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The TREDIS Concept

TREDIS is a new concept, a modular framework for evaluating economic impacts and conducting benefit cost analysis for freight and passenger rail, marine, air and road transportation projects and policies.

TREDIS aids state, region and local transportation planning, project prioritizing, freight policy, toll policy and EIS reports.

Visit the TREDIS website for more information.
Case Study Postings
The website has new case study descriptions for recently completed TREDIS applications.

Links on the Web

There is a growing body of third-party discussion about TREDIS as well as postings of transportation study reports that have relied on TREDIS. See for yourself by visiting our new web links page.

Web links to reports and articles featuring TREDIS

Server Expansion
The growth of TREDIS users has approached the capacity of our shared server, so we are in the process of installing a dedicated super-server system in Dallas, TX. The process will be completed during February 2008.

Read more about server security
We thought you'd be interested in seeing the latest quarterly newsletter of TREDIS -  the Transportation Economic Development Impact System. However, if you do NOT wish to receive this newsletter, you can choose to unsubscribe at the end of this document.

New Research: Direct User Impacts

TREDIS accomplishes the difficult task of tracking the complexities of multi-modal user benefits. A recent article, A Generalized Approach for Assessing the Direct User Impacts of Transport Projects, by B. Alstadt & G. Weisbrod, presented at the Transportation Research Board's Annual Conference, discusses how this is achieved and the recommended approach as implemented in TREDIS.

See the Article on Direct User Benefit Accounting
Featured Case:  Wisconsin Short-Line Railroad
Wisconsin DOT has provided a summary of its uses of TREDIS to assess the potential impacts of a short-line railroad abandonment. The results also showed the benefits of the state taking action to keep the rail line operating.

Read on...
Updated TREDIS Features

TREDIS version 3.3 incorporates the following requested improvements:
  • new multi-user security options,
  • new report tables on economic competitiveness,
  • updated business attraction calculations.
The next update, scheduled for late Feb. 2008, will include new reports on regional freight flows, as well as an enhanced breakdown of regional vs. national benefits.

During February, we are also soliciting ideas about features and improvements to be implemented during 2008. Please post your suggestions at the TREDIS Forum. Please use the login details you already have or register as a first time user. You can start a new thread or contribute to an existing discussion.

Add your suggestions for TREDIS improvements.
Please contact us to learn more about TREDIS and how it can help you.


Brian B. Alstadt, TREDIS Liaison
Tel. 617 338 6775 ext. 209
Email. balstadt@edrgroup.com