Washington Ambulance Association Newsletter
Post Office Box 294, Washington Depot, CT  06794
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More Stroke Resources
Seasonal Perils
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Issue # 3May 4, 2012


Dear Neighbor,


In the United States, stroke is the fourth leading cause of death, killing over 133,000 people each year.  It is also a leading cause of serious, long-term disability.  Stroke can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of age, sex or race.  More women than men have a stroke each year, and women are twice as likely to die from stroke as from breast cancer. 


The good news is that we now have many effective treatments for stroke.  Time is critical!  The earlier that a stroke is recognized and treated, the better it is for the patient.  Recognizing stroke symptoms - and recognizing them as a medical emergency warranting a 911 call - can save a life and limit disabilities.  Indeed, the life you save may be your own.


Use the FAST test to remember warning signs of stroke.


F = FACE.  Ask the person to smile.  Does one side of the face droop?


A = ARMS.  Ask the person to raise both arms.  Does one arm drift downward?


S = SPEECH.  Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase.  Does the speech sound slurred or strange? 


T - TIME.  If you observe any of these signs, then it is time, right then and there, to call 911.  Do not delay that call!  The earlier treatment starts, the more effective it will be.   


Why does acting quickly matter?  A stroke is a brain attack that cuts off vital blood flow and  oxygen to the brain, thereby killing brain cells.  Fast treatment can stop the stroke process, potentially saving a life and limiting disability. 


May is National Stroke Awareness Month.  We encourage you to take some time this month to learn more about stroke.  There are many excellent resources available - see the links below.      

More Stroke Resources


The National Stroke Association offers a wealth of resources, including information about stroke risk factors and how to reduce them, the different kinds of stroke and treatment options, and living with stroke.  They also have on their Website a series of vignettes called The Faces of Stroke, in which stroke survivors share their experiences.


Hartford Hospital's Stroke Center offers information about the latest clinical treatments, clinical trials, and their acute stroke interventional program.


An article on About.com, Recreational Drugs, Alcohol and Stroke highlights the fact that certain drugs (especially cocaine, heroin,  amphetamines, and alcohol) can cause stroke.  


Seasonal Perils

Every summer, we see a certain number of seasonal emergencies that could be prevented (or made less serious) with some advance planning.  The American College of Emergency Room Physicians offers some terrific resources on preventing seasonal emergencies, including these Tips on Summer Safety

We would especially encourage all of you to stay cool and hydrated this summer.  Dehydration - which is when your body does not have the amount of water or fluids it needs to function - can be very dangerous.  To prevent dehydration, you should drink plenty of fluids, kicking up your fluid intake when the weather is hot or you are exercising, and bearing in mind that alcoholic and caffeinated beverages can worsen dehydration.  Water and sports drinks are better choices! 


Come Pay Us a Visit!

Washington Ambulance will have a table at the Community Day scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd in and around the Depot.  Please do come and visit us!  We will be happy to take your blood pressure, give you a tour of the ambulance or give you a File of Life kit.
The Volunteers of Washington Ambulance Association
Susie Wallace-Wyant, Chief