old downtown
  Groveland Historical Society  
                 a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Our Past
for the

* B'nW and GHS - demolition update
    > See nostalgic movie
* Take a virtual new julian tour of the museum 
* 500 families, 200 photos - deadline to order Images of America: GROVELAND 
* New FFA exhibit

       B'n W water tower comes down
On left, a B 'n W orange juice can from the canning plant's heyday. On right, the B'nW water tower after it was torn down last week.

   For decades, the shiny, silver B'nW tower peered down at the city standing guard over one of the state's most successful canning plants at the intersection of busy Highways 19 and 50. But in recent years, the plant had changed hands. The tower rusted as the "B 'n W" logo wore off.
   The current owners are demolishing the plant and selling much of it for scrap. The Groveland Historical Society was allowed to take a quick peek and recover a few artifacts, which you can see on our Web site.
>>CLICK HERE to view B'nW photos.
>> CLICK HERE to read a Sentinel news story.
Saturday, June 13, 11 a.m. - reception for citrus workers. 
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GHS demolition begins this week
 Takes a while to download - but worth it!
        ghs3  ghs11
   This week, demolition crews will begin preparation to demolish the former Groveland High School. The building symbolized many things to the students, faculty and staff who went there. The Groveland Historical Society spent an afternoon last month taping the campus while Bill Cockcroft, a former student, teacher, coach and assistant principal, and Betty Gray, the widow of former teacher and principal Cecil Gray for whom the school is named, shared recollections of GHS.
   A special thanks to them and to volunteer Mike Williams who videotaped the tour and is editing the video into a DVD, which will be available to view or purchase soon.
City proclaims July  --
one book Monthmayorbook
The City of Groveland, the Marion Baysinger Memorial Library and the Groveland Historical Society are co-sponsoring a One Book One Community summer reading project.
People are encouraged to read Images of America: Groveland and to discuss it with others who are reading the same book.
 Join the weekly Brown Bag Book Discussion group every Wed. at noon at the Marion Baysinger Memorial Library:
July 8 = Taylorville & Early Groveland
July 15 = Groveland: 1940s - 1960s
July 22 = Schools & History Makers
July 29 = Neighboring communities
CLICK HERE to sign up. View www.grovelandhistory.org for more details and to find out other dates and locations.
To order, go to www.grovelandhistory.org or print out this coupon and mail with a check made out to Crosswords Communications and mail to Doris Bloodsworth at
 1295 Burning Tree Ct., Winter Park, FL 32792
Name _____________________________________
Address ___________________________________
City _____________________ State ___ ZIP _______
Do you want the author to autograph your copy?
July 4 = Groveland's 4th of July Celebration
July 4 = Museum's 2nd anniversary
July 4 = Book signing, Lake David Center
July 6 = Senior Jamboree,  Wyche Senior Center
July 8, 15, 22, 29 = Brown Bag Lunch Discussions
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Senior Jamboree
The Groveland Historical Society initiated a new outreach program in June called Senior Jamboree. The brainchild of super volunteer, Mary Helen Myers, (pictured below), the new project brings history and fun to the seniors at the James L. Wyche Senior Center.
>>CLICK HERE to read "History and Sing-along Entertain Seniors" from The Daily Commercial.
>>CLICK HERE for more.                       
On left, Kitty Arnold Herzog recently visited the museum with her two daughters, Dr. Gena Bedrosian and Ann Herzog Probst. On right, Carol Murray Tomlinson and Peggy Parrish Sloan led a workshop on genealogy.
       kitty2  carolpeggy
Quick Links
Groveland Historical Museum
We're also now on facebook
Keep up to date in live time when we add new events.
Look for "Groveland Historical Museum" on FB.

Groveland's 4th of July Schedule of Events
GHS Alumni Web site
If you wish to view the GHS Web site, and haven't joined already, contact Deborah Whitmore Hicks at  WSAdmin@myfamily.com, and she will help you register.


Historically Yours  

Groveland book 
Check, credit card or PayPal 
Fri., June 12
Deadline for guaranteed preorders!

Images of America: GROVELAND includes more than 200 photos and the names and/or photos of more than 500 families. It tells the history of the city dating back to the Civil War.

>> CLICK HERE to see a list of the names and/or photos included in the book.
Just updated! If you checked before, check again.
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 Tour the museum on
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New Arrivals!
 The Gray Middle School FFA chapter donated all its memorabilia, including trophies and ribbons from decades ago when it was Groveland High. Groveland's FFA chapter was known nationally for its accomplishments. Stop by the museum to see our newest collection.
Eloise Tomlinson Johns donated shorthand, bookkeeping and typing books from GHS.
City Councilman Jim Gearhart donated some Harmon Citrus knives and a GHS license plate.
 Thank you!
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orange tree
Giving Tree
 Honors Donors

The Groveland Historical Museum honors donors with a laminated orange inscribed with their name on this wall-size tree at the museum entrance.
You can donate online at the museum's Web site or you can mail donations to:
Groveland Historical Society, P.O. Box 761, Groveland, FL 34736.
Suggested donations:
$25 = single
$50 = family
$100 = business
BIG THANKS to these recent donors who will be added to our tree:
+ Dr. Gena Bedrosian
+ Julie & Bill Law
+ Mary Helen & Wally Myers
+ Valerie Austin Bronson
Join Our Mailing List
Hang Out With Old Friends

Help us staff the museum for two hours on a Saturday of your choice. It's fun and educational.

To find out more, call Marie Padgett at 352-429-4318.