities of the times. The work of making known our belief in matters of temperance should now be entered into most heartily. When the workers see that we are in harmony with their temperance principles, they will be willing to listen to other points of our faith. As we present our principles on health reform, they will see that there is further light for them on the temperance question. We can bring the Sabbath truth before them.{LLM 275}.

Please help Modern Manna with the 2010 Crusade by sending funds and volunteering to be part of this crucial arm of the medical missionary work. The event will cost Modern Manna over $14,000, and last year the needed funds were raised before the free event happened. Praise God. Please, the ministry is financially strained with the new TV Studio and office building program, and now we are facing the expenses for the 2010 Crusade. Let's make it OUR Crusade and all contribute to this timely ministry outreach. Mark your calendars - June 11 -13. So many people sacrifice to make this happen. Will you be one of them this year? Call and make a pledge or send it by mail today. One man donated $2,000 for the insulation of the TV studio at Modern Manna Media. Praise God, we had just finished framing and the electrical and was praying for funds to begin the insulation phase. The phone rang in God's perfect timing! The sheetrock phase is next and will cost $5,200.     


Years ago I read that we are to open health sanitariums or wellness centers for the sick. "I have been given light that in many cities it is advisable for a restaurant to be connected with treatment rooms. The two can co-operate in upholding right principles. In connection with these it is sometimes advisable to have rooms that will serve as lodgings for the sick. These establishments will serve as feeders to the sanitariums located in the country." Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 60. This is precisely why I opened Back to Eden Vegetarian Cafe next to my health food store in Lodi. But the counsel did not end there. It said to open them as "feeders" for the sanitariums. I believe the crusades are also feeders where we can lead people to the wellness center to learn the truths God has given us on health and the gospel. 

"It would be well to secure a place as a home for our mission workers outside the city. It is of great importance that they have the advantages of pure water, free from all contamination. For this reason, it is often well to consider the advantages of locations among the hills. And there should be some land, where fruit and vegetables might be raised for the benefit of the workers. Let it be a mission in as healthful a place as possible, and let there be connected with it a small sanitarium. A place in the city should also be secured where simple treatments might be administered.{EV 386}. BellaVita Lifestyle Center is adorned with over 80 fruit trees and is in a beautiful garden of Eden-like setting. 

"Before there were any sanitariums among us, my husband and I began work in medical missionary lines. We would bring to our house cases that had been given up by the physicians to die. When we knew not what to do for them we would pray to God most earnestly, and He always sent His blessing. He is the mighty Healer, and He worked with us. We never had time or opportunity to take a medical course, but we had success as we moved out in the fear of God and sought Him for wisdom at every step. This gave us courage in the Lord." {WM 325}. What a powerful and convicting statement!


"There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties. {2 SM 287}. It is not a denial of faith to use such remedies as God has provided to alleviate pain and to aid nature in her work of restoration. It is no denial of faith [for the sick who request prayer for healing] to cooperate with God, and place themselves in the condition most favorable to recovery. God has put it in our power to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life. This knowledge has been placed within our reach for use. We should employ every facility for the restoration of health, taking every advantage possible, working in harmony with natural laws." Ministry of Healing, pp. 231, 232 (1905). With so many healing gimmicks and machines, Modern Manna stays within the guidelines of the Spirit of Prophecy. 

"Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power,--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." {CD 301} We also emphasize cleansing or natural hygiene and a positive attitude. 

"The use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. Nature's process of healing and upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow. The surrender of hurtful indulgences requires sacrifice. But in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled, does her work wisely and well. Those who persevere in obedience to her laws will reap the reward in health of body and health of mind."{CD 301}.


"Our people should become intelligent in the treatment of sickness without the aid of poisonous drugs. Many should seek to obtain the education that will enable them to combat disease in its various forms by the most simple methods. Thousands have gone down to the grave because of the use of poisonous drugs, who might have been restored to health by simple methods of treatment. Water treatments, wisely and skillfully given, may be the means of saving many lives. Let diligent study be united with careful treatments. Let prayers of faith be offered by the bedside of the sick. Let the sick be encouraged to claim the promises of God for themselves." MS. 15, 1911.{MM 57}. At BellaVita Lifestyle Center, we incorporate various hydrotherapy techniques such as coldsheet treatments,  hot and cold showers, saunas and skin brushing, fomentations, enemas, and ozone spas.

"In the winter of 1864, my Willie was suddenly and violently brought down with lung fever. Willie was very sick. He was wandering. He did not seem to see or hear me when I spoke to him. His heart had no regular beat, but was in a constant agitated flutter. We continued to look to God in his behalf, and to use water freely upon his head, and a compress constantly upon his lungs, and soon he seemed rational as ever. He suffered severe pain in his right side, and could not lie upon it for a moment. This pain we subdued with cold water compresses, varying the temperature of the water according to the degree of the fever. We were very careful to keep his hands and feet warm.{2SM 304} 


"The simpler remedies are less harmful in proportion to their simplicity; but in very many cases these are used when not at all necessary. There are simple herbs and roots that every family may use for themselves and need not call a physician any sooner than they would call a lawyer." {2SM 279}. Drugs are often the first and not last resort. Herbs are powerful medicine and much healing can be accomplished through fasting and prayer.

"A cup of tea made from catnip herb will quiet the nerves.  Hop tea will induce sleep. Hop poultices over the stomach will relieve pain.  If the eyes are weak, if there is pain in the eyes, or inflammation, soft flannel cloths wet in hot water and salt, will bring relief quickly.  When the head is congested, if the feet and limbs are put in a bath with a little mustard, relief will be obtained.  There are many more simple remedies which will do much to restore healthful action to the body. All these simple preparations the Lord expects us to use for ourselves, but man's extremities are God's opportunities. {2 SM 297}. My daughter got a 105 fever after eating dairy products for the first time in a dish at a church potluck. A cool sponge bath and a cool enema with catnip herb did the trick. Fever reduced from 105 to 100.5 in 20 minutes.

"I am very sorry to learn that Sister C is not well. I cannot advise any remedy for her cough better than eucalyptus and honey. Into a tumbler of honey put a few drops of the eucalyptus, stir it up well, and take whenever the cough comes on. I have had considerable trouble with my throat, but whenever I use this I overcome the difficulty very quickly. I have to use it only a few times, and the cough is removed. If you will use this prescription, you may be your own physician. If the first trial does not effect a cure, try it again. The best time to take it is before retiring." Letter 348, 1908 (To a worker). {2SM 300}. BellaVIta's backyard is graced with tall eucalyptus trees. We have God's medicine growing in the backyard.

"If you will come to my house I will show you the bag that contains my herb drink. I send to Michigan, across the mountains, and get the red clover top. In regard to coffee, I never could drink it, so those who reported that Sister White drinks coffee made a mistake. Manuscript 3, 1888 (Sermon, Oakland, California).{2SM 301.5}. I once heard that after Dr. John Christopher was arrested for "practicing" medicine, a person asked him as he was walking out of jail: "So what is the antidote for cancer." Dr.  Christopher could not hold back: "Red clover," he answered.  

"In a certain place, preparations were being made to clear the land for the erection of a sanitarium. Light was given that there is health in the fragrance of the pine, the cedar, and the fir. And there are several other kinds of trees that have medicinal properties that are health promoting. Let not such trees be ruthlessly cut down.... Let them live. Letter 95, 1902 (To workers in the South).  {2SM 301}. The power of aroma therapy. 

"I have received light that you are injuring your body by a poverty-stricken diet. ... It is the lack of suitable food that has caused you to suffer so keenly. You have not taken the food essential to nourish your frail physical strength. You must not deny yourself of good, wholesome food.... Get eggs of healthy fowls. Use these eggs cooked or raw. Drop them uncooked into the best unfermented wine you can find. This will supply that which is necessary to your system. ... Eggs contain properties which are remedial agencies in counteracting poisons. Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 203, 204 (To Dr. D. H. Kress, 1901).  {2SM 303}. Even though we avoid animal foods, on rare occasion I have used this remedy with much success.


"One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in fomentations. This is a most successful remedy. If wet in smartweed boiled, it is still better. I have ordered this in cases where the sick were suffering great pain, and when it has been confided to me by the physician that he thought it was the last before the close of life. Then I suggested the charcoal  and the patient slept, the turning point came, and recovery was the result. To students when injured with bruised hands and suffering with inflammation, I have prescribed this simple remedy, with perfect success. The poison of inflammation was overcome, the pain removed, and healing went on rapidly. The most severe inflammation of the eyes will be relieved by a poultice of charcoal, put in a bag, and dipped in hot or cold water, as will best suit the case. This works like a charm." {2SM 294}. 50% Charcoal with 50% ground flaxseed is also recommended.

"I have ordered the same treatment for others who were suffering great pain, and it has brought relief and been the means of saving life. My mother had told me that snake bites and the sting of reptiles and poisonous insects could often be rendered harmless by the use of charcoal poultices. When working on the land at Avondale, Australia, the workmen would often bruise their hands and limbs, and this in many cases resulted in such severe inflammation that the worker would have to leave his work for some time. One came to me one day in this condition, with his hand tied in a sling. He was much troubled over the circumstance; for his help was needed in clearing the land I said to him, "Go to the place where you have been burning the timber, and get me some charcoal from the eucalyptus tree, pulverize it, and I will dress your hand." This was done, and the next morning he reported that the pain was gone. Soon he was ready to return to his work." {2SM 295} 


"Educate away from drugs. Use them less and less, and depend more upon hygienic agencies; then nature will respond to God's physicians-pure air, pure water, proper exercise, a clear conscience. Those who persist in the use of tea, coffee, and flesh meats will feel the need of drugs, but many might recover without one grain of medicine if they would obey the laws of health. Drugs need seldom be used." {CH 261}. It is sad that the government wants to gain control or the natural remedies like herbs and make them prescription items. Beware of Codex and food safety Bills that hide the true agenda!

"Drugs never cure disease; they only change its form and location. ... When drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a beneficial effect. A change may take place, but the disease is not cured. It will manifest itself in some other form. ... The disease which the drug was given to cure may disappear, but only to reappear in a new form, such as skin diseases, ulcers, painful, diseased joints, and sometimes in a more dangerous and deadly form. ... Nature keeps struggling, and the patient suffers with different ailments, until there is a sudden breaking down in her efforts, and death follows. {HL 243.3}  

"The sufferers in such cases can do for themselves that which others cannot do as well for them. They should commence to relieve nature of the load they have forced upon her. They should remove the cause. Fast a short time, and give the stomach chance for rest. Reduce the feverish state of the system by a careful and understanding application of water. These efforts will help nature in her struggles to free the system of impurities." {MM 281}. Notice the word "impurities". This means toxins which poison the system.

"There are persons who would be more benefited by abstinence from food for a day or two every week than by any amount of medicine or treatment or medical advice. To fast one day a week would be of incalculable benefit to them. It is foolish for one to keep on eating day after day, and yet wonder why he is in distress. Let such an one relieve himself from distress by changing his diet or by eating less. If he wills to do so, he can soon obtain relief.  {KC 145}. 

I am excited about teaching people the medical ministry work and God has certainly blessed our ministry. Since 1993, we have been implementing many facts of his work from a vegetarian restaurant to a wellness center. I am once again scheduling speaking appointments and if you are interested in having me come to teach you what God has taught me, please give me a call at 800.655.3228.


2SM - Selected Messages, Vol. 2

CD - Counsels on Diet and Foods

CH - Counsels on Health

CM - Colporteur Ministry

CME - Call to Medical Evangelism

HL - Healthful Living

KC - Kress Collection

LLM - Loma Linda Messages

MM - Medical Ministry

See you next week,
Danny Vierra

Please help Modern Manna Media Center
Dear Supporters:

    I must say it is discouraging at times when you work so hard in ministry doing God's work and very few give to help. Last week we received only a pittance. But we are excited about Modern Manna's new media center. Tiara, triple crownand trust that God will provide. The project is moving faster than expected, but we desperately need your help to pay the bills and finish the job. PLEASE HELP US.
We want to film a series of very practical DVDs where you can learn how to make and use natural remedies. We must learn how to assist nature in the healing of the patient and to know that disease is remedial effort of nature to heal. I want to teach people:

  • How to make fresh organic juices for specific ailments
  • How to make castor oil, charcoal, clay packs and poultices 
  • How to make herbal remedies for what ails you
  • How to do a coldsheet treatment and fever bath
  • How to heal your negative attitudes and emotions
  • How to do hydrotherapy
  • How to do enemas
  • How to skin brush
  • How to use weightlifting for building muscle and bones and aerobic exercise
  • How to use simple natural remedies for specific problems like castor oil drops for cataracts, colloidal silver for sinus problems, and Russian Penicillin for bacterial problems
  • How to prepare delicious raw and cooled vegan meals
  • How to give health studies from the Bible
  • How to do health evangelism
  • To film a BellaVita session and get the messages out worldwide
  • To teach people how to run their own health and healing facility

Modern Manna is solely funded by your tax-deductible offerings and donations, so please help Modern Manna make a difference in a diseased and dying world by supporting the new studio today.
     For your convenience, you can  make donations online at
or send them to:
Modern Manna
519 S. Central Ave.
Lodi, California 95240.
Thank you,
Danny Vierra
May 9 - 18
Call 1-800-655-3228

Join Danny Vierra for the next therapeutic cleansing program at beautiful BellaVita. The unique 10-day session includes instruction in the 8 Laws of Health and Health Disciple Training Program. 
Take a tour of BellaVita by clicking on the link below. 
BellaVita Lifestyle Center