The Elijah Prophecy
 Modern Manna Ministries                      Issue 63                                    March 12, 2010

Will We Follow Israel's Example?
Tiara, triple crown
     Friends, first  I want to thank all of you for your Emails, letters, and cards of encouragement. They are very much appreciated. It is comforting to know I have friends and supporters all around the world.
     Now, I want to draw your attention to a few Scriptures that you might know and have read many times. The Scriptures say: 
"Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:11, 12.
     These verses teach us that God uses examples in the Old Testament to teach His people living in the end of time not to make the same mistakes. We have the examples plainly revealed in Scripture not to follow in the same paths as Israel of old and fall into the same apostasy.
     Specifically in this chapter, Paul is referring to the time when the people of God were wandering in the wilderness. Here they started lusting "after evil things" and murmuring and complaining against the Lord. Do you know what they were lusting for, and why they were murmuring and complaining against God? The answer is found in Numbers 11.
      In this chapter, the Bible tells us that the mixed multitude and the children of Israel "fell a lusting" and "wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?" It further points out that they were complaining about the manna, or vegetarian diet, that God rained from heaven as He was trying to lead them into the Promise Land! 
     "But now our soul [is] dried away: [there is] nothing at all, beside this manna, [before] our eyes. And the manna [was] as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium [golden].   [And] the people went about, and gathered [it], and ground [it] in mills, or beat [it] in a mortar, and baked [it] in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.  
     "And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it. Then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent: and the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly; Moses also was displeased." Numbers 11:6-10.
     What have we learned from this lesson so far? Evidently, the Israelites were lusting after a flesh-food diet and complaining about the vegetarian diet God had provided to keep them healthy and disease-free. To the contrary, they murmured and complained and wanted meat.
      Psalms 78:24-31 records what happened to those that complained about the Lord's provisions or diet that He deemed best. "And [He] had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. Man did eat angels' food: He sent them meat to the full.
      "He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind. He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea: And he let [it] fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations. So they did eat, and were well filled: for he gave them their own desire;  
      "They were not estranged from their lust. But while their meat [was] yet in their mouths, The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen [men] of Israel. For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works." 
      Are God's people repeating the same mistake of Ancient Israel - lusting after the Big Macs, the Whoppers and cheese, the dead carcasses of animals that are, often times, too sick to walk? Are we murmuring against the diet God has chosen for us as recorded in Genesis 1:29 - a  whole plant food, vegetarian diet, free from all animal products, just like Israelites of old? If God were to slay those who are gluttonous today, according to government statistics, two-thirds of Americans would have eaten their way to the grave!    
      Once again, God is trying to lead His people into the Promise Land, but this time it is the heavenly Canaan where He will not be serving fried chicken or beef or turkey burgers on the menu. That is for certain, for the Bible assures us "there shall be no more death." (See Revelation 21:4).
      Think about it.  
God Bless,
Danny Vierra
     Remember, I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe. But I can share what I do for myself or what my children do for themselves.
    Consult your physician before using any of these remedies and watch him laugh, or better yet, the Master Physician "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Ps.103:3
In This Issue

      I praise God for giving me the strength do so many things at once. I have been busy working on our new building project, and getting excited about the future with Modern Manna Media. After you read this week's feature article, please read the note below it to learn how you can help Modern Manna reach the world! Now to my article.

     I never dreamed God would one day lead me to make an infomercial on colon cleansing that would be a blockbuster on national television. But with half of the nation constipated, an infomercial on the subject would naturally attract the attention of millions of  grunting Americans.

    I said on the TV show The Almighty Cleanse that America is nation of constipation, fermentation, putrefaction, and autointoxication. Our lack of attention on good elimination and digestive health, and our increased consumption of fiberless feasts have awarded Americans with the highest amount of digestive disorders, bowel disease, and colon cancer in the world. America has earned first place in the colon disease contest of the world!

     The U. S. medical professionals say that 3 to 5 bowel movements a week is normal and that there is no medical reason to have a bowel movement every day. The natural doctors, on the other hand, teach that we should have 2 to 3 bowel movements a day.  Here are some of the facts:

1. The medical profession claims there is no medical reason to have a bowel movement every day. (
2. Normal bowel function is three to five bowel movements a WEEK, and constipation is less than three bowel movements a week! (National Digestive Disease Information Clearing House).
3. Over half of Americans do not have a bowel movement each day. (
4. Harvard reported as many as 44% of Americans strain and grunt to have a bowel movement. (Harvard Newsletter)
5. The FDA says that the average American male may be carrying 5 - 22 lbs. of fecal matter on any given day. (FDA)
6. The third leading cause of death from cancer is colo-rectal cancer. (ACS)
7. The European Journal on Cancer, 2004 said: "Constipation raises your risk of colon cancer.
8. The Natural Center for Health Statistics reports that Americans eat 5-14 grams of fiber daily, short of the 20-35 grams they should be eating.
9: The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain, comprised of 57 leading physicians, reported: "Death begins in the colon." They concluded that nearly every contemporary chronic disease is related to poisons in the colon.
10. The highest consumption of red and processed meat significantly increases the risk of colo-rectal cancer. The largest study to date reported that eating as little as 3 oz. of red meat a day produced these results. (The American Cancer Society, 2005).
11. Long term constipation is linked to anxiety, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction. (Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2003).
12. Parasites will effect a billion people this year. The broad-fish tapeworm, which can grow to 35 feet and live 10 years in a human being, can lay as many as one million eggs in a human per day. (National Geographic, Oct. 1997). 
13. Merck Manual, the standard medical text, says "if you live long enough, every American will get bowel disease."

