We thought you'd be interested in seeing the latest quarterly newsletter of TREDIS - the Transportation Economic Development Impact System. However, if you do NOT wish to receive this newsletter, you can choose to unsubscribe at the end of this document.
TREDIS v3.5 New Features
TREDIS version 3.5 has a host of new features and improvements, including:
- Multiple
perspectives of benefits and costs: National vs. Study Area.
- New
dedicated server with improved security, better performance, and greater
capacity for concurrent users.
- More streamlined integration with IMPLAN economic impact model.
TREDIS & Appalachian Highways - ARC Development Highway System Report Out (ADHS)
TREDIS results were featured in a new ARC report discussed at a Congressional briefing on Capitol Hill - the report examines the economic impacts of completing the 13-state regional highway system in Appalachia.
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TREDIS Highlighted at IMPLAN Users Conference
IMPLAN users heard how TREDIS can be combined with other tools, including IMPLAN, at a recent conference in Colorado.
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