Upcoming Webinar: Economic Impact Analysis for Transportation Projects: An Introduction to TREDIS (Tuesday, November 16th at 1pm EST). This informative session will demonstrate how easy it is to incorporate economic impact assessments into your project planning and policy strategies. There is no cost but advanced registration is required. To register, go to www.tredis.com/register.
The TREDIS webinar series has been expanded into three parts: - Policy issues with guest panels;
- Special modal topics with guest presenters; and
- Introductory presentations
Recordings: If you missed any of the previous webcasts, two recent modal webinars were recorded and are now available for viewing (and listening). One addressed freight and trade impact analysis and the second discussed assessing public transportation options. Access them at www.tredis.com/register. |
The new TREDIS 3.6.4 has several features added by user request. They include:
- Freight Flow Reporting Option
- Supply Chain Reporting Option
- Base Case Forecasting Options
- Improved Report Exporting to Other Programs
- Updated Economic Datasets
See the new freight and supply chain reports on our web site. For more information, contact us at info@tredis.com or call the TREDIS Hotline at 617-303-0424. |
A growing number of universities are using TREDIS as a teaching tool for multi-modal benefit and cost assessment, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Austin and University of British Columbia. For more information, see our web article on the TREDIS University Program. |
Twitter -- Don't miss the latest news, events, and updates; you can read past TREDIS tweets and sign up to get future ones. Follow us at www.twitter.com/Tredis_software.
The TREDIS team cosponsors events that relate to the use of economic analysis in transportation planning and decision-making. In October, TREDIS displayed at the annual conference of the AMPO Annual Conference, sponsored by the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (http://www.ampo.org) in St. Louis. Coming up next, the presentation team will be on hand to welcome you to the TREDIS display booth featured at both of these events:
- International Transportation and Economic Development (ITED) Conference (http://www.ited2011.org/) in Charleston, WV f May 1-4, 2011.
If you are going to any of these conferences, please stop by the TREDIS display booth.
Stay tuned for more conferences, webinars, and updates coming in 2011... |