Dear Friends and Colleagues,


In the past few months, we have had a lot to celebrate at the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program.


On April 12th, we hosted the formal dedication of the Bernard M. Gordon Tribute to Engineering Leadership. Attendance included Bernie Gordon, over 40 Gordon Fellows and Gordon Fellow Candidates, and many of the faculty and friends who make this program possible. We thank everyone who was able to participate in this special day.


In addition, our current Gordon Fellows Candidates have been honored with a number of significant academic and industry honors. Some of their success stories are detailed below. I hope you'll join me in celebrating the achievements of these burgeoning engineering leaders!



Simon Pitts
Director, Gordon Engineering Leadership Program

Outstanding Graduate Student Award

The Graduate Student Government and Office of the Provost selected Lauren Brown to receive the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for her significant accomplishments in experiential learning at the FDA Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center.
Raytheon IDS Technical Honors

Gordon Fellow Candidate Justin Gravois was awarded Raytheon IDS Technical Honors for making clearly identifiable contributions in the areas of technical achievement, leadership, and enterprise success, as well as exhibiting high potential for significant future contributions.  More GEL News

Lockheed Martin Management Excellence Award

Gordon Fellow Candidate Joshua Herzig was selected by managers at Lockheed Martin in Chelmsford, MA to receive the Chelmsford 2011 Management Excellence Award. More GEL News


2012 Latino Science & Engineering Award

National leaders of the SACNAS-SHPE-MAES STEM Consortium awarded Gordon Fellow Candidate Adriana Gutierrez with the 2012 Latino Science & Engineering Award. The event honored Latino university students who have exhibited outstanding academics and leadership. More GEL News

National Security Innovation Competition

A team of graduate students from Northeastern's Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) center won the top prize of $10,000 in the 2012 National Security Innovation Competition. Team members included Gordon Fellow Kathryn Williams and Gordon Fellow Candidate Spiros Mantzavinos. Read More


COE Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Richard Alexander Showalter-Bucher was named COE's Outstanding TA for his work with GEL's Scientific Foundations of Engineering course taught by Dr. Stephen McKnight. In his nomination, Simon Pitts cited Alex's ability to respond to concerns with empathy, confidence, and professionalism. More GEL News
In the News

The current issue of Northeastern Magazine features GEL benefactor Bernie Gordon and his mission to bolster America's economic future.

The issue also profiles other leaders who are making an impact on the world.

Recent Event

Bernie Gordon was the guest of honor at the dedication of the Bernard M. Gordon Tribute to Engineering Leadership.

The celebratory luncheon that followed included attendance by over 40 Gordon Fellows and Gordon Fellow Candidates.

Quotable Leaders

"Leadership is a two-way street, loyalty up and loyalty down. Respect for one's superiors; care for one's crew."

- Grace Murray Hopper
, Computer Programming Pioneer

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