EDR Group Update

Economic Development Research Group, Inc.                                     September 2010
EDR Group Sponsors ITED Conference

The International Transportation and Economic Development (I-TED) Conference, to be held in May 2011, will bring experts to discuss new innovations and best practices in the field. EDR Group is proud to serve as a financial sponsor of the conference. Read More and see conference website

Benefit/Cost and Economic Impact Analysis
The US DOT sponsored a day-long training workshop in Washington, DC in which Glen Weisbrod, President of EDR Group, presented on differences between benefit/cost analysis and economic impact analysis.   Read More, and see the workshop video and slides 

Using Economic Analysis for Transport Decision-Making

A national webcast was held to highlight new ways that state and regional agencies are incorporating economic analysis into their program planning, project prioritization and selection processes. It featured speakers from DOTs and MPOs nationwide.  Read More, view abstracts and see the recorded event 
Federal Contracting-MOBIS 
EDR Group is now a pre-qualified MOBIS contractor, and federal agencies can access services of the firm through this program. EDR Group earned this status by passing a rigorous review of the firm's products, services, expertise, and customer satisfaction.  Read More  
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We are sending this update to alert you to recently issued reports on transportation and economic development.  (If you don't want to get future updates, see bottom of this page to unsubscribe).

The EDR Group Team
High Speed Rail and American Cities
The first detailed study of local economic development opportunities associated with high speed rail (HSR) service to American cities has been released.  This study was conducted by EDR Group for the US Conference of Mayors.  Read More and see media coverage
Economic Impact of Atlanta Hartsfield Airport
Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is a worldwide hub for both passenger travel and air cargo.  The air freight and visitor travel activities have different economic impacts on the Atlanta metro region, six southeast region states, and the Piedmont Atlantic mega-region. These impacts were part of an updated 2010 economic study for the airport.   Read More and view the Report
Durham, Ontario Rapid Transit Strategy
Recognizing that new rapid transit lines can have regional economic consequences, Durham (Ontario) Region Transit turned to a team of HDR/iTrans and EDR Group to assess the economic development implications of alternative strategies.  The impacts of both rail and bus-based alternatives were evaluated.  Read More and view the Report
Transportation and the Massachusetts Economy: a New White Paper

EDR Group developed a white paper, released by Our Transportation Future (OTF), highlighting the need for an intermodal transportation investment strategy in Massachusetts.  Entitled "Moving Forward: Transportation and the Massachusetts Economy," the white paper examines the relationship between transportation investment and key industry clusters that drive statwide economic growth.  Read More and view White Paper

New Hampshire Passenger Rail - Capital Corridor
Development of an intercity rail service from Boston to Concord, NH is part of a long-term development plan for high speed rail system connecting Boston to Montreal.  EDR Group worked with TranSystems to prepare a report on Economic Impact of Passenger Rail Expansion along the New Hampshire Capital Corridor.  Read More and view Report