July 2012
In This Issue
Webinar on Tuesday!
New Uses of TREDIS
Aricles and News
Coming Soon TREDIS 4.0
Competitive Grants
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This newsletter provides updates on TREDIS: the Transportation Economics Suite.  If you do not wish to receive future editions, please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page. 
 Upcoming Events
WEBINAR: "Adapting Transportation Economic Analysis to Audiences and Issues" featuring 6 guest speakers
Tuesday, July 31st at 1 p.m. EDT
Register Today!

WEBINAR: Introducing the NEW TREDIS v4.0
Stay tuned...Coming in September!
New Use of TREDIS

- University of Georgia - Collaborative transit study

- Empire Corridor high speed rail study for NYS DOT

- Transport for New South Wales - Rail transit corridor

- Ohio River Bridges study for Indiana Finance Authority

- San Francisco Land Use & Productivity study for MTC


"Economic Effects of Public Investment in Transportation And Directions for the Future" by CNT and SSTI, 2012. Access the    

webinar & report.


"Better Use of Public Dollars: Economic Analysis in Transport- ation Decision Making" by ENO Center for Transportation, June 2012. Access report.


Study: "Economic Impact Analysis of the Downtown Green Line Vision Plan and Georgia Multi-modal Passenger Terminal" for Central Atlanta Progress, 2012. Access the report.  


Article: South Carolina I-73 study in the news. Access the  article and summary.

 TREDIS v4.0 - Coming Soon!
TREDIS v4.0 has a new easier to follow analysis process which provides the user with better on-screen guidance. It focuses on helping you gather only the data inputs you need for any specific type of analysis. And, it helps you communicate your results to your target audiences. TREDIS also includes expanded mode, purpose and industry details, and new ways to interface with other programs. More details...  
 TREDIS for Competitive Grants
New MAP-21 legislation provides funding for a continuing set of grant programs, which include requirements for economic impact analysis and benefit cost analysis.  Contact us to find out how TREDIS can help with your grant application.