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Australian Car Wash Association             

Can you survive without ACWA ....


While your business runs smoothly day by day,

you may think that being a member of ACWA is not essential.  But ACWA survives on members' fees and if there is not enough support from the car washes and industry suppliers then ACWA will cease to exist. 

No wages or OH&S hotlines, no regulator negotiations on chemicals, water restrictions, legionella or whatever crisis comes up next. No information gathering.  No stakeholder and public education campaigns promoting the car wash industry. No safety net at all


ACWA promotes a strong, united partnership between industry suppliers, car wash operators and ACWA, your industry association


Please pay your

2012-2013 Membership Renewal promptly;

or JOIN ACWA today 

Pay your ACWA Membership Renewal before the end of July and Take 5% Off your pro-forma invoice total Offer Expires:
31 July 2012

Advertise your environmental standards with the nationally accredited 


email for details
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facebookclick here to LIKE ACWA 

New Wage Rate Information 


To ensure that all ACWA Members receive this information - an email and attachments was sent on 6/07/2012, there was a hard copy (as an insert) included in your latest ACWA Newsletter and you can look at the details on the ACWA Website


Do you Dogwash?

Did you know that 70% of families own a pet? and that most of those pets are dogs? You can offer another service at your site that will better your business.   How easy is it - you wash your car and you wash your dog all at the same location.  ACWA member, Greg Scott has long sung the praises of dogwashes in fact, he presented on

this topic at a past ACWA Convention - he says ... 


".. After the last 7+ years with two dog washing machines I decided to upgrade this area of my carwash site.   

I contacted ACWA and sold my 2 old dogwashes in the CLASSIFIEDS area of their website.   

I now have one brand new dog wash  unit operating and hopefully will purchase the second one in September.

WOW - What a difference this has made to my bottom line and my customers (and their dogs) are so excited with how simple and easy the new dogwash is to use.  Even better I have had a steady increase in new customers which certainly is a good sign for my next machine.."  

                      Greg Scott, Robina QLD 

 Interesting Links

read article - and don't you wish that the Australian Water Authorities felt the same obligation to ensure that they did not cause business failures by excessive water restrictions......????? 

BEWARE of strange men on your carwash roof as reported in   The Canberra Times
and picked up by USA publication P C & D


Please share this Newsletter ! 

Forward it onto your business associates,
your industry suppliers,
your site manager and attendant/s and even the carwash down the road....

Australian Car Wash Association 

PO Box 4390,  Langwarrin 3910 VIC

Telephone:   Office -  1300 00 2292
Mobile - 0400 070 417 (business hours)