      To deny constipation contributes to a host of diseases is ludicrous and shows the ignorance of the medical profession. Persistent constipation is a major killer and is initiated by a poor diet and improper lifestyle habits. Plugged-up Americans consume a diet high in animal protein and fat, dairy products and refined carbohydrates. Many Americans consume over 500--12 oz. cans of soft drinks per year. In fact, new research presented at the American Heart Association's Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention annual conference in San Francisco. This new research reveals that over the last decade, soda consumption has conservatively caused:

� 130,000 new cases of diabetes
� 14,000 new cases of heart disease
� 50,000 more "life years" with heart disease over the last decade

"The finding suggests that any kind of policy that reduces consumption might have a dramatic health benefit," said senior study author Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo (associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco).
   Years of wrong diet and consequent constipation may cause autointoxication. Autointoxication is is defined as a state of being poisoned by toxic substances produced within the body. Our bloodstream is being poisoned from the undischarged feces that is rotting and dehydrating in our intestines and this is considered normal by American doctors. All those bologna  or ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread and burgers and fries are acid-forming foods and cause excess mucus in the body and a build up of mucin on the wall of the colon. With lack of fiber to sweep the intestines, food begins to break down without being eliminated. Proteins putrefy and rot, carbohydrates ferment, and oils and fats turn rancid. The body becomes poisoned from its own waste. Our own fecal matter starts to slowly poison us, infecting and rotting tissue, degenerating our bowel, causing inflammation, polyps, fissures, ulcers, tumors, cancer, and eventually killing us.
     If these poisons are not constantly excreted they will find a vicarious elimination. When our bodies are overwhelmed by toxic substances beyond its ability to eliminate them through the channels of elimination, the body institutes emergency action to expel the toxin burden. "The impurities of the body, if not allowed to escape, are taken back into the blood and forced upon the internal organs. Nature makes an effort to free the system, and the effort produces fever and what is termed disease." Healthful Living, p. 228.
     Dr. J. H. Tilden writes: "One of the first things to do to get rid of any so-called disease is to get rid of Toxemia, for it is this state of the blood that makes disease possible. Disease is a crisis of Toxemia, which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood about the toleration point, and the crisis, the so-called disease--call it a cold, flu, pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever--is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin. Any treatment that obstructs this effort at elimination baffles nature in her effort at self-curing." J. H. Tilden, M.D., Toxemia Explained, 1926, p. 49, 79.
     "If the colon is not working properly, toxins must exit the body through other routes: the kidneys, the skin, the breath. Many of these patients have bad halitosis, body odor, etc. When a person becomes ill from colon disease, he or she may develop a variety of symptoms, including headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, or cardiovascular disease." William L. Cowden, M.D., internist, classical specialist in internal medicine cardiologist. I remember Charlotte Gerson saying: "Doctors have no idea what to do with toxins" and thus no need to detoxify. At BellaVita Lifestyle sessions, I see so many dis-eases eliminated when people cleanse the elimination organs of the body, especially the bowel. I do believe death begins in the colon and and the majority of people are self poisoned by autointoxication.
    Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D., made the following statement: "In the 50 years I've spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people's health problems." Dr. Bernard Jensen studied with many very successful doctors throughout the United States and Europe.
   In his book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, Dr. Jensen discusses mucoid plaque. He writes: "The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins,  poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level."
     On page 27, he reveals his experience in this matter. "One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil. The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It's that hard and black. Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an incredible 40 lbs. Imagine carrying all that morbid accumulated waste."
     On  page 42, Dr. Jensen talks about his old teacher John Harvey Kellogg at the Battle Creek Sanitarium who "maintained that 90% of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon." On page 43, Dr. Jensen explains that National College in Chicago performed over 300 autopsies. "According to the history of these persons, 285 had claimed they were not constipated and had normal movements and only 15 had admitted they were constipated. The autopsies showed the opposite to be the case, however, and only 15 were found not to have been constipated, while 285 were found to have been constipated. Some of the histories of these 285 persons stated they had had as many as 5 to 6 bowel movements daily, yet autopsies revealed that in some of them the bowel was 12 inches in diameter. The bowel walls were encrusted with fecal material."
     Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium said, "Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal."
     So, let me summarize the picture for you. Most of Americans are going to suffer from bowel disease or already are suffering from hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, polyps, colon cancer, diverticulosis, crohn's disease, or constipation. That is why I address the colon when it comes to natural healing. Most Americans have colon problems and need help.
     At BellaVita, we teach people the most effective natural remedies for evacuating the colon of old feces. They learn that they  must:
1. Get their bowels moving 2 - 4 times a day.     

2. Stop or decrease the production of mucus and mucoid matter in the intestines by consuming raw foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and juices and avoiding white refined foods and animal foods and their byproducts.
3. Loosen the encrusted morbid matter and accumulated waste stagnating in the colon by consuming a high fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting regular exercise.
4. Remove the build-up of mucoid plaque from the walls of the intestines with specific natural products like bentonite clay, charcoal, psyllium, and other mucilaginous herbs like marshmallow and flax.
     So many Americans are suffering from an impacted colon because they are eating too many foods that lack fiber. Another reason is that they are eating mucus-forming acid foods like meat, dairy, and sugar. Alcohol and coffee are two other beverages that cause excess acid and abnormal PH and resulting mucus build-up in the intestines. As I said earlier, the mucus is produced to protect the intestines from the large amount of acid and conditions like ulcers. As the mucus builds from eating too much bologna, salami, sausage, pizza, donuts, coffee, cakes, pies and processed foods, the standard American diet (SAD), the more mucus is formed layer upon layer on the colon walls and dehydrates forming the hard, truck tire-like rubbery black fecal ropes. When I was a young boy, my mother would take me with her to the butcher shop every Tuesday. She would order a big salami and bologna, pork chops, two types of cheese, steaks, fresh hot dogs, blood and link sausage, and other cuts of meat. I would love to go because the butcher would hand me a raw hot dog to snack on while my mother shopped. When I was 28 I did my first colon cleanse taking two tablespoons of psyllium husks in juice every two hours for a total of 12 tablespoons a day. On the odd hours I would take a glass of fresh juice 6 times a day. I would drink a half gallon of 2 tablespoons of Desousa's or Celtic Salt in half gallon of very warm water with the juice of one half lemon first thing in the morning to push the psyllium out and flush the colon. After three days on the cleanse, I was shocked when I passed a 6 ft. black rope out of my colon after drinking the cleansing beverage. Here is a picture of what it looked like.
      I had two people at BellaVita actually pull black ropes out of their anus. One of them said, "Gross! It is like a hard rubber hose." She pulled out about twelve inches on two occasions. One nurse was gathering  ropes of rubbery green feces and putting it in ziplock bags (she had gloves on, of course). She said, "I have been a nurse for 19 years and I have never seen anything come out of a human body like this." She wanted to prove it to her husband.
     Remember a sluggish bowel retains pounds of fecal matter and can cause the bowel to balloon, effecting and putting pressure on other organs of the body like the ovaries, uterus and prostate. That is why I see so many miracles happen when a person colon cleanses. I had an infertile nurse go on a cleanse and, afterwards, she was blessed with twins. Praise God. Pressure on the fallopian tubes and the uterus could have been the problem.
     One last point I want to share before I close is if you are suffering from a stagnant bowel, as in constipation, you can load up on lactobacillus acidophilus which will reculture your bowel with good bacteria. I tried it recently and was pleased to have two to three easy bowel movements a day. I took a liquid acidophilus and drank all 16 oz. in a day. It worked great! For more information on how to do a cleanse see COLON CLEANSE.

God bless you,
Danny Vierra  
P. S. Learn how you can help Modern Manna .by reading the next article.
Please help us complete Modern Manna Media
Dear Supporters:

    How exciting! We just started the construction on Modern Manna's new TV studio and offices. The project will take a couple of months to complete, but we desperately need your help to buy the building supplies now.  I was able to barter with a general contractor who is framing the building and overseeing the entire project in return for a 10-day session for his wife and him at BellaVita. Thank you Lord for Raleigh and Londa.
     The cost to build the ministry offices and studio  is priced at $12,000. My goal is to make DVDs on present truth and "How To" presentations on health and healing--a health library series of DVDs on subjects like juicing, hydrotherapy, raw food preparation, herbal therapies, the laws of health, and more. Even a DVD on how to run a lifestyle facility.
     Modern Manna is solely  funded by your tax-deductible offerings and donations, so please help Modern Manna make a difference in a diseased and dying world by supporting the new studio today.
      For your convenience, you can  make donations online at DONATIONS or send them to:
Modern Manna
519 S. Central Ave.
Lodi, California 95240.
Thank you,
Danny Vierra
May 9 - 18
Call 1-800-655-3228

Join Danny Vierra for the next therapeutic cleansing program at beautiful BellaVita. The unique 10-day session includes instruction in the 8 Laws of Health and Health Disciple Training Program. 
Take a tour of BellaVita by clicking on the link below. 
BellaVita Lifestyle Center