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Finding Ways to Love Yourself
In This Issue
Weight Loss Tips
Sweet Potatoes
Weight Loss Consults
New Location
Featured Video
Abhyanga - Ayurvedic Self Massage
Abhyanga - Ayurvedic Self Massage

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ratulations to Jessica E,  our monthly free consultation winner!  


February is a time when love is in the air! The cold and dark weather of winter combined with the arrival of Valentine's Day gives us that urge to snuggle up with someone sweet! 

This year, I would encourage you to focus those feelings of love on yourself first. Self love is about recognizing what you need in a particular moment and acting on that understanding. Loving yourself can be about massaging your body with warm oil, taking a bath with sweet aromatic oils or making yourself satisfying food. At other times, loving yourself can be about removing your own obstacles to satisfaction. This can take the form of making a plan to lose weight, doing an Ayurvedic cleanse or making changes in your lifestyle that decrease stress and promote a clear sense of purpose.    

Below, you will find some easy Ayurvedic tips for weight loss, a recipe to keep you nourished for the winter and information on consultations. We hope you use the ideas presented here to discover new ways to love yourself and to express that love to the people around you.

Share the Love!

Andrew Thomas
Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist
Director of Consultation Services
Lose Weight and Love Yourself 
Arriving at Your Ideal Weight with Ayurveda

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When it comes to setting an intention for the New Year, losing weight is at the top of the list for the majority of people. Everyone is searching for that combination of exercise and diet that will have them dropping pounds like flies at a pesticide convention. People endure all sorts of extremes such as intense workout regimens and starving themselves just to achieve the aesthetic in their body they feel will bring them happiness. After a few weeks of this self-flagellation, most people give up and return to the food and lifestyle that makes them comfortable. Is there a way to break the cycle between "No Pain, No Gain" and T.V. with Bon Bons?



Recipes: Food As Medicine
DB Logo Sweet Potatoes with Ginger & Pecans

In winter, the body needs extra protein, carbohydrates and fats to insulate itself from the cold and dry weather of the season. The sweet potatoes, pecans and oil in this recipe provide comfort and satisfaction to the body and mind. The use of a warming spice like ginger helps to digest the heavy ingredients in the recipe.    

  • 4 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 Tbs. minced fresh ginger 
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup raw pecan pieces
  • mineral or sea salt
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • fresh basil or mint, optional garnish


Read the Recipe
Weight Loss Consultations 
Weight loss consult Transform Yourself

Making the changes that are necessary for sustained weight loss can be difficult for those of us who lead busy lives. It can be extremely helpful to work with someone who can support and guide you as you start down this path. Your practitioner at Doctor Blossom is ready to create a weight loss plan that works with your schedule and is designed for your unique nature. Our weight loss plan includes specific information on the foods, herbs, exercise and daily routines that will help you look and feel your best. It's a new year, are you ready for the new you? 


Any of our consultation options from a half hour meeting to three months of support can be focused on your weight loss.  


Read more about our our Ayurvedic Consultation Options  

Doctor Blossom at Yoga Tree Telegraph 
New Treatment SpaceYoga Tree Entrance

We are happy to announce that Doctor Blossom has a new treatment space at the Yoga Tree Telegraph studio in Berkeley! If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can meet with Scott Blossom or Andrew Thomas for your consultation in person at our new location.


Doctor Blossom at Yoga Tree TeleTreatment Roomgraph                

2807 Telegraph Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94705 



We hope you come and see us soon